Chapter 117 - Flattery won’t work

Liu Yusheng had never eaten roasted voles in her previous life.

The first time she tasted it, it tasted pretty good.

After roasting it out, it looked small and golden, and mouth-watering.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? This tastes much better than pancakes." Chen Changdong said smugly, his mouth greasy from gnawing.

"I think it's because you're tired of eating pancakes, so you found an excuse to come out for a special treat," Liu Zhixia teased.

Breakfast in ordinary farmhouses was very simple. It was mostly a few pancakes and a bowl of vegetable porridge.

Those in better conditions could eat steamed buns.

"You don't know, this kid can't have a peaceful day as long as he's home. He can't confine himself inside and runs outside once the sun is up," a teenager named Haizi disclosed.

Dong grabbed a sweet potato and threw it at him. "Save me some face in front of my cousins!"

The topic naturally turned to Liu Zhixia and Liu Yusheng. Compared with Liu Zhixia, the teenagers were obviously more interested in Liu Yusheng.

"Nannan, did you really brew the fruit wine in Xinghua Village Winery before?"

"It's all the rage out there that you're a young miracle doctor, more powerful than the town's doctor! How did you learn at such a young age?"

"I've never seen you before, so when I heard how extraordinary you are out there, I almost thought Dong's cousin had three heads and six arms …"

Liu Yusheng chortled. "Three heads and six arms, won't that make me a monster? You shouldn't believe the rumors. I'm not that godly. I accidentally brewed fruit wine in the past. As for my medical skills, the rumors spread out like that I guess because my consultation fee is cheaper?"

The teenagers froze, then hooted with laughter.

Their nervousness when they plucked up their courage to strike up a conversation dissolved into nothingness in the laughter.

Making fruit wine, opening a winery, plus medical skills – she was the village treasure of Xinghua Village. The halo of this blessed child lifted her to a height they couldn't reach, as if they were living in two different worlds.

They thought the child would look down on them, and disdain talking to them, just like those wealthy families who rode their high horses before them.

It was only when they really interacted with her that they found that she was completely different.

There wasn't a single shelf on the girl. She would quietly watch them catch voles, could sit on the ground and chew sweet potatoes like them, and even joke around with them when they made a fool of themselves.

She wasn't squeamish or pretentious.

She was easy-going like a little sister next door who lived around them.

"I told you that my little cousin is different from ordinary girls. Taking her to play will definitely not spoil the fun. Now, you believe me?" Chen Changdong sounded pretty cocky.

"Yes, yes, yes, we were mistaken." The teenagers laughed bashfully and admitted their faults without any hesitation, and also pushed Haizi forward without a trace.

Haizi staggered a bit after being pushed forward. His face turned red and his eyes darted around when looking at Liu Yusheng. He seemed to want to say something, but couldn't open his mouth. In a panic, he went straight to scratch his head.

"Brother Haizi, what's wrong?" Liu Yusheng was puzzled.

"Just, right, I-I wanted to ask you if the winery still hires people for work! If they do, c-can I-I go? If not, forget it. I'm just asking!" Haizi stumbled over his words, watching his mates feeling anxious, but couldn't do anything.

"The winery isn't accepting people for the time being. And if they do, they also recruit people from Xinghua Village, because it's more convenient being close." After Liu Yusheng said that, obvious disappointment surfaced on the faces of the teenagers across the path. "Is Brother Haizi not studying? Why are you thinking about working?"

"Haizi's family conditions aren't good. When his parents were still alive, he attended a private school for two years, then … He never went to school again. He now lives with his grandmother, and they both are depending on each other." Chen Changdong hugged Haizi and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. "The old lady suffered from a lung disease this year, but she didn't get better even after taking a couple doses of medicine. In order to save some money later, she refused to go back to taking medicine. So, Haizi thought of going out to work to earn some money back."

"I've gone to town to look for work, but they either refused to hire me or let me be an apprentice and work without pay." Haizi laughed bitterly.

Upon hearing that, Liu Yusheng pondered for a moment. "If you really need it, I can recommend you to work in a restaurant in town. The town, however, is a bit far away from Liangshui Village, so it won't be convenient for you to take of the elderly at home …"

"I��ll go! I'll go!" Before she finished, the teenager nodded his head excitedly. "I can entrust my grandmother's care to someone for a period of time. When I get paid from work, I plan to rent a small house in town and take my grandmother there, so that medical treatment and so on will be convenient!"

"Right, right. You can go ahead Haizi. We'll watch over Grandma out for you." A few teenagers beat their chests.

Liu Yusheng smiled. "In that case, then go to town in half a month's time and report to Wanjin Restaurant. Their boss has gone home for the holidays and won't be back until half a month later. Just say Liu Yusheng recommended you by then."

"Okay, I'll be there. I'll be there on time!" Haizi smiled so stupidly that his words barely came out. "Thank you, Nannan!"

The teenagers were happy for Haizi and congratulated him on such a turn of events.

"Nannan, do you also know the owner of Wanjin Restaurant? Don't tell me it's the one who opened the winery with you?" Chen Changdong was curious.

"It's him. His restaurant now sells fruit wine and health nourishing wine, as well as some signature dishes. Business is quite good, so he should be short of manpower."

"Haizi is in luck. The Wanjin Restaurant is the best restaurant in town! Nannan, in fact, you're actually a lucky child that descended from the heavens, right?"

"Cousin, flattery won't work. You brought me out today just for Haizi, right? And all that talk about taking me out for a nice meal and making such a long buildup."

"Hahahaha! Dong is busted!" The teenagers roared with laughter once more.

Chen Changdong was so embarrassed that he rushed and kicked whoever he caught. "What are you laughing for?! Who am I doing this for? My good intentions have gone unappreciated, what a waste!"

After having a wild breakfast, looking at the hour, it was almost time to go home.

If Cheng Changdong didn't take his cousins back at noon, he estimated that he'd be beaten.

The group frolicked, laughed and swore while heading back to the village.

Haizi's house was closer to the entrance of the village, and the front door was also the only way into the village. From a distance, they saw a white-haired old woman standing in front of the house, waiting expectantly.

When she saw Haizi in the crowd, she smiled.

"Haizi, come home for lunch. You've disappeared early in the morning. It seemed you've gone out to the wild with Dong and the others again." The old woman smiled and scolded while coughing, her hand unconsciously pressing against her chest.

Seeing the old woman, Haizi hurriedly ran forward. "Grandma, why did you come out again? Didn't I tell you not to wait around for me? I will come back myself."

"I just came out to have a look. I don't get tired." The old woman looked at the teenagers at the door. "You skinny boys, all of you only know when to go home at mealtimes. Better hurry up, else you'll be scolded again later."

"Aiyo, Grandma, we're leaving! We'll see you later!"

The old woman smiled and shook her head, stumbling over her feet as she turned, her hand pressing hard against her chest.