Chapter 13 - Part 6

Pash strode around the cave, killing spiderling after spiderling. Fingers seemed to find that funny. He was soon barking and joining in too, wagging his tail as he ran around the room crushing spiders with every step that he took.

And then began the more mundane part. Ermos watched his apprentice go over to every little spider corpse one at a time and cast his magic on them. Sure enough, they arose, just like the others had before. He managed to get around a hundred of them under his command before he was unable to summon even one more.

And then he said to them, "disappear," and the life that he had given them left their bodies, and they once more returned to death.

He tried the same thing again.

After a while, he announced his number to Ermos. "I'm at the same number as last time, master… If your theory is right, I should be able to command a few more."