Chapter 40 - We’re Here To Send Them Money

Grandma Liu discussed the price with Wanrong, while Liu Yusheng sat obediently beside her, her little hand clasped in Axiu's hand.

"Brother Axiu, you can also try it later. This wine is sweet. You won't get drunk. Children can also drink it, ah."

"Okay." Axiu replied. Whether it was good or not, it was the result of Nannan's work, so he would taste it.

"Have you ever drunk grape fruit wine before?"

"…Yes." He didn't want to lie to her.

"I'm sure what I brewed is way better than what you've ever had before!"

"Definitely better." He laughed.

Nannan didn't ask why he had drunk wine that wasn't available in Nanling.

His affirmation made the little child lift her little chin proudly.

Her cute and inviting appearance made his hands itch, and he wanted to hold her tightly in his arms and never let go.

On the side, Wanrong gave it a thought and suggested, "This wine should be priced at 500 Wen a jar."

Grandma Liu almost fell off her stool: "500? 500 Wen?"

A laborer could only get about 20 Wen for a day's hard work, so a jar of fruit wine sold for 500 was almost equal to the wages of a laborer for a month's work!

Would anyone buy it at this price?

Wanrong explained, "Auntie, this wine is worth this price. If you sell it low, it would be a waste of good wine. And the price of 500 Wen is actually quite low. Xiangshan County is a small place, so it can't be sold at a good price. If it were in the Capital, a jar of wine would sell for a few taels of silver."

"Then, we'll really price it at 500 Wen?"

"500, don't sell it in town. Go to the county town and sell it only in big restaurants."

Liu Yusheng agreed with the price. She was well well aware that the wine she brewed had nourishing effects on the spleen and stomach. It could also boost the immune system and beautify the skin.

The spiritual spring water added alone was priceless.

But Wanrong was also right. Xiangshan County was too small a place, and in such a small place, no matter how good it was, it wouldn't be able to sell for a good price, so she could accept 500 Wen a jar.

Anyway, her goal was just to use this to make her family well off and live worry-free.

It was just a matter of making enough money. She wasn't greedy.

All the way out of the cabin, Grandma Liu was giddy.

When she returned home and told her family what happened, the whole family was dazed.

At dinner, the family dropped three bowls and dropped chopsticks seven or eight times.

The next morning, Liu Dalin and Liu Erlin went to borrow Li Da's ox cart and loaded the 100 jars of wine on it, and set off directly to the county town.

Liu Yusheng made a show of being a spoiled brat and sprawled over the ground, and also called on her name as a blessed baby, forcing them to take her with them.

Her father and second uncle's first battle in life, she really wasn't at ease without her watching.

Business men were crafty, while her father and second uncle were honest farmers. Even with ten more heads together, they'd still be easily fooled.

Xiangshan County was a small county under the jurisdiction of Yunzhou. It was neither too big nor too small, but it was more lively and prosperous than Cangwu Town.

When their cart entered the county street, they could see carriages and people coming and going. The fabric of the clothes worn by passersby was also a grade higher than in their town.

Along the way, they asked about two of the famous restaurants in the county, the Fu'an Restaurant and the Wanjin Restaurant.

"Dad, let's go to the Fu'an Restaurant first, then go to the Wanjin later. Let's check both restaurants together." Liu Yusheng said.

"Okay, we'll listen to Nanna. Let's go to both restaurants." Liu Dalin nodded.

Liu Erlin then drove directly to the vicinity of Fu'an Restaurant.

They saw a three-story restaurant standing on the street with an imposing luxury and a big four-character Fu'An Restaurant written on the banner at the entrance.

Two waiters were at the door to welcome guests and the guests entering and exiting were all well-dressed and looked wealthy.

"Uncle, watch the cart here and wait for us. I'll go in with my father and come back soon."

"Okay." Liu Erlin let out a long sigh. He felt intimidated just looking at such a rich building.

If he really were to go in, he was afraid that his shoes would dirty their floor.

Liu Dalin started getting jittery. His arms were stiff when he carried Liu Yusheng down.

As they approached the restaurant, his pace became slower and slower.

Liu Yusheng felt helpless inwardly: "Dad, are you scared?"

"Nonsense, why would I be scared!" Liu Dalin refused to admit it.

"That's right, there's nothing to be afraid of. We're going to sell something and make a small profit. If they buy our wine and resell, they'll definitely earn a lot of money. They're also benefiting from us, right, Dad? So why should we be afraid? It's not like we're going to cheat them. We're here to send them money!"

Liu Dalin mulled over it. She's got a point. In business, there was buying and selling. Everyone earned profits. Why should he feel inferior? It wasn't as if he was going to the door to beg.

"Dad, let's just go in and ask. If they don't buy, let's just find another one. They'll still be the ones losing out."

"Okay, let's just ask first. Let's talk about it again if they don't. If the boss in the East doesn't take it, there's still the West!"

Liu Da's hesitant steps gradually became firmer. He walked to the door of Fu'an Restaurant and smiled at the waiters: "Younger brothers, may I ask if the manager of your restaurant is around?"

Xiao Er swept a glance at Liu Dalin, and after seeing the coarse clothes he was wearing, his smile vanished and his eyes turned contemptuous: "Our manager is busy and has no time to deal with idlers and the sort. If you want to eat, pay inside and order food. If not, get lost quickly!"

"You!" Liu Dalin restrained his anger: "We want to negotiate a business deal with the manager. If he's here, brothers, please inform…"

"You're just a bumpkin yet you want to do business with our manager? Don't you feel embarrassed looking gritty! Really, people like you treat pickles as treasures. Did you think that our restaurant will take in everything shabby? Get out of here!"

They didn't even get to see the manager, but were refused entrance by waiters and were also taunted. Liu Dalin could no longer restrain his anger, but before he could argue, the child in his arms wrapped her hands around his neck: "Dad, let's go. In a place like this where even running dogs are snobs, how can the boss be any better? People like them, even if they beg us later, we won't sell him anything!"

"Hey, you little chit with sharp teeth, who are you calling a dog?! You…"

"Dad, let's go. Let's find thousands of gold! There's no need to pay attention to barking dogs." Liu Yusheng tilted her head to look at that waiter, his eyes were stern and cold.

A little child with such a look stunned the waiters for a moment. By the time they recovered their senses and wanted to curse them again, they were gone.

"The people in the county are really snobs." Liu Dalin gritted his teeth, still fuming.

"Dad, indeed they're snobs. Don't argue with dogs, hmm, don't be angry. When our wine is sold, there will be a time when they'll regret it." Liu Yusheng's confidence finally amused her father.

"You're a wizard. This is the first time I have found out that our Nannan can actually curse and scold quite well. Where did you learn that?"

"Dad underestimated me. When I've been learning to read and write with Brother Axiu. It wasn't all in vain. Hmph! When I learn more, if anyone dares to look down on Dad, it will be even worse than just now! I'll curse him out!"