The Ngissim river

My eyes began to flutter open because of the same strange feeling I had last night. Only it was ten times worse. I frowned as I sleepily turned around on my soft bed. The problem was... I wasn't laying on a soft bed made of leaves, but rather a very hard surface. My eyes shot open and I quickly stood up. Where in the world was I?

I was currently standing on a rock that was in the middle of a bunch of trees. The camp, Edwin, Aris, Risto and the dragons were no where to be seen. I couldn't even see the path we were following the previous day. There was one thing the same though. The Ngissim river. The river sleepily followed it's path to the Yaldi see. The water too sleepy for the sun that was rising in the East.

How did I get here? I quickly searched the bag I had brought and looked for anything that could be missing. I could still remember my Granny Noon telling me to always keep this bag by me, no matter where I go and that I should never let it out of my sight. At this moment I was very grateful for listening to her. Nothing was missing but the camp was. Did I sleepwalk ? That would be unlikely. Elves didn't sleepwalk. Then what happened?!

Then it clicked. Ngissim river... I remember the old ancient language Nana taught me when I was seven. The Dorado language. Nobody knows when or where this language was created, but all the elders speak it.Ngissim.... Ngissim means missing. I was missing.

I was beginning to hyperventilate.I knew having a panick attack wouldn't help me in this situation. So I tried to slow my breathing and calm down. I had to find my way back!With a new found determination I guessed the way back to the camp. I think it was somewhere west. I wasn't exactly good with directions, but I wasn't going to wait here and sulk like a baby. I grabbed my leather bag and started walking. I didn't have my bow and arrows with me so I had no protection against the things that lurked in the woods. I decided it was best if a traveled up on the tree branches. Jumping from branch to branch to branch. Always trying to be as quiet as I could while navigating my way back to the camp.

Then I had a strange tingling sensation in my hands. A dragon egg was nearby. I looked down towards the ground that was a few feet away. There on the ground stood a tree trunk that was burned to the core. Smoke still wafting from its pores.

I silently climbed off the tree and started making my way to the tree trunk.

My Allerion senses started to kick in as soon as I was near the burnt tree trunk. Without my permission, my hand started to reach down to grab the dragon egg that I knew was in it. As soon as my hand touched a smooth rock hard oval shaped object, I pulled it out. I stared in astonishment at the black and red egg in my hand. It was about the size of my face. I smiled as I realised what tipe of dragon it was. It was a fire dragon. Tsavia would love it. I put the dragon into my leather bag and walked further along the woods .

I couldn't go back up the trees and navigate my way to the camp, because the dragon egg I had could fall. The egg wouldn't break, the egg's shell was to hard for that. No, the baby dragon inside could be wounded during the fall. I didn't want the poor dragon to get hurt just because I wanted to find my camp, so I walked unsafely alone without a weapon into unknown territory.