Chapter 30 - I’ll go back and tell my dad!

The struggling figure under his hand gradually weakened.

Axiu bowed his head, his eyes cold and frozen under his messy hair.

They were so calm that it gave chills to the soles of one's feet.

"Brother Axiu!" Liu Yusheng turned pale and rushed to him in response.

Her shriek also awakened several stunned children, and screams began to fly everywhere, cries of terror.


"You, you lunatic! Let him go, he's going to die!"

Liu Yusheng had already rushed up and wrapped her arms around Axiu hand.

It was just that, with equally delicate hands, she could not budge him even with all her strength!

His eyes, she noticed, were empty.

With everything that was happening around him, he was immersed in his own world as if he couldn't feel anything.

"Brother Axiu....Brother Axiu!" Liu Yusheng screamed. The boy's movement is getting extremely faint.

If Axiu doesn't let go, he will become a murderer.

The villagers in Xiapo Village would never let him go.

She dared not think of the consequences!

"Brother Axiu!"

His hollow eyes seemed to fluctuate a little.

Liu Yusheng's heart was squeezed tight and she gritted her teeth, "Brother Axiu!"

Letting go of his hand, she clung around his neck and snuggled up the whole way, "Brother Axiu, Brother Axiu! Shengsheng is scared!"

Shengsheng is scared!

Axius eyes fluttered abruptly and converged. The hand that gripped the boy's neck loosened and instead tugged on his collar and flung the boy backwards.

"Shengsheng," he raised his eyes, and his heart shrank uncontrollably at the sight of her on the verge of tears, "Shengsheng...."

Reaching out, he stroked his hand towards the braid that had been tugged earlier with a panic deep in his eyes as well as an undetectable tremor in his voice.

"….Shengsheng, does it still hurt?" He asked.

Liu Yusheng's small mouth puckered and her eyes turned red.

"Wa!" Behind them, an earth-shattering cry broke into the skies, putting an ice on the tears that were about to fall in Liu Yusheng's eyes.

The boy, who was thrown right up the river, was immediately revived and bawled his eyes out, he almost died!

"You, hiccup! You wait, hiccup! I'll go back and tell my dad! Wa~hoo-hoo-hoo!" A muddy child howled with his mouth open while wiping his tears with his hands, smudging mud that had been washed away by his tears back on his face again.

He was obviously in shock, but he still has the mind to threaten. This picture was so funny, Liu Yusheng wanted to laugh.

But instead of laughing, she wrapped her arms tightly around Axiu's waist, and when she saw his restless hand, she was alarmed once more.

The soft petite body of the little girl with arms wrapped around his waist, seemed to snuggle in his arms. The raging irritability and anger in Axiu's chest that was searching for an exit was miraculously suppressed.

Lifting his hand to gently hug back the little baby in his arms, Axiu's eyes was overflowing with joy, "Shengsheng, wait here for me while I go help him up."

"Brother Axiu!" Liu Yusheng subconsciously wrapped her arms around him tighter, not daring to believe him.

"I'm just going to help him up, I'm not going to scare Shengsheng again."

He was smiling with calm eyes. He was rippling with joy and no hints of agitation. Liu Yusheng examined him again, before slowly releasing him.

Seeing Axiu approaching, the child who was still howling and the other three retreated simultaneously.

"What do you want! Hiccup~! Don't come any closer! My father will kill you! Hiccup~! I'll tell my father when I get back!"

As soon as his arms tightened, the boy who was sprawled on the riverbank squirming backwards was pulled up by the boy a head shorter than himself.

He smiled and stared right back, his dark eyes cold under his messy hair, "I will kill you."


All sounds were silenced except for his uncontrollable choking.

It took a long time before he understood why the boy's eyes alone made them breathless and cowering.

He didn't even want to report to his dad anymore.

This is momentum.

The four of them, with a wink from Axiu, immediately took each other's hand, lifted their feet together and ran away.

It was an uproar that inexplicably came to an end.

Liu Yusheng was a bit baffled. She was pretty sure what Axiu had said, unfortunately she was standing a distance away and didn't hear it clearly.

"Shengsheng, they're gone." He turned around and smiled towards her, eyes dark and clear, "Our pants are dirty, shall I show you how to wash them?"

Both of them trudged into the field just now so their trousers are covered in mud.

"Hmm." Liu Yusheng obediently nodded.

She didn't dare go against his wishes until she was sure his mood was really back, for fear that he would snap out of it out of the cold.

Just now, she was really scared.

In her previous life, she had treated all sorts of difficult illnesses, but she had never treated a patient with a mental illness, so she was actually unqualified for it.

She can only help him as much as she can with a little bit of wading.

Returning to the boulder beneath the weeping willow, the two sat down, took off their shoes and dipped their feet in the water.

The sludge was instantly washed away by the river, bringing up a muddy mess.

After the turbidity had passed, what was revealed in the clear river water was the white, rounded feet of Liu Yusheng.

Axiu leaned down and carefully rinsed all the remaining sludge from her trousers before washing his off.

Their wet shoes were washed and placed on the edge of the boulder to dry.

Then, he pulled Liu Yusheng up, his hands hanging down at his sides repeatedly clenching and loosening again.

"Shengsheng." He called out to her with nervousness and shame clouding eyes.

"What is it, Brother Axiu?" Liu Yusheng crooked her head in bewilderment.

"Just now, I wasn't done hugging."


The one who should be held and comforted is herself, all right? Her trauma from that fight was definitely more serious than his.

Forcibly suppressing the twitching corners of her mouth, Liu Yusheng squeezed out a smile and wrapped her small hands around the little boy's waist.

Holding the little baby in his arms again, smelling the delicious scent of milk on her, a light finally burst out again in Axiu's eyes, calm and joyful.

Delicate and soft, warm like the sun, is his beloved Shengsheng.

There is the river babbling in his ears, waves of wheat gushing, and the sun shining overhead, blowing the breeze for ten miles.

Time was quiet and beautiful.

The rejoicing Axiu picked all the flowers on either side of the large stone slab, bundled them into a bouquet, and tucked them all into Liu Yusheng's arms.

Not sparing the dogstail grass.

Liu Yusheng, who was drowned by the bouquet of flowers, stood woodenly. Brother Axiu, you're playing with chicken blood.

"Xiu'er, Shengsheng~~!" In the distance came Grandma Liu's bellow.

Liu Yusheng quickly put on her shoes that were still a little damp, and urged, "Brother Axiu, quick, let's go home!"

Axiu was in no hurry. He first crouched down and took Liu Yusheng's shoes off and carried them in his hands, then turned his back to her, "Don't wear your shoes until they're dry, I'll carry you."

Liu Yusheng didn't take it personally, and pounced on the boy's back with all her flowers.

He carried her up on his back and walked steadily.

"I wonder if the yard walls are done, the roof must be newly thatched, right? That one doesn't take much time," Lying on the boy's back, Liu Yusheng shook her white, tender little feet, while her little hands inserted the flowers one by one in the boy's hair bun, "Brother Axiu, you have lived in the hut for so long, what have you done when it rained? The house must have gone all wet, isn't it?"

He just smiled and listened intently to her, but didn't answer.

He thought, how nice it would be to carry Shengsheng all the time