
After the incidents at the academy several months earlier, the academy had decided to get serious about defense. Which was made evident by the changes that were made to the security staff, turrets and facial recognition alarms.

However they also decided to put students through defensive scenarios.

So, every Friday, the students had a more improved version of combat training.

Specialists were brought in, who helped the students train in whatever martial art they preferred. During these sessions, the use of powers was prohibited.

There were 4 specialists assigned to the students.

Yashiro, Sando, Koda, Sezato and Takeyomi were with Tsuramitsu koyaro, a tall and stocky man with broad shoulders and short black hair who specialised in kicking techniques.

Every week, he drilled several principles and exercises into the students and was teaching them how to use their legs effectively.

Shihata, Aibuto, Rezu, and Fukuma trained with Takumi Shisashi, a grappling specialist. He taught them how to utilise their cores and stay low during a fight.

Boxing and punching techniques were the most popular among the students, as the majority of them trained with Mimori Yuhi, who was the assigned punching specialist.

The students with him were, Rando, Hirase, Tanori, Dota, Sezato, Takegai and Hayasato.

The last specialist was Okimiya Minegi, a short woman who was proficient in various combat arts, including some that utilised various weapons. The rest of the students were with her.

The students were still very excited about all the news they had received from Dr Yahara the day before regarding their abilities. They couldn't wait for Friday to come so they could try out new things.

At the end of the session, Izume came in to make an announcement.

"I know you're all tired but I have a bit of somewhat exciting news for you all. A few months ago, Yashiro made a suggestion of a joint teacher and student training scenario. In other words, a repeat of the students vs teacher event you went through during your entrance examinations.

We have discussed it and have decided that this event will take place during tomorrow's session.

It'll begin later than usual because I'm sure some of you will be too excited to sleep early tonight.

Anyway, I hope you all had a good session, have a nice evening and see you tomorrow at 12:30."

As she left, the students spoke excitedly amongst themselves in anticipation for the next day.


"So, what's the plan Yuri?"

"Young Mistress Mikaza is very intelligent and perceptive, Kibara. If she senses us or thinks she's being followed she'll disappear again"

Kibara chuckled, "if that happens, we are as good as dead."

Yuri nodded in agreement

The two men stood about 300 metres away from the academy gates inspecting the building and it's surroundings.

Kibara pointed at the little police building in front of them, before speaking.

"we need to do something about them first?"

"In due time" Yuri responded, "once we have a solid plan. In the mean time, let's continue to lay low. Remember Kibara, conceal your presence at all times. This is mistress Mikaza we are dealing with"

Shortly after the conversation, the men faded away into the nearby forest.


Amino Jashin hadn't made a single arrest since the formation of the anti blight task force, and commissioner Yanagara grew more impatient as the days dragged on.

He called Amino in for a meeting, demanding an explanation as to why there had not been any progress.

Immediately Amino stepped into the office, he could sense Yanagara's anger.

"Amino, when I appointed you as the leader of the task force, I did so because I believed the hatred and anger you had for them would drive you to round them all up but it's been 3 months and there hasn't been a single arrest. Explain yourself."

Amino cleared his throat before responding.

"Sir, with all due respect, these aren't normal criminals we are chasing. The minute they caught wind of a task force hunting them, they scattered and went into hiding.

Since then, every time we corner them, they somehow manage to escape. About a week or two ago 2 of them were gunned down but we believe one of them had healing abilities because we lost nearly all the officers present. This isn't an easy battle commissioner Yanagara, but I promise you, I will get results. I even have a lead to follow up on"

Yanagara leaned back in his chair and remained silent for a few seconds "do not disappoint me, Amino. That will be all"

He nodded before exiting the office determined to follow up on the lead.

A tip had come from a civilian in a remote part of the city, claiming they saw a suspicious man around a farmhouse in the outskirts of the city.

He had instructed a few members of his task force to scope out the area quietly to see if there was any movement but to not engage and wait for him.

He drove there as fast as he could with a very determined look on his face.

A few minutes later, 4 agents arrived at the gated Kashima farm, where the call had come in from. It was a 10 acre farm with a fairly large barn towards the rear end of the field.

There was a large farm house at the entrance, the field was directly behind the building.

Armed with rifles, the agents decided to split up. Two went to the investigate the farm house and the other two went to the barn.

The two around the house moved quietly, inspecting every window as they went around the house.

The agent in front stopped after peeking through one of the windows. He turned around and whispered to his partner.

"Kiba, look at this" Tasho said, indicating to his partner with his hands to come over.

Kiba looked through the window and was shocked at the scene.

There was blood all around the insides of the living room of the farm house. There was an old couple in the middle of room, the man holding onto the woman.

This enraged both Kiba and Tasho. They immediately decided to disregard Amino's instruction to not engage.

Kiba angrily grabbed his radio. His thought process overtaken by his anger.

"Osara, Yaragi. Do you copy? We believe the fugitive is here. Shoot to kill"

There was radio silence for a few seconds, until an explosion was heard from the direction of the barn.

Unfortunately for the agents at the barn, the radio call from Kiba came the wrong time as it alerted 9 who had been hiding in the barn.

He immediately created a large sphere of yellow energy roughly the size of a gym ball and threw it in the direction the noise came from.

Both Osara and Yaragi were leaning against the wooden barn trying to listen for any movement and were not expecting this sudden attack. The explosion gravely injured the both of them.

A long wooden splinter went through Osara's chest just below his ribcage, while Yaragi had her foot blown off as she took the brunt of the attack.

Shortly after, 9 ran out of the building and ran the other way, away from the barn.

Osara picked up his radio, coughing up blood as he spoke.

"Tasho...Jackrabbit...north-east from the farmhouse"

Tasho was the assigned group sniper so he understood why Osara was giving him this information.

As Tasho began running towards the right, he shouted instructions to his partner. "Kiba, check on those two"

9 decided his best chance of escaping was through the forest behind the barn which was about 300 metres away.

Right before he entered the forest, a bullet ripped through his knee.

"FUCK!" He exclaimed, as he dropped to the floor with a hole in his knee cap.

Kiba had real fear in his eyes when he got to his other teammates. Osara's breathing had become raspy and was getting shorter and shorter. Yaragi was unconscious from all the bloodloss and Kiba froze.

Osara spoke quietly again. "Kiba, tourniquet"

The agents were all given a mobile touniquet kit for situations like these. He quickly reached for his and applied it to Yaragi's foot, promptly stopping the bleeding. He called for medical assistance before turning back to Osara.

"What can I do?" He asked

Osara smiled, "I'm done for, Kiba" he coughed again before speaking. "Just make sure Yagari doesn't die, and don't let that bastard escape"

Kiba's radio went off, "Kiba, he is down, get him"

Osara smiled again, "time to shine, Hunter"

Kiba dusted himself off and with tears streaking down his face, he jumped towards the direction of the forest covering the entire 300 metres in one jump.

As he landed, 9 wasted no time, he launched multiple yellow spheres at Kiba.

They exploded upon impact, knocking Kiba to the floor as he coughed.

9 could barely stand but he knew being captured was not an option for him.

Before he could say anything, Kiba began speaking. "You rats just go around killing everything you come in contact with. Does life have no meaning to you anymore? You attack kids, women, the elderly for no apparent reason and with no remorse. Enough is enough. I'm going to exterminate you all"

He had a venomous look on his face.

9 laughed, "be careful there agent, those aren't the words of an officer you may cross a line you can't come back from "

Kiba charged at 9, catching him by surprise and striking him across the jaw. Knocking out a tooth and causing him to fall back to the floor.

Anticipating what was coming next, he charged a beam of yellow energy in his hands and caught Kiba's next punch.

Kiba yelled in pain as his fist and some of arm was blown off.

9 took this opportunity to try and gain some distance but was hit with another bullet in the shoulder from Tasho's sniper rifle. Though he could barely see the target.

9 fell again, realising he was losing a lot of blood

[I might be in trouble here. This would be easier if 6 was here] he thought.

He looked over at Kiba, who was back on his feet. The bleeding had already stopped and there was a stump where his hand had been blown off.

For the first time, 9 began to fear for his life because to him, Kira looked like a wild animal.

He ran at 9 once again, who was sitting against a tree and kicked him in the head. 9 raised his hand to fire a beam at Kiba who grabbed the arm and snapped it backwards.

9's scream of agony echoed through the forest but Kiba didn't stop there. He continued kicking and punching the defenseless 9 until the screams stopped. His face emotionless, he removed his pistol from the holster and fired 3 shots into 9's head and chest, killing him.

"What...what have you done Kiba?" Tasho asked as he noticed the state 9 was in.

"justice" he responded, his face, still emotionless