Chapter 4- Pfft dirty

On this day, the entire Liu family was floating on air.

Liu Yusheng's eyes were examined by the doctor, and found no problem at all, so the haze in the home vanished in an instant.

Still on cloud nine, Grandpa Liu waved his hand for a feast to celebrate her full moon.

They slaughtered chickens and stewed meat, and invited almost half of the villagers to celebrate.

At this point, everyone in Xinghua Village came to know that the most favored Liu family is not the boy who passed on the incense, but their young granddaughter.

A child grows with the passing of the wind, one day at a time.

She could crawl in May and walk in September.

At one and a half years old, Liu Yusheng was able to walk steadily.

Since she has learned how to crawl, Liu Yusheng's favorite past time every day was to crawl to the doorway huffing and puffing, and sit there at exactly noon and before the evening.

Because at those times were when people who have gone to work would come home.

"Aiyo, my family's dear Nannan is waiting for Grandpa again!" Far away, a few familiar figures appeared in the setting sun, headed by Grandpa Liu with a smile creasing his entire face.

He stuffed the hoe on his shoulder into his son's hand, and strode toward the tiny figure sitting at the door.

Liu Yusheng's mouth broke into a smile, her big black eyes curving into a crescent moon. She got up in a single stroke and flung herself towards Grandpa Liu with short shaky legs.

"Grandpa, grandpa!" She raised her tiny knot-like hands and smiled as brightly as a flower.

Grandpa Liu's heart melted into a puddle, catching the little child who came flapping, and let her climb to his shoulders. The baby grabbed his neck and smiled even more deeply like a daisy, "Did Nannan miss grandpa? Grandpa will take you to play horsey!"

Behind him, Liu Dalin was holding two hoes, his face full of resentment, he is the dad!

He caught up unwilling to give up, "Nannan, you haven't called me dad yet, come down to dad, I'll take you flying, okay?"

"Dad…Dad…" Liu Yusheng's mouth was rather honey-coated, just give her candy, not money.

Grandpa Liu's eyes sharpened and kicked Liu Dalin's buttocks. "Go away, don't make trouble, Nannan came here to pick me up!"

Striving for favor with his son, his dad simply has no shame!

Liu Dalin was drowned with complaints, but has nobody to vent.

Behind him, Liu Erlin, Chen Xiulan and several others almost burst into laughter.

"Are you still going to stand at the door, come in and wash your hands for dinner!" Inside the house, Grandma Liu walked out with a water scoop and saw Liu Yusheng riding on Grandpa Liu's neck again, and exploded instantly. "This dead old man, how many times have I told you, after work, when you just came back, clean your hands before holding Nannan! What if she gets sick! Nannan, come down, grandma has cooked you sweet porridge, it's very delicious!"

Grandpa Liu was scolded, but could only mutter guiltily, "How can I be dirty doing farm work in the field, it's just that I haven't seen Nannan for half a day, I was just too happy!"

Liu Yusheng embraced Grandpa Liu's head with her two tiny paws. "Grandma, grandma… pfft, dirty!"

The slurred and childish words earned a happy smile from the family.

Alas, Grandpa Liu has lost his heart again, "Look, Nannan doesn't even dislike me, you just talk too much!"

That being said, he let Liu Yusheng down, washed his hands and feet first, and washed his face along the way.

Nannan is a sweetheart. If she really gets sick, the whole family will be distressed.

The two boys in the family came together last, every inch of their were filthy, one could wonder where they went.

As soon as Liu Zhixia came through the door, he took out a handful of red fruits from his pocket and handed them to Liu Yusheng first. "Nannan, these are haw fruits, I picked them especially for you, they are sweet!"

"I picked some too, I also picked some for my sister!" Liu Zhiqiu shouted in the back and stomped his foot, fearing that his sister would forget his credit.

As the eldest brother, Liu Zhixia felt compelled to play the model big brother, cherish the younger sister and love the younger brother, so he nodded, "We picked them together. Many people snatched them and they are difficult to find in autumn, so these are all yours."

Liu Zhiqiu was now satisfied, so he bobbed his tiger head with a grin.

Liu Yusheng regarded the two childish and lovely faces one by one, and blinked her eyes, "Brother, brother!"

The soft voice called out to the two little ones, who were caught intoxicated and stared in a daze.

This scene made the adults in the family laugh again, and the exhaustion and tiredness of the day was completely dispelled in front of the children's smiling faces.

Days passed in such simple and warm interplay.

Liu Yusheng still sat at the door every day to wait for her relatives to return home from work. Grandpa Liu always rushes up to hug someone and kicks his son aside. Grandma Liu also scolds him every day.

In front of the Liu family's door, the powdered jade milk doll sitting at the door of the family and waiting for her loved ones to return home became a scenery in the village.

So much so that villagers who passed by Liu's doorway couldn't resist stopping to tease the doll before going home with a smile.

Sitting on the wooden threshold, Liu Yusheng looked at the beautiful fiery sunset with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

Xinghua Village, Nanling State, her home.

It's remote and poor, with no high-rise buildings, no colorful neon lights, nobody dazzling in paper and gold.

Instead, it's simple and rustic, quiet and beautiful, like a paradise.

Fortunately, in this life, here she finally met loved ones who truly loved her.

From then on, she's just the little sister of the Liu family, the heart of her grandmother, and the treasure of her father and mother.

"Nannan, why are you sitting on the doorway again, your grandfather will come back soon, don't wait there." Grandma Liu looked helplessly at the powdered milk doll at the doorstep of the yard, with love and amusement.

She really didn't know where the perseverance of their little baby comes from. From the moment she could crawl, she must wait for her grandpa, father and mother at the door every day.

This clever and sensible child is just lovable from the bottom of the heart.

Liu Yusheng turned her head with eyes crooked, "Grandma, wait, wait …"

"Okay okay okay, you, you have only grandpa in your heart, and you left grandma aside."

"Love, grandma, grandma."

Grandma Liu immediately felt sweetness pouring in her heart, laughing at this exceptionally bright kid, then she went back to the kitchen to be busy.

Turning back, Liu Yusheng continued to hold her cheeks with both hands, staring fixedly at the road leading to the distance, waiting for the familiar figures to appear at the end.

One after another, villagers rushed home under the setting sun. Even the two boys who went playing wildly outside were back, but she never saw the other familiar figures.

Uneasiness hounded Liu Yusheng.

"This dead old man, it's dark and doesn't know how to come back yet! …" Grandma Liu scolded while walking to the doorway, tipping her neck towards the intersection, her eyes flashing with worry.

A terrified figure just broke into their eyes, staggering, with tears streaming down her face.

Liu Yusheng's heart plopped out of the blue.

Grandma Liu hurried and met her, "Xiulan, what's the matter, what about your father?"

"Mother, mother! Dad, he fell off the mountain! The village doctor said that he's dying and let us go to the town, wuwuwu.." Chen Xiulan's face was deathly white, crying out of breath, "Dalin and Erlin went to borrow Li's ox cart to go to town. I came back to fetch the silver."