Chapter 51 - Could you be a little less obvious about your support

Night in the cabin.

Axiu told his mother about the winery.

"Xiu'er, you know we can't have too much contact with others. It's likely to cause trouble for us, and for them."

"Mother, you can sort out some common medicinal wine recipes and cooperate with the winery by selling them. That way, you don't have to get involved. You can also earn some silver to save you from a lot of hard work. At the same time, And it's also a token of Shengsheng's desire to help us. This will do."

Wanrong pondered for a moment after hearing this and nodded.

This was indeed the best way.

Moreover, winter was approaching. By then, there would be no way for her to go up to the mountains to gather herbs when the snow buried everything. Their days would be very difficult.

Shengsheng's act of involving her to the winery was no less than sending charcoal in a snowy weather.

"Xiu'er, listen I'll do as you say. I'll sort out the preparation method of common medicinal wine in the next two days. Later on, take it to Shengsheng. Let her help us hand it over to the winery."


The matter was set.

Axiu turned his head, his gaze looking through the wooden door of the hall to the sandy spot in front of the house.

The sudden intimacy of the little girl in the morning and the blush on her delicate face popped in his mind, light as a breeze.

Beneath his lashes, his eyes sparkled.

This time, Qian Wanjin returned shortly.

Yesterday afternoon, he went back to work out a plan, and the next morning, he came again.

"Blessed Baby, the matter is finalized. Next would be the site selection. I have to go around Xinghua Village. Would you like to come too?"

He couldn't tell why. She obviously was the youngest child in the Liu family, but he had this feeling that she was more capable of making decisions, so he subconsciously spoke to her first.

This little imp couldn't be underestimated.

He must speak more slickly than an adult.

"Sure," Liu Yusheng replied with a smile, then turned to Grandpa Liu. "Grandpa, please invite the village chief here. For such a huge matter, the Village Chief Grandpa has to be there."

"Okay, I'll go and invite him over." Grandpa Liu promised and immediately went out the door.

There wasn't much to do at home after the harvest season so the whole family was present. Listening to Qian Wanjin's words, things were truly set in stone. The entire Liu family was giddy with excitement.

Their Xinghua Village would be the first village within 10 miles and eight villages to have a workshop, and their Liu family was also a partner in this workshop.

There was a sense of unreality to it, like a salted fish turning over.

"Young Boss, take a seat first and rest, wipe your sweat and drink some water."

Overweight people were prone to night sweats, and Qian Wanjin was one of them. He came all the way in a carriage and now sweating profusely, seemingly exhausted.

Liu Yusheng brought him a small stool.

Look at the tiny stool, Qian Wanjin asked, "Blessed Baby, is there a bigger stool? I can't sit down on something like this. If I sit, I won't be able to get up."

"…Young Boss, you'd better go into the hall and sit on the bamboo bed." That won't collapse. It was also wide enough.

"Right, right, sit in the house. I'll give you a drink of water. Look at you, you're sweating." Grandma Liu recovered from her shock and hurriedly invited him inside.

"It's still Grandma Liu who cares about me." Qian Wanjin smiled and flattered, raising his hand to signal Da Huang to bring something in. "Grandma Liu, I may have to stay for most of the day today. I'll eat at your house for lunch. I brought some food over. Just do what you want with it."

The family looked at what Da Huang brought in: pork belly, a large piece of pork leg, and a fan of ribs.

It was all meat dishes.

"Kid, you even brought food to eat at our door. Were you afraid that I won't be able to serve you what you eat?" Grandma Liu grumbled.

"Of course not, Grandma Liu. Actually, I prefer to eat the vegetables you grow. Please serve more vegetables later."

"Okay, I'll cook some for you, and fill your belly till you can't eat no more!"


"Dalin, Erlin, Nannan, take care of Young Boss. Xiulan and Du Juan, go to the kitchen with me. When the Village Chief comes over later, let's invite him to eat here too. Let's prepare everything early, so as not to rush later."

"Eh, coming mother!" Chen Xiulan and Du Juan quickly headed to the kitchen.

Liu Yusheng squinted at Qian Wanjin from the side. He coaxed her grandma into smiling with a word without a hint of the superiority in his bones. She was willing to bow down to this sort of hypocritical skill.

"Young Boss, sit here for a while and I'll bring you some water. When Father and the village chief come, we will take you around the village." Dalin and Erlin sat opposite the bamboo bed, slightly reserved, even the reckless and boisterous Liu Erlin didn't quite dare to say a word.

Dad and Uncle still needed to exercise more and get used to the outside world. It was the only way they could completely overturn the meekness in their bones when they saw the rich and the nobility.

When Liu Dalin walked out, Liu Yusheng lowered her voice and muttered, "Every time you come, you want my family to serve you. Don't you have long hands? There's a water barrel in the kitchen. If you want to drink water, scoop it yourself!"

Huh, the little girl is showing her claws – interesting.

Qian Wanjin smiled, his eyes narrowed to slits, "Little girl, the visitor a guest."

"We are now partners – equal in status. What guest? Next time you make my family work, I won't let you through the door!" The little girl grimaced, like a cat with a fierce streak.

"Okay, okay, next time, I'll take care of myself, okay? Fortunately, I brought so much food. You can try to eat more, I've heard that country folks don't eat much meat in a month."

"Is my family short of money for food? You haven't forgotten how much silver you paid, have you? Speak honestly, it's obvious that you want to eat it yourself."

Tit for tat, he really has never seen such a sharp-toothed little girl: "Every time I see you, you're either smiling craftily or fierce. Be careful or else you won't get married in the future."

"It's none of your business!"

Liu Erlin sat there at first unsure of what to say, but he really couldn't interrupt now.

The two children were quarrelling and he was an adult. How could he get involved?

Seeing that Nannan has the upper hand, uhm, he just pretended not to hear.

Thus, what Liu Dalin saw when he came back with a water jug was the two kids staring daggers at each other as if they were on the verge of fighting. His stupid brother was looking up at the sky and down at the ground, but skirted looking at the two children who were about to get into a fight.

He was only gone for a short while, what happened?

He put the jug down and immediately dashed to Liu Yusheng's side and embraced her protectively with his arms. He frowned at Qian Wanjin, "What's wrong, Nannan? Did Young Boss bully you?"

Qian Wanjin stiffened: "…"

He was a distinguished guest anyhow. Can you be a little less obvious about your support?

It's her who started it, okay? What did I do to her? Have I made a mistake in bringing pork to your door?

Damn, what the hell!

He was innocent! He was spitting blood from this injustice!

Liu Yusheng buried her face in her father's arms, unable to really hold back her laughter, as if she had really been bullied.

This second generation ancestor must have never suffered such a tidy grievance in his life.

"Dad, no, uhm, Young Boss and I were arguing about how to make pork shanks better. I said Grandma makes the best pork shanks with sauce!"