Chapter 60 - Who’s not here

The honest and generous Liu Dalin looked entirely like a different person.

Liu Erlin has always been reckless and impulsive, so when another man pounced on him, he followed Liu Dalin's example with his fists.

He just punched his opponent when he found the surroundings strangely quiet.

After fighting for so long, why did none of the villagers come to help?

When he looked up, he saw everyone on the other side all looking in one direction. At the end of his vision was the little boy, who jumped off the platform and was walking one step at a time.

Walking slowly and steadily.

Obviously, he said or did nothing much, but he chilled everyone to their bones.

Stemming from the boy's eyes was a black, endless abyss.

To look at him, one risked falling into the abyss and shattering one's bones!

As the boy slowly approached, the crowd fell dead silent. Even their breathing became extremely light.

Axiu finally stood in front of An Cai and looked up: "Where is Shengsheng?"

"…Little kid, that's a funny question. I've already told you. This has nothing to do with my village!" An Cai squinted. His face was calm, yet his heart was reeling.

For a moment there, he actually felt afraid.

Because those eyes, he couldn't see through them at all!

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his knee, and to his incredulity, fell to his knees, just on eye level with the boy!

At the same time, a tiny hand gripped his throat firmly.

He didn't dare to struggle. With that force, he was afraid that if he struggled, his throat would burst.

Separately on either side, villagers of the two villages were stunned at this picture.

"Brother, brother, stop fighting for a moment!" Liu Erlin's eyes were wide open. He was staring at Axiu while one hand stretched to pull Liu Dalin. "Look, Axiu, he…look! It's really a huge deal!"

Liu Dalin gasped and turned his head to look, his pupils shrinking immediately.

At his angle, he could perfectly see that Axiu's had clasped An Cai's throat, his fingers already buried raw into the flesh!

Blood was dripping down An Cai's neck!

But Axiu's face remained impassive!

It was as if he was holding an insignificant mole in his hands. His life and death were worthless!

Axiu swept his gaze across and over the Xiapo villagers. "Who is not here?"

What did he mean?

Who wasn't here?

The Xiapo villagers were terrified. That little child was asking who else hadn't arrived after the bell summoned them.

No one answered.

Axiu's fingers tightened, and An Cai groaned with pain, blood flowing faster down his neck!

The feeling of the warm, wet, sticky liquid running over his skin scared An Cai, "F-Find…who isn't here?!"

"You two, find. Everyone else stays." Axiu's other hand pointed to the crowd, to Agui and Second Brother who were already pale.

In response to Axiu's command, the two didn't dare to resist at all, let alone be outwardly compliant, but inwardly unsubmissive.

They nodded to everyone present, not daring to be sloppy. Finally, they gave two names with some trepidation. "La-Laizi and Ande aren't here…"

"Whether they didn't make it here, or they aren't at home, and when did they leave home, ask!" He commanded softly, while raising his wrist slightly, forcing An Cai to tilt his head up, exposing his entire neck to their view.

Bloody wounds, dazzling blood… It turned out that the human neck was so fragile!

And the little child who gripped the man's neck with a blank expression, at this point, seemed to be a demon who demanded his life!

Obviously, he was so skinny. Standing in the middle of the adults, he should be the weakest and most insignificant existence.

But his imposing manner resembled Asura, looking down at everyone who was stronger than him, making them tremble with fear.

Terror spread rapidly through the air.

In the end, someone could no longer bear it and spoke what they knew, "I know, I saw them yesterday! Laizi and Ande left the village at nightfall, and haven't returned since!"

"Everyone is here but the two of them. Really, we're not lying!"

Agui and Second Brother also added with trepidation, "Laizi and Ande are the two most idle people in our village. They usually do things sneakily and don't get along with us. They often go outside the village, but we don't know what they often do."

Xiapo villagers supplemented each other's information, completing the information well, fearing that if they missed out, there would be one more dead body in front of them.

Axiu looked down, released his grip on An Cai's neck, and wiped the blood off his fingers smoothly on An Cai's clothes.

Once he was free, An Cai breathed heavily. The pain from his neck and the feeling of blood flowing out of his body made him look at Axiu in fear, unable to say anything.

For the first time in his life, he felt like death brushed past him!

Upon hearing what the Xiapo villagers said, the Xinghua village became more angry.

Liu Erlin even blurted out, "It's definitely those two people who kidnapped Nannan! It must be them! Let's find them quickly, we mustn't let them go!"

"Village Chief An Cai, if it turns out that it was really them who captured Nannan, Xiapo village, must give me an explanation!" Liu Dalin glared murderously at An Cai.

Axiu ignored the confrontation between the two sides. After getting the information he wanted, he left the square.

Liu Dalin and Liu Erlin saw this and quickly chased after him, along with the Xinghua villagers. The turmoil within the crowd was immediately swept away.

In the entire square, only the Xiapo villagers were left standing there, their hearts still pounding with fear.

When Agui and Second Brother saw the little boy go, they went limp and sat down on the ground, their faces white and bloodless. They gasped for air and mumbled, "Devil, devil… He's the devil! Why mess with him? Why mess with him! It's all over. This time, we're done for. If Laizi and Ande really kidnapped that Blessed Baby, our entire village will have no way to live!"

"Second Brother, what are you talking about? The baby fell into the river and drowned. What does that have to do with our village? Even if they want revenge, they won't exact it on our village!"

"The Xinghua villagers are really hateful! They ran to our village to find fault. It's obvious that they're trying to take advantage of the situation to retaliate!"


Second Brother and Agui sneered, looking at these fellow villagers with disappointment. "Don't you know what Laizi and Ande are like in your hearts? Kidnapping the Blessed Baby and forcing her to give them the recipe was something they could definitely do! If they really kidnapped her, with that Axiu's skills and the way he acted just now, do you think our village will be better off?"

As soon as that was said, everyone fell silent.

That scene just now, they simply didn't want to recall.

It wasn't that they were looking down upon themselves. A child that small, they couldn't even tell what method he used to restrain the burly man and the village chief! Even if they were greater in number, how could they possibly fight him?