Chapter three Alex

I paced my bedroom floors while chewing on my fingernails.

It was a bad habit, but I couldn't seem to break myself from it. I had to think up a plan. I was not under any circumstances going with Noah tomorrow.

I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen if I went with him.

I couldn't believe my parents were making me go.

Sometimes I wished I wasn't the princess of Nobria.

I wanted normal parents who would comfort me when I'm upset, not tell me to get over myself. I want parents who would care what my opinion was.

I want parents who would love me for who I am, not be disappointed that I wasn't born a man. I wanted to get away from this life.

An Idea struck me. A stupid, reckless, probably gonna regret this forever idea. I changed into a black shirt and black skinny jeans, and tied my hair into a tight bun at the nape of my neck.

Next I found a duffel bag and stuffed as many shirts and jeans as I could in there, and a canteen with water. I was leaving and I wasn't coming back.

There was nothing here for me, so why stay. After strapping my armor on I lowered myself out of my window like I've done hundreds of times before.

I knew I was thinking stupidly, but I didn't care.

My feet hit the ground and my heart started beating faster out of excitement. I strolled through the castle grounds and to the stables.

There was a lantern hanging on the wall giving the barn a warm, cozy look. I quickly saddled the closest horse to me, a black mare. I rode away from the stables, away from the castle, and away from the life I never wanted.

It was near dawn when I stopped to rest. I had been riding all night and my muscles were sore. I was taking a small road nobody ever used anymore that went straight through the woods. I'd caught a rabbit and roasted it over the fire I had just made. Turning it slowly until it was done. I pried the meat off the bones with my teeth. It wasn't as good as the food in the castle. It was unseasoned and not marinated, but it was food and I had to eat something.

I grabbed my canteen and drank the last of my water. I was gonna need some more soon. I put my helmet back on. I had to keep my armor on in case someone just happens to cross paths with me.

I rode till evening when the sun finally decided to slowly make its way down the sky, making shadows that sometimes looked like humans or worse. I knew it was likely vampires and werewolves lived in these woods, but I was counting on getting out of here before I encountered one. Before the Blood War we never knew they existed. The discovery that elves, dwarfs, werewolves, vampires and many more were not just fairy tales caused the war. I came across a large stream and jumped off. I took off my helmet and felt fresh air across my face. I grabbed my canteen. After filling it up I sank to my knees and splashed water in my face. A twig snapped right behind me. Almost too quiet to be noticed. I splashed another handful in my face. Whoever it was they were close. I gracefully spun around and tackled the person to the ground. He had armor and a helmet on so I couldn't see his face. Before he could try to flip me I pulled a dagger from my waist belt and held it up to his throat. "Who are you?" I asked angrily. Then it dawned on me. "Did the king send you to bring me back?! News flash I'm not going back! And I'm not marrying that arougent pig of a man!" I ripped his helmet off to see if it was one of Captain Hames men.

I froze. I didn't think I was even breathing. No, no, no… I was staring into familiar silver eyes. The ambush. The soldier who saw my face. The soldier I hadn't killed. My confusion must have shown on my face and one corner of his mouth pulled up as he smirked at me. That was when I realized that through my shock I had loosened my grip on him. He twisted his foot around mine. My back hit the ground and he came out on top. Pinning my wrists to either side of my head he knocked the dagger out of my hand. "Well isn't this a surprise.��� He said, still smirking. I squirmed underneath him. "Get off me!" He was undeniably strong. "Now why would the king of Nobria send soldiers to bring you back to his castle?" I stopped squirming and my heart skipped a bit. I didn't answer him. "You're not a criminal. You said something about not marrying an arrogant pig of a man?" I saw understanding flash across his face before he laughed. "You're his daughter, the princess." I cursed under my breath. "No I'm not. I'm a lieutenant."

"And I'm a disabled old man." He stated smugly. "That horse is from the royal stables. You're a girl, the princess, alone out here in the woods. Don't you know what's out here?" I scoffed "Of course I know what's in these woods. I wouldn't be that much of an idiot to blindly run into unknown woods." He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion like he finally realized who he was talking to. "What are you doing out here, alone?" "I can take care of myself." I spat. "Really now?" He was being cocky, I thought to myself. "Because from where I'm at it doesn't look like it." I was suddenly very aware of our position. Up close I saw that his silver eyes looked like they held a thousand stars. I noticed his long lashes as they brushed his cheeks when he blinked. There was no denying that he was handsome. I scolded myself and snapped out of it. Bringing up my knee I hit in between his legs. His grip on me loosened as he groaned in pain. I pushed him off me and stood up. Taking my sword out of its sheath I leveled at his chest. "Who are you?" He stood up, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm aaalex." His eyebrows furrowed as if he was confused by his words. "Alex?" I questioned. He nodded. "You fight for the kingdom of Xafrar." "Fought for the kingdom of Xafrar." Alex corrected. Now it was my turn to be confused.

He scratched the back of his neck looking boyish even with his armor on. "I um… deserted." I stared at him in shock. He deserted? I heard a howl in the distance and spun around tracking the direction of the sound. "You know, since we both ran away-" alex started but I interrupted him. "I didn't run away." I said sharply, but the truth was I did. I ran from my problems. I tried to look at it like I wasn't running away. I was running to something, I just wasn't sure what. "Okay… but we need each other's help if either of us want to get any sleep tonight or any night after this." I raised my brow. "You want to stick together?" "Well, yeah, for protection." Alex was right, I realized. I wouldn't be able to sleep and keep watch at the same time. And I needed sleep if I was going to last another day, but I didn't know this man. "Why should I trust you?" "I'm not going to hurt you." my facial expression didn't change. "Look I'll give you my weapons if it makes you feel better." I nodded. It would. We set up camp a little ways off from the stream but close enough to come back to refill our water supply. Neither of us made conversation. I decided to take off my armor since Alex was here; it wouldn't be as suspicious as one woman traveling alone. I felt instant relief as I finished taking off the metal pieces. Alex stared at me, looking me up and down, but it wasn't like the other stares I got. No this was different, more admiration then lust. Before I could tell him off for staring at me he spoke. "You never told me your name." The names of princes were passed around, but princesses were simply known as princesses. "Freya." I replied.

He was silent for a moment before asking. "Why'd you leave the castle?" I sighed. "Because I wasn't going to stay there and be forced to become some prince's plaything." He laughed. "Most princesses I know of would jump at the opportunity to marry a prince." I chuckled. "Well I'm not like other princesses." He shook his head, still laughing. "No I guess you aren't. I saw you at the ambush. Who taught you to fight like that? Your parents?" I scoffed. "My parents would kill me if they knew I was in the army." I stopped for a moment. "My grandfather. The greatest man I've ever known. The only man who cared about my opinion." Alex caught the sadness laced in my voice, and contemplated before asking, "What happened to him?"

"He died two years ago with some sickness that we couldn't figure out."

"I'm sorry for your loss." Alex said sincerely. "I know what it's like to lose someone." from his tone I could sense he was telling the truth. I nodded my thanks. "You should get some rest. I'll take the first watch." I reluctantly agreed.