Characters and Powers

Yashiro Katsui - Muscle Boost. He has the ability to strengthen and increase the sizes of the muscles in his body. Thus increasing his strength to incredible levels.

Sando Kyojiro - pyrokinesis. He has the ability to control fire or create balls of fire which he can throw at devastating speeds.

Minako Yakuda  - Cryokinesis. She can create ice from any part of her body and control It.

Shihata Saki - Clairevoyance. She has the ability to gain information about objects, people, events, etc using the five human senses. Also, when in contact with a human, she sees briefly into their future.

Aibuto Choreo - Substance Mimicry. He has the ability to temporarily change his skin/ body to whatever substance he mimics.

Hirase Raga - Tremors - He has the ability to create Tremors from his hands and feet. Through the ground or water.

Koda Tamahiro - Oryctokinesis.  He has the ability to control any type of rock or throw a boulder with a flick of his fingers

Rezu Tamahiro -She has the ability to manipulate the water around her, but she cannot create water from nothing.

Mika Amon -Darkness manipulation. She can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.

Rando Yukumi - Steel Skin. He has the ability to turn his skin into a protective layer of steel, which boosts his strength and also stamina.

Tanori Kyoda - Powered Tattoos- he has the ability to draw ancient symbols and inscriptions on his body or his surroundings,which give him temporary range of abilities based on what he drew.

Dota Amaku - Air manipulation - He possesses powerful wind and air elemental powers and can manipulate them in anyway he wants.

Rani Rimomi - poison - She can create any poison from her body and can also release poisonous gas from her pores.

Chibi Yasu - Animal Control - She can establish a link with animals which allows her to communicate with and command them to do most things she wants.

Murake Sasho - illusionist - He has the ability to create powerful and vivid illusions.

Fukuma Nagazo - Cyberkinesis - He has the ability to manipulate any electronic devices within a certain radius.

Sezato Kayasu - 6th Sense - He can predict where attacks are going to land on his body. Making him very hard to hit.

Chino Dokoya - Energy beams - She can create lasers or beams of energy from her body, powerful enough to destroy a boulder

Hayasato Tamune - Portal creation - He has the ability to create portals to various places he's been to or he's seen.

Takegai Hiroki - invisibility - he has the ability to go completely invisible to the naked eye.