Chapter 101 - Despicable and Shameless

Ever since saving Shuanzi that day, the Liu family's courtyard had been bustling with activity.

Every day, many little babies came running to play with Liu Yusheng, Axiu, and Qian Wanjin.

Although the scars on Axiu's face were still ugly and hideous, the fact that he helped save Shuanzi together that day made the babes think that he wasn't that hard to approach, and his face wasn't that scary.

In addition, although Qian Wanjin was already 12 years old, he was outgoing and talkative in nature. Whenever he spoke without airs, he could always get along with children. So when the two young men were playing with the bunch of little turnip heads, the atmosphere was fully harmonious.

In contrast, Axiu was aloof and quiet, so Qian Wanjin deservedly became the king of children.

As it was spring sowing time, the winery gave the workers a few days off; and while the adults were busy in the fields, children could be seen playing everywhere on the ridges, paths and ditches.

Happy and innocent.

"Ouch, no more, no more, I'm getting old to toss you up! Playing with these little turnip heads for a while, and I can't even straighten my back." Qian Wanjin supported his waist and gasped for breath. He walked to the edge of the ridges and sat next to Liu Yusheng, mocking himself bitterly.

Liu Yusheng smiled and said, "Aren't you determined to be the king of the children? Don't you even have enough skill to do it?"

"Qi deficient and weak, no way." Axiu commented.

Liu Yusheng thought that it was pretty accurate.

On the contrary, as soon as Qian Wanjin heard this, he immediately exploded and almost jumped up. "What Qi deficient and weak?! What no way?! I'm strong. Once I'm refreshed, I'm gonna go down there and defeat them some more! Jokes aside, do you think I can't play with those bunch of carrot heads?"

Liu Yusheng and Axiu turned their heads and declined to comment on his defense.

"Hey, what do you mean, guys? Are you looking down on me? Let me tell you, Lucky Nannan, I've been working out every day since I lost weight! I don't dare to say how it was before, but now I can run three laps around the entire Xinhua Village without panting!"

"Okay, okay, I know you're powerful. Drink some water and rest for a while." Liu Yusheng picked up the water jug she brought with her and handed it over.

Only then was Qian Wanjin satisfied with the reprieve. His father told him that a man, at no time should say no!

He opened the jug, pouring the water straight into his mouth. He gulped and wiped his mouth with a smack. "Lucky Nanan, your water is really particularly delicious! It's sweet and refreshing. When you're tired, take a few sips and your fatigue will go away. Good stuff!"

Speaking of which, he took a furtive look around, leaned to Liu Yusheng's ear, and whispered, "Lucky Nannan, tell me secretly. Did you add some specially prepared herbs in your water, too? Other than quenching thirst, I really haven't seen water from the commoners that has anti-fatigue effects."

Taking in the young man's gossipy posture, Liu Yusheng pursed her lips and smiled faintly. "What do you think?"

Under the morning breeze, the girl smiled faintly, the hair on her fluttering in the wind. Her skin was almost transparent under the fine sunlight. A mischievous meaning was crawling out from her pink curled lips.

Fresh and smart.

Qian Wanjin groaned in his heart, thinking that he had never seen such a cute little child. He was a bit reluctant to look away.

Clearing his throat, he was about to speak, when Axiu, who was sitting on the other side of the child, suddenly reached out and straightened the baby's face.

This brat really – always jumped out at ill-timed moments to disrupt things!

He really made him want to punch him.

Across from him, Axiu seemed to have sensed the hostility emanating from him. He lifted his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes dark and deep, without any fluctuation.

Delivering a message that he would accompany him at any time.

Qian Wanjin considered his strength, and remembered the kick that he couldn't block even on full alert, and decided to let him go for now.

Wait till he mastered martial arts. He would settle the score with him by then. Anyway, it was never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. He could afford to wait!

"Lucky Nannan, I never thought your medical skills would be this outstanding. Once the events of that day circulate, your family will soon no longer be as peaceful as before. Have you planned what to do?"

Liu Yusheng cupped her cheeks with her hands, watching the little children chasing and playing and laughing at the edge of the field. She smiled. "I don't have any plans. How I'm living now is how I'm going to live in the future."

She wouldn't change the current pace of her life. In this life, she didn't want to compete for fame or profit. She only wanted to accompany her family to old age in this pure little village.

Qian Wanjin frowned. "How can you do without a plan? It's estimated that outsiders will be flooding the village soon. You must have a way to deal with them."

"If someone comes seeking medical treatment, there's nothing to be done if I can treat him. How else do I have to deal with them?" Liu Yusheng tilted her head. "Are you still afraid that I will be bullied? If someone dares to cause trouble in my house, my family don't have to move a finger. All the village uncles and aunts will drive them out."

Thinking of Liu Yusheng's current reputation in the village, Qian Wanjin rolled his eyes. Fine, if something really happened, he would do his best to take care of it.

Axiu couldn't pitch in the conversation between them, so his brow furrowed so much that it could trap flies.

He abhorred this feeling.

His eyes scanned the fields, and soon landed on the Liu's field.

During the spring sowing time, preliminary preparations were done. Today, it was time to start planting rice seedlings.

The old man's leg has fully recovered, and he came to the field today to work with the rest of the Liu family. They were now planting rice seedlings in the field with their trousers rolled up.

Liu Dalin and Liu Erlin were shuttling back and forth on the field ridges, picking up baskets of seedlings and stacking them one by one on the paddy fields.

Chen Xiulan and Du Juan were in charge of throwing the seedlings into the field one by one. There was an orderly division of labor.

"Shengsheng, throw seedlings?" Axiu asked.

Liu Yusheng glanced at him. No, the family was already busy. There wasn't much she could do to help, but tossing seedlings was still possible.

As for the rest, even if she wanted to help, the family wouldn't allow her. According to her grandmother and mother, a girl should be pampered. Her hands were even more precious.

So she nodded and got up. "Let's go, let's help."

Axiu immediately grabbed the child's hand and walked to the field, without sparing Qian Wanjin a glance the whole time. He automatically left him behind.

Qian Wanjin shut his eyes tightly and waved his fist behind Axiu. He was simply! All he could do was act slyly. He was so despicable and shameless!

But he accomplished it without a word and others noticing!

He reluctantly stood up and yelled after the two. "I'm coming too. There's strength in numbers!"

The so-called seedling throwing was to throw seedlings in various directions in the field in advance. When it was time to transplant the seedlings, they didn't have to go to the ridges to fetch them. You could just reach out and untangle the seedlings thrown nearby and directly plant them into the field, saving a lot of effort and energy.

Liu Yusheng and Axiu stood diagonally on the ridges, and one by one, tossed the seedlings into the field near the adults. The children who had been playing madly around saw them and came running over, arguing to help.