Mansion pt 2


While Sano's eyes were busy inspecting the strong maid feeding him the soup, meanwhile, Baron Giovanni made his entry.

His face was all smiles, and he no longer had the magical clock; putting his arms behind his slightly hunched back, the old Baron peered inside the room;

"I see that you woke up today just like I predicted!" Giovanni rang; his tone was low, yet it completely shook Sano's soul.

The boy laid down on the bed, switched his gaze to meet the baron's eyes, keenly examined every corner of his figure before switching it back again, looking disinterested.

His unique skill was so fast that even the Baron didn't detect it, as he proceeded to look at the ceiling while the maid put down the fork and slowly bowed her head to the master of the house.

She spoke, describing Sano's condition, "His pulse rate is stable on 60 heartbeats per minute, body temperature is still moderate on 98.2 degrees F, respiration rate is a bit low but no worry on his condition, while the blood pressure is normal,"

Hearing her accurate words, his eyes shined with a bright light; the terms she used are common, as they were the vital signs of the human body; however, how quick she dictated everything was the thing that amazed him.

"It wasn't even three minutes since she came in inside, but she managed to check my whole body; such skills require years of practice in the medical field; how could this maid know all of this?" He mentally wondered, drifting his thoughts to an assumption about her profession, "And I thought from where the hospital smell was coming from. Her second job might be nursing,"

Nevertheless, Sano didn't know that his speculation was close but still far from the full truth.

A laughing voice reverberated in the room, hurting Sano's eardrums, "Hehehehe, as expected from the boy who saved my life, his lifeforce is as strenuous as a cockroach,"

He strolled down, close to the bed, having a better look at sano's statue, before stretching his arms to shake the boy's hand.

Forcing his hand into the boy's side, he grabbed it, with no regards for the injuries introducing himself, "Am baron Giovanni aldini, this humble town lord,"

He added, brushing his chin, " I appreciate you for your heroic services and will reward your great deed by dropping your slave status, elevating you to a commoner,"

The news was joyful, but for some reason, Sano felt disrupted black energy coming from the supposedly kind man, ultimately making his back slightly twitch, as his senses were sharp to fabricated dispositions.

Whenever he felt this restlessness run in his spine, it means that a mysterious danger is lurking in the shadows, but he didn't hate it at all; in fact, it was ecstatic to him, to say the least, to this day, only a few times he experienced such euphoria.

Sano's interest peaked, and the calm attitude was nowhere to be seen, as the raring to find out the mystery was all what on his mind.

At first, he didn't want to have contact with an influential person till he collected enough data about this world, but at the moment, there's no way he would let out such an exciting situation.

"Hm, What this old man is hiding, I need to know," he always had this curiosity that most of the time drove him to endless troubles, but that was the only way he felt his still alive in the first place.

Immediately, but painfully he mumbled, "I Thank the Master sincerely," painfully mimicking the maid in her bow.

Baron Giovanni didn't object or try to put the "Master." down; even though the young lad saved his life, his job was to reign supreme, not letting the noble title drag to the ground, allowing a just status elevated slave to his house, was enough honor on its own.

But perhaps, the years of being in contact with the slaves made his heart more lenient.

Thereupon exchanging the master-slave greeting protocols, the old man vacated the room, leaving him to rest.

After that, he pondered about how he could affiliate himself with this house and stay longer than the time his recovery ends.

"Should I show some of my talents? Or beg him to let be his servant now that I am a commoner?"

Both of the options had their advantages and drawbacks; the first one had the most significant upside as It will be instantly upgrading him to a better position to investigate. However, it might put him on the noble older man's radar, especially that he doesn't know what kind of person he is, while the second is safer, knowing that there are no risks, but his reach and investigations will be a lot slower.

Either way, he didn't think about it as much; he was never a fan of the quote: „the quickest route doesn't always mean the best.„

Hell, it sounded totally crooked inside his mind; the fastest road was always the best; you just don't have the tools nor the ability to cross it.

Six days passed from the first time he regained consciousness, his life spent mostly on the bed, eating, drinking, sleeping, and of course not forgetting, the calls of nature were all he publicly did.

He tried to make the maid spit some of the information she knows, asking trick questions, but he only managed to get limited pieces of information; the maid was like an unbreakable locker, tightly zipping her mouth, not letting any room of intuitive words.

All in, the actual progress came from his health, gradually recovering with the remarkable green potion the maid applies to his body every day. Now, he can walk and move most of his muscles.

It wasn't till the tenth day that the wrapped mommy cloth finally got removed, showing him his new body.

Looking at the mirror, Sano was a malnourished fourteen years old boy with lengthy messy light blonde hair; his eyes were the same turbulent, mesmerizing green emerald he seeks every day, deep inside the mines. Scars covered his body, but the most memorable of them all was the one cutting his left eye almost vertically, creating an illusion of a furious beast every time his bangs moves out of the way.