Chapter: Take Care Of Yourself.

"Ms Yoon!" Someone knocked on Eun Soo' cabin's door.

"Come in!" She ordered.

Her cabin wasn't that huge as it should be being a founder of an event management company, "Of Roses and Daises"

The cabin walls were coloured in espresso while the wall behind Eun Soo' desk was painted in ruby having white three strips on the corner going down diagonal while other three more intersecting them in between going all the way up. Some photos were hung too, speaking out different inspirational words or quotes. All the furniture present in the room espresso in colour except for the chairs which were ruby in colour.

The door of her cabin opened and a man dressed formally came in,

"Ma'am, Mr Ahn has accepted our proposal. He wants to promote our business."

A smile spread on her thin pink lips and she took the files from the man's hand.

"That's great news!" She exclaimed.

"You can go now."

The man smiled, bowed in respect and left the cabin in a hurry. Eun Soo leaned back on her chair and looked at the ceiling feeling delighted and relieved.

" are you looking right now at me?" She whispered as she closed her eyes. Staying like that for a while she stood up to step down from her cabin to the work area of her staff.

Everyone gathered there and congratulated her one bye one when Yoona came.

"Your family would've been so proud of you today if they were alive, Eun Soo." Yoona kept her hand on Eun soo' shoulder and smiled warmly.

"Alive? Doesn't ma'am has a sister." One of her staff said and was elbowed by her colleagues.

"What?!" She questioned her friend who elbowed her.

"Am I wrong, Ma'am?" She asked Eun Soo innocently.

Eun Soo looked at her and shook her head slightly without showing any clear expressions. Yoona stood beside Eun Soo and tugged her arm.

"Ignore her, not everyone knows about your sister." She whispered.

Eun Soo looked at her and assured her by patting Yoona' hand which was tugging her arm.

"Don't worry."

She then looked at the crowd of her staff addressing them,

" that everyone is here I would like to say that there's gonna be a celebration on Sunday evening, the venue will be told by tomorrow morning. Everyone should be present there."

"Yay!" Everyone cheered in the chorus and clapped for Eun Soo.

"Now you all may go back to work." She said and everyone dispersed.

"Cancel my meetings of the night, if there's any. I have to go somewhere." Eun Soo turned towards Yoona and informed her.

"Where?" Yoona questioned.

"As you said, not everyone knows my family problem. So, I have to invite the problem too." She said and walked away towards the stairs leading to her cabin.


"You awake now?" Hyun Soo asked as she saw Do Yun's slight movements.

He looked at her and opened his eyes gradually, Hyun Soo was sitting just beside him, since when? No one knows. He nodded as he looked at her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked further with worried eyes.

"It-" He cleared his throat and whispered

"It hurts less now."

Hyun Soo smiled in relief, "That's a relief. Well...I'll take my leave now." She said and was about to stand up when Do Yun questioned in a low voice, "Why?"

"I was waiting for you to wake up so that I can leave. Actually...Aunt had to go somewhere due to her issues and Aera was nowhere to be found so, I had to come here."

He tried to sit upright but seeing him struggle Hyun Soo held him and helped him to sit properly.

"Since when have you been here?" He asked as she sat back.

"Umm...maybe around midnight...aunt called me and I came here." She said while thinking a lot.

"Oh!" He exclaimed slightly.

"So I'll leave now, I have to wash up and go to the cafe too." Hyun Soo and was about to stand up again when Do Yun interrupted,

"Ms Hyun Soo!"

"Hm?" She again sat down and looked at him.

"Will you... help me to get to the bathroom?"

"Ah! That's right. You haven't washed yourself up. Okay, let me help you." She said and gave him her arm so that he could stand up.

She struggled to get him towards the bathroom which was on the right side of his bed probably some ten steps far. Do Yun could see how exhausted she was by being awake almost the whole night, he could see that she didn't have much energy left in her but still she is trying her best to help him.

"Be careful. I'm standing outside if you need anything just call me." She said and Do Yun made his way inside.

He went towards the mirror limping a bit. Looking at his reflection he sighed, he touched his slightly swollen eye and it hurt a lot.

"I can't even heal it this time." He whispered.

It was his first time being all wounded for this long, it pains a lot to him but there's nothing he can do. Gazing at the mirror he suddenly remembered something. Before falling on the road being all dizzy after the fight he had seen someone on the rooftop of a small house. He wasn't able to see clearly but he had seen the man's hands glowing blue.

"Who was that?" He narrowed his eyes while thinking deep.

"Are you alright, Mr Do Yun? you need any help?" Hyun Soo broke his concentration.

"N-no, I'm fine." He replied.

He then quickly got freshen up but wasn't able to take a bath properly because of his heavy and paining head. He came out and saw Hyun Soo still standing outside.

"Yo-you didn't go back?" He asked out of concern.

Hyun Soo again held him by his waist and took his one arm on her shoulder to give him support and said, "How could I have? If you had needed any help?" She said and Do Yun looked at her with eyes of concern.

He didn't feel this right to make Hyun Soo suffer cause he was admitted to the hospital. He went towards the bed and sat on it while finally leaving Hyun Soo' hand.

"You may rest and let me ask the doctor what can you have for breakfast." She said with a smile.

"No." Do Yun interrupted when she was about to leave.

"Hm?" Hyun Soo turned and looked at him.

"I should go back home and get some rest. I'll ask Aera to look after the cafe."


"You don't need to take too much care about me, care about yourself."

"You don't need to work overtime." He interrupted again.

"Take care of yourself, go home and rest." He said.

Hyun Soo sighed and nodded. Do Yun's serious expression didn't let her debate with him, moreover, his head could hurt if he stressed out as the doctor said, She quietly turned around to go.

"Ms Hyun Soo." He called her out and she again turned towards him, "Go carefully." Suddenly he was slightly smiling making Hyun Soo wondered.

She nodded and went out, while Do Yun picked his phone who's screen was broken. "Tch!" He exclaimed at his phone's condition.

He called Sang Hyeon and said, "Get me discharged today."

"But...why? You still haven't recovered yet, Do Yun. take rest for several more d-"

"Nope, I can't. Get me discharged or I'll myself get discharged, I won't need anyone's permission."

Sang Hyeon sighed cause she knew that she can't fight with stubborn Do Yun. He will do anything Sang Hyeon wants but when he has asked her something to do he won't step back and won't let her decline his requests.

She sighed and replied,

"Hm, okay. Will do when I get there."

Do Yun declined the call and looked up at the ceiling when suddenly thought of his mother hit his head.

His eyes went wet when he remembered those days when he was all carefree and there was nothing he had to stress about. He sighed at his own decision and closed his eyes to find a bit of peace but he only met the usual darkness. Closing his eyes he got more stressed, there were many things which he hadn't let out yet. That dream he saw when he was unconscious lying on the hospital bed rewind again.

"If that is how the future is, how will I face it?..." He whispered.