Chapter 14 - Part 5

"I'm not the only titled chevalar in the Slash," Mane pointed out. "There are more as strong as me, or even stronger… You need better men in garrison."

"Find me them, then," the Earl shot back.

"Look around you!" Mane shouted. He was getting so fired up that he rose to his feet. He had enough passion to even distract Ermos from his eating. "Everyone at this table has talent! Use it!"

The Earl cast a critical gaze along the table. "I think you might have had more to drink than me. Talent? Perhaps, but they are children. It will be years before they are of use."

Fer plucked up enough courage to speak. "I-if it please you, honourable Earl, I'd definitely be useful to you on the battlefield! In that cave, I figured out how I can get stronger. I won't need long at all!"

"Is that so?" The Earl said lightly, not immediately cutting him down.