Spencer Kingsley. The New Girl.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake uuuuuuppp!" Nick was jumping on the other side of my bed at an ungodly hour.

"What the hell are you doing," I ask him. My voice was raspy with sleep and my eyes were burning.

It was still dark outside.

"You have to start getting ready for school." He finally stopped jumping on my bed and stood by my room door.

"Ok, I'll be up soon." I start going back to sleep, but then I feel water pour all over my face. It almost suffocated me and I begin to choke like a fish out of water. I rolled off my back to get the water out of my nostrils and glared up at Nick.

He sent me a nervous smile and ran off. I didn't have the strength to fight him, so I just started getting ready for school.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I went through my closet to find an outfit. It was my first day, so I needed to look fresh. I didn't care what people thought of me, but I liked to look good for myself.

I slip on a white, bralette crop top, some high waisted blue jeans, a blue and white checkered flannel on top, and some white air forces. I put on my jewelry and fix my hair. I didn't have to do much to my hair because it was naturally curly. I just detangled it.

I grabbed my bag and keys and made my way downstairs. Nick had already left for school, so I headed out, with no time to spare for breakfast.

When I stepped outside, the weather was nice. The temperature was in the 70s and there was a breeze. I drove to my new school and arrived 30 minutes early, so that I could get my schedule and find out where my first class was.

When I walked into the school everyone turned around and started whispering things about me. It gave me this weird, familiar feeling from when I was bullied and had everyone whispering things about me, but I tried my best just to ignore them and went to the office. I stopped at the front desk and there was a lady sitting there.

"Hey sweetheart, how may I help you," she asked, with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, miss. I'm new here. I came to get my schedule," I tell her.

"What's your name."

"Spencer Kingsley."

"Welcome to Academy Arts High, Spencer. Here's your schedule. Wait here, I'll ask for someone to show you to your first class." she gets up and I wait for her.

While she's gone, I look around me, trying to get a feel of the school, when I spot a familiar face. His black, curly hair and deep bluish/ gray eyes were hard to miss. He caught me staring at him, but I didn't look away and neither did he.

"Looking at Chester Scott, huh?" I broke eye contact and looked to my right to see a girl with red wavy hair and brown eyes. "By the way, I'm Lily Bowland. I'll be showing you around."

"Spencer Kingsley." I put out my hand and she shakes it.

"So, welcome to Double A high. Home of the hormonal teenagers." I like her already. She's funny.

"So, where's your schedule?" I hand her my schedule and she scans through it.

"Looks like you have English first. We have some classes together, but unfortunately, not first period. I have physics," she states while passing me back my schedule.

"That's cool. Are you in any clubs or sports," I ask Lily.

"I'm actually on the cheer squad. You should totally try out if you want. We also have soccer, flag football, softball, basketball, volleyball, track and field, cross country, swimming team, photography club, law club, Future Educators of America, dance team, STEM, and many others. I can get you a list of them all if you want." She was speaking so fast I could hardly keep up.

"I'll have to think about it. I was in gymnastics for a while, but I don't know about cheer. I might just do a club." I didn't want to be rude and say I desperately didn't want to tryout, so I just settled for that answer.

"That's awesome. You could be a good addition to the team. If you change your mind, there are tryouts tomorrow, after school." She stops in front of a classroom.

"This is your English class. We have four classes every day of school. 1,3,5,7 on odd days, like today and 2,4,6,8 on even days, like tomorrow. In between, there is lunch. I'll see you during lunch if you decide you want to sit with me. Consider us friends," Lily says.

"Thank you so much. I'd love to sit with you during lunch. Thank you." We wave each other goodbye and I go to enter my first class of the day.

I walk into the classroom and everyone turns toward the door where I'm standing. Although I arrived 30 minutes early to school, I still ended up making it ten minutes late to class, so the classroom was full.

I heard more whispering of 'Oh my god' and 'A new girl?' but I just ignored it and walked up to the teacher.

"You must be Spencer Kingley, my new student. Welcome to English 3. I'm Ms. Tollis. There's a seat next to Parker. Parker raise your hand."

I looked towards the left of the class and spotted him with his playful, happy grin. His blonde hair almost resembled the sun. I head over and take my seat.

"Nice to see you again," he brings his hand out for me to shake.

I just smile and shake his hand.

"We didn't really get to talk Saturday. So, how has Philly been treating you."

"It's been fine, except for the part where my brother doesn't know how to not interrupt my sleep," I tell him.

"Ugh. That reminds me of my sister. I love her and I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, ever, but that eleven year old, she-devil is asking for it. All she knows how to do is annoy me and disobey when I tell her no boys."

"Trust me. It'll get worse, but it'll only be a phase. My brother is a year older than me, but he's like overly protective and it drives me insane."

"Well, damn. Does that mean you've never had a boyfriend," he asks.

"I have my ways," I say laughing.

" What department are you in?"

"I'm in arts, what about you," I ask him in return.

"That's pretty cool. I'm in the business department. My parents want me to take over the family business and I'm cool with it, so they enrolled me in here. What courses are you doing?"

"I'm doing the photography courses and some painting. Are you in any clubs or sports," I ask, interested.

"I am actually. My other friends, the ones you met the other night, we're all on the football team and most of the girls in our group are into art and photography or on the cheer team, including Lily, the girl who dropped you off. All the boys in our group are seniors except for me. I'm a junior like you. One of the girls is a senior, while the rest are juniors and sophomores."

"Can't wait to meet the rest of them. If their anything like you, then I should get along with them fine."

"Their all a bunch of sweethearts," he tells me with the sweetest smile. I wanted to pinch his cheeks, but I resisted.

In no time, the bell rings and we're dismissed to our next class.

"It was nice talking to you officially. I'll see you during lunch, Spencer." We wave bye and I head to my next class, which happens to be Italian.

Yes, I am taking Italian as a language. While my brother and I were growing up, my brother picked up the hobby of learning different languages and Italian was one of them. I just happened to catch on and now I'm fluent, so this would be an easy class. Language classes were mixed, so there would be students of all grade levels.

When I entered, I saw the last person I expected to have a class with. Chester Scott.