Chapter 18 - Medicinal fruit wine

"Wife, what are you doing, OUCH! Come on, don't hit me, don't hit me, the kids are still watching, give me some face, can you! ..."

"Mother! Mother! Ow, don't hit me! All the money we've spent was calculated!"

Grandma Liu was so furious she was deaf to anything. One by one, she hit the two with her broom without discrimination.

The two men were chased around the house, and the chickens flew and the dogs jumped.

"Mother! The silver really has been accounted for! Two taels and five coppers for a pen, ink, paper and inkstone! One to two taels for rolls of fabric! Then there's meat and candy that cost another tael, it's all listed down!" Liu Dalin was jumping on his feet, explaining and dodging. The little girl who was giggling and covering her mouth was not in the least aware of the fact that his eyes swept over her, then came a yell. "Mother, stop hitting! All those things were bought by our daughter!"

Liu Yusheng, "......…." Dumping the pot to her? A two-year-old baby?

Why has she never found out before that Dad is so shameless?

The panting Granma Liu threw her broom and came to pick up Liu Yusheng into his arms, who wanted to sneak away, and pinched her little face with her rough hands. "Did Nannan buy all that stuff?"

Hiss! A bit scared, Liu Yusheng nodded her head cautiously.

"Aiyo, grandma's good granddaughter, you're so young but know how to care about people, what a rarity!" Grandma Liu changed her face in an instant and the rain and snow cleared.

The two wastrels, "…." This treatment is too unfair.

They are wastrels when they spend money, but Nannan is caring when she's the one spending it!

On the one hand, the others in the family held their red faces to hold back laughter, while Liu Erlin sneakily gave a thumbs up to Liu Dalin.

Brother, that was a good move!

In the future, if he also wants to deal with the old lady, pull the little girl forward. She's a guaranteed life-saver.

After a bit of fuss, Grandma Liu hid the thirty-six taels of silver into a small wooden box where she keeps the money safe, and the other four coppers, to the Liu Dalin couple and Liu Erlin couple, four people, each one with a copper.

"With the need at home these past days, Mother knows that you've all taken out your personal money. This is not much compared to what you've given, but this is the pocket money Mother is giving you. Keep your spare."

"Mother, there's no…." It's okay to give the two sons pocket money, but the two daughters-in-law felt as if it were a hot potato.

"Here you go, take it, stop nagging. Come on, let's all hurry up and cook! Erlin, Dalin, go help with collecting the dried millet. It's getting late in the day, gather them up and come back just in time for dinner!" With Grandma Liu's glare, no one dared to speak up, and they each found a job to do.

Only Liu Yusheng who was hugging Grandma Liu's calf, tilted her little face up with all admiration, "Grandma, so nice."

So nice.

Grandma Liu couldn't say exactly how she was feeling, and only felt that Nannan's mouth was too sweet. Her frost-stained face was lulled into a smile from the compliment of the baby.

It had been a long time since the family had had so much light-hearted fun, and dinner was plentiful.

There's meat, so everyone ate heartily!

Farmers usually eat with little food, and fats are far and in between, let alone a plate full of meat.

And wine.

The old man's health is better, plus the mood is good. Now that the ban was lifted, his wife was not so restrained.

The three men drank from a jug of wine, blushing and thickening their necks.

Loud speeches and boisterous laughter overflowed the small farmhouse.

After the meal, Liu Yusheng pulled out the bought candies and gave a handful to each of the two brothers. She then peeled the one for herself and also fed a piece into the mouths of her elders.

The candy is sweet, and so is her heart.

The two brothers also did not treat their sister badly, bringing the rest of the grapes that were washed and dried yesterday. One by one, they peeled and fed them to her.

Liu Yusheng arched her eyebrows, tasting the sweet and sourness of the grapes. Her eyes swept over the wine jug unobtrusively, and an idea sprang up again.

Brew fruit wine.

In her previous life as a doctor, she was in charge of the family's pharmaceutical group, which includes medicinal wine and fruit wine. She participated throughout the production process, and the brewing method was still retained in her mind.

If it works out, the family will have a long-term source of income. By then, grandpa, father and second uncle don't always have to go to labor for other people on part-time jobs, and even have to look up at people's faces.

With this in mind, Liu Yusheng left the two brothers to play with each other. And while the family was not paying attention, she quietly hugged the wine jar over, took advantage of the dining table cover, nestled at the foot of the table and opened the wine jar.

The scent of wine that washed over her face made Liu Yusheng frown. There was no need to taste it, the smell alone tells her that it's an inferior wine.

Well, the conditions are limited, so she'd have to make do.

She grabbed the grapes with her small hand and crushed them one by one, then threw them directly into the jar. This method of brewing is simple and crude, but for Liu Yusheng, it has little effect on the result, because the key to the taste, quality and effectiveness of the fruit wine is her space spiritual spring.

Whatsmore, even if she wanted to brew, the condition at home wasn't conducive for it now.

"Nannan, what are you doing? Oh, look at you, you're covered in grape juice!" Grandma Liu was the first to notice something strange in her little girl, and she hurriedly plucked the baby up from the table. Afterwhich, she wiped her hands with a clean towel.

"Oops, my wine! Nannan, you spoiled Grandpa's wine!" Lifting the wine jar and seeing the grapes floating inside, Grandpa Liu's face ached.

He deliberately left that little bit, thinking of waiting for no one else around and sneaking a drink by himself.

Nannan, this little imp!

Facing the twitching expressions on the faces of everyone, Liu Yusheng squeezed out a very innocent smile, then reached out with both hands and snatched the wine jar over, "Nannan, want to play!"

"Nannan, this is wine, it's very expensive. If you want to play, grandpa will find you something else to play with, alright?" Grandpa Liu tried to bargain.

Liu Yusheng shook her head into a rattle.

"Alright, alright, there's not much left of your wine anyway. Since Nannan has already thrown grapes in there, let the little girl play!" Grandma Liu wouldn't never tolerate her precious Nannan to be aggrieved, so she decided on the matter.

The old man can only stare at the wine jar in his granddaughter's arms with heart aching.

Then the little granddaughter giggled and ran away clutching the jar like a butterfly.

The two boys on the other side noticed her and followed.

"Nannan, what's the fun in the wine jar, you threw grapes in it and the wine will go bad soon!"

"That's right, Nannan. If you want to play, brother will take you outside to play. This wine jar will be cleaned for grandma, so that it can be filled later."

"No!" Liu Yusheng replied rather firmly, Big brother, this jar of wine can make money later!

She had seen the wine in the town's taverns. They are all rice wine, the quality of which ranged from high to low. This jar that grandpa bought was the cheapest, costing about fifty coins for half a catty, it's equivalent to five catties of lean meat!

The wine is really expensive, no wonder grandpa's face hurts.

Then when she produces a unique variety of wine that also has a medicinal effect, it should open up a market in the wine industry.

Returning to her room with two small tails, she quietly dripped a few drops of spiritual spring water into the jar as she sealed it. Then, she hid the jar under the bed.

"Hide, here, can't say, oh, secret!" With the wine hidden, Liu Yusheng didn't forget to admonish her two brothers.

"Got it, secret, we sure won't tell!"

The confidential alliance was reached for the time being, and it wasn't long before the two boys forgot all about it.