Chapter 112 - It's that kid's fault

Grandma Liu sighed. "When my family was poor, the old man and I almost lost our hair over the matter of the boys marrying. It was all thanks to your family's help and for burning wine jars for the winery afterwards that we are now in our current condition. Otherwise, who knows how long it will be before we can turn over a new leaf."

The first few years were indeed too tough. The business of the Li Kiln deteriorated, to the point where they couldn't make any money, not to mention also owing some debts outside.

It was for this reason that the girl Aping fancied annulled their engagement, and even humiliated his old parents. She made his mother so furious she almost fell ill. Who would have thought that three or four years later, his family would once again become a rich family in the village, living a good life as they did to this day.

Grandma Liu patted the back of her hand. "Your family are all hard working people. As luck would have it, all sufferings have their reward. Better days are still to come. Leave the past behind, and don't dwell on it anymore. When Aping marries his wife and has a child, it will be time for you and your husband to enjoy life in ease and comfort."

"What life in ease and comfort? We, elderlies, are just toilers. We have to worry about our children all our lives." At this juncture, Mother Li's demeanor changed, quite a bit elated and exultant. "When we went shopping on the street for wedding candies, guess who I saw?"

Typical of those who were eager for gossip, Grandma Liu and her daughters-in-law immediately stopped what they were doing and leaned closer; their faces filled with curiosity and excitement.

Liu Yusheng covered her mouth and giggled secretly. Women, regardless of their temperament, were gossips at heart in private.

Today, she discovered that even her grandma, mother, and aunt, weren't exempt either.

Mother Li was so pleased with their attention that she slapped her thighs. "I met the girl who annulled the engagement with my family! I heard she married into a well-off family in town, but didn't fare well. The man is always running to the gambling house and brothels, and would beat her when he gets drunk. Her in-laws are awesome, too. They have a knack for rubbing people the wrong way! She's been married for just over two years, but she's already tortured to death! When she saw me, guess what she did."


"Humph, that b*tch! She actually dared to jump on me and tell me that she was wrong and also wanted to spend her life with my Aping. So she asked me to ransom her!"

"And then what?"

"And then I ran off with my stuff!"


The group of old ladies chatted ahead at full steam with words of wisdom frequently thrown in.

Li Ping listened nearby, as if sitting on pins and needles. It was fine for his mother to take this matter as gossip. After all, his parents suffered a lot of grievances for his sake. But while at it, she could have at least stopped ending every line with, "My Aping's eyes were muddled by shit at the beginning!"

Now, the two boys from the Liu family came to him and winked at him. "Brother Ping, you've got great eyes. They used to be fogged up with shit, but now they can't blink. How did you do it? Teach us."

"…" His face was about to smoke.

After a round of gossip, Mother Li felt refreshed when she was leaving. "Right, I almost forgot to say. Our son is going to get married, so I want to renovate and rebuild our house. Big Brother, Big Sister, do you want to follow suit? I think Zhixia and Zhiqiu are getting older, and they can't fit in the house anymore. Simply follow along with us. It's just as well that the villagers have nothing to do after the farming season."

"I'll discuss this matter with the old man, and talk with you later." Grandma Liu was somewhat impressed.

The two boys were almost 13 years old. In a couple of years, they would also be at the age of marriage. The family house was indeed cramped.

"Okay. Then I'll wait for your news. Let me know when you've decided, and I'll go find a construction team."

"Okay, got it!"

After a lively night in the courtyard, they calmed down when the moon was high up.

Now that the two brothers came back, oil lamps were lit in the West Wing room, which has been closed all the time. Warm light from the window glowed, and the two brothers' whistling rang from time to time.

When Liu Yusheng returned to her room, she stood at the door of the West Wing for a moment.

The moon in the sky was big and round, and the moonlight was soft and hazy, very bright.

Did the moonlight also shine down on that boy?

Could his Mid-Autumn Festival be this lively when he returned home?

Was he okay?

The girl went back to her room, and gently closed the door with a light thud.

In the next room, Liu Zhiqiu, whose ears were on the door, ran back to the bed on tiptoes. "Brother, why don't we call Dabao and the others, and take Nannan out to play tomorrow?"

"Nannan is thoughtful, and she might not necessarily have fun outside." Liu Zhixia softly said.

Liu Zhiqiu sat for a while and punched the pillow. "It's all that Axiu's fault! Who would stop him from going home? He could have at least said something so that we would know what's going on. Why did he leave without saying goodbye?! He has made Nannan lose her smile! If I ever see him again, I'll beat him up!"

Liu Zhixia remained silent, but his lips were pursed tightly.

They have long noticed Nannan's change. The mischievous little one, who used to chatter and laugh all the time, suddenly became a lot quieter.

The two brothers played a game of treasure for a long time, but didn't see the girl laugh even for a few times. Even when she smiled, there was hidden melancholy in her eyes that couldn't be dissolved.

Axiu, you deserve a beating!

Upon getting up early in the morning, Liu Yusheng opened the door to her room and was confronted by two smiling faces squatting in front of it.

"Big brother, Second brother, what are you guys doing squatting here?" And she smiled exaggeratedly.

Liu Zhiqiu jumped up and grabbed Liu Yusheng's hand. "Nannan, my mother is taking me to my grandfather's house today. Why don't you go with me? I'll take you to the creek to catch shrimp and up the hill to pick fruit. It'll be fun!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Zhixia gave him a blank stare. "Nannan, your second brother is unreliable; don't play with him. Mother will go back to see our grandparents today, so let's go with her. Do you remember cousin Chang Dong from Uncle's family? He attends the same school with us. He constantly talks about you, saying that Grandma and Grandpa always miss you."

While speaking, he reached out and tried to drag the girl to his side, but Liu Zhiqia blocked him. "What do you mean I'm unreliable?! Brother, make yourself clear! Make sure you make it clear, else I won't respect the elders!"

"Are you capable of it?" Liu Zhixia sneered at him.

"It has nothing to do with ability. Even if you're my big brother, you can't lie without conscience. You can't slander me just because I can play better than you!"

"When did I speak against my conscience? How did I slander you? Look at how grown-up you are, and yet still thinking about playing all day!"

"Is thinking about playing all day being unreliable? Why don't you tell me that studying for years would turn you into a moron? You said that to attack me because you're afraid that Nannan will come with me!"

"I am Nannan's own brother! She's supposed to play with me!"

"I'm also Nanna's second brother! Why can't she play with me?!"

"Are you looking for a fight!"

"Let's fight!"


"Come on! Whoever loses shuts up!"

In the next instant, Liu Zhiqiu's unwilling howl reverberated.

Looking at the two brothers who had somehow argued, Liu Yusheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled shallowly and reached out to hug them one by one.

"Brothers, thank you."