Chapter 14 - Part 3

"He took the blade back off me and forged more steel into it," Mane said, "that kept me going for a while, it did. But soon I was back talking again."

"More steel?" Fer asked.

"More steel," Mane agreed, "every time it became too easy for me, he would forge more steel into the blade, until, in time, it became as big as that which I wield today."

"It's still the same sword as the one your father forged you?" Cherry asked.

"More or less," Mane said, "I've had it repaired a few times and enchanted, but it's the same steel that my father beat into shape all those years ago. That's why, Ermos, when you asked me to get you a sword like mine, I found it difficult to agree."

"Is that so?" Ermos murmured, quite content to merely sit there, drinking his wine.