Chapter 132 - To be at ease if you take care of me.

"You're like this and so are Zhixia and Zhiqiu. Why do you think all of you younger generation don't want to get married, one by one? Whenever marriage comes up, it's like you're facing fierce floods and savage beasts. Aigoo, I'm old. I can't understand the thoughts of youngsters."

The grandma rebuked while letting the pots and spoons dance quick and neat. In a few minutes, a plate of food was served. She was so quick, she didn't even look like she was in her late sixties.

Qian Wanjin stretched his hand in to steal the food and pretended he couldn't hear the old woman's complaints. "Grandma, where is Zhiqiu? Has he gone to the Ridge again?"

"He went up to Xinghua Ridge early in the morning. He would go and serve those fruit trees and herbs every day. How nice it would be if he allocates some thought into his marriage …"

Three years ago, the brothers, Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu, were both admitted to the imperial examinations. After which, Liu Zhiqiu felt that he wasn't very interested in the career path, so he abandoned his pen and returned to work as a farmer in charge of Xinghua Ridge. His life was most leisurely and free.

Liu Zhixia, on the other hand, continued his studies, preparing to take the imperial examination, and was now studying assiduously at Yunzhou Academy.

"Grandma, your skills are getting better and better. I can't stop myself from eating." After stealing another bite of food, Qian Wanjin slipped outside. "I'll go find Nannan first, and come back later to continue eating."

Watching the man's back as he vanished in a twinkle, the grandma laughed and sneered, shaking her head. This child, he hasn't changed much after so many years, still so unrestrained and careless.

After passing through the second entrance door and reaching the archway of the back wall, the man slowed down and resumed his usual devil-may-care appearance.

"I knew you must be soaking in here again, fiddling with the herbs. Even your breath stinks of medicine."

On the third courtyard, a green stone path paved the path with small white and purple flowers on both sides of the path, surrounding two small rockeries. In the corner of the sloping wall was a clump of lush green bamboo.

On a stone bench in front of the bamboos sat a quiet young woman, examining herbs that were drying out.

Hearing his voice, she turned around and raised her lips in a shallow smile. "You still come when you don't like my medicine?"

Her yellow plain dress was thick and fitted, and her bright eyes were the enticing glance of a beauty.

The little child before was now at a jade age. Her every frown and smile were moving.

Qian Wanjin's eyes flashed. He moved forward and sat down. "I wouldn't have come here if I didn't need to see you. The fame of the cough ointment you developed earlier continues to rise, and this time the Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you over for a walk. It could also be regarded as a networking event."



"It's too far. I don't want to go." A roundtrip to another would take at least a month. That was a waste just for an appearance. She would rather stay at home to dry herbs.

"I heard that Baicao Valley will also send people there. Weren't you interested in the medicine they developed? It's just in time for the conference. You might gain something."

Baicao Valley.

Hearing these two words, Liu Yusheng was somewhat swayed. Baicao Valley was mysterious. She heard that it was a hidden family of divine doctors, and those who came out of that place, have made great contributions in medicine.

She once had the privilege of seeing a medicinal pill that came out of Baicao Valley. The refining techniques used were exquisite and perfectly blended all the medicinal properties of all the herbs to the maximum.

She was also able to bring out the medicinal properties of herbs, but when it came to refining techniques, she was rather inferior.

It was for this reason that the finished herbs that came out of her hands were mostly liquids or pastes that couldn't be stored for long periods of time and were inconvenient to carry.

After a moment of contemplation, she ended up unable to suppress her desire to strive for perfection and nodded. "Okay, I'll go."

Qian Wanjin smiled openly. "Then prepare for it. We'll leave tomorrow."

"So urgent?"

"The Chamber of Commerce convenes in the middle of May. It's already April, so if we don't go early, we won't even be able to book an inn to settle in. Many of the merchants attending the Chamber of Commerce are running over there early to occupy their seats."

Liu Yusheng was aware of this since she participated in several conferences with Qian Wanjin over the past few years. Before and after the conference, the location of the event would be bustling with activity every time. Merchants from all over the country flocked in and occupied the stalls early to promote and sell goods.

There would be countless people indeed.

"Then I'll sort out the herbs and inform my grandparents. Let's leave tomorrow."

Once the matter was told at dinner time, the most intense reaction was from Liu Dalin. "Why do you have to go so long? It's still so far away, can you not go? That Chamber of Commerce or whatever, hasn't Xiao Jinzi used to go there all by himself?!"

Liu Yusheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Dad, this time I want to go. I want to discover the strengths of other families to make up for my shortcomings so I can progress."

"… Just you two going, huh?" A lone boy and a girl would be gossiped about.

"Aunt Hong is coming with us."

Grandpa Liu nodded. "There shouldn't be any major problems with Yan Hong following. Go, it's good to go for a walk. You can only know which aspects of yourself are lacking by comparison, and then improve."

"That's right. Learning from others' strengths and making up for your own weaknesses shows that our Nannan is motivated. Second brother also supports you to go!" Liu Zhiqiu also seconded.

"Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you Brother!" Liu Yusheng smiled sweetly, causing Liu Dalin to mutter, "I just didn't agree right away. You don't even smile at me."

When Grandpa Liu glared at him, the nearly forty-year-old man immediately slumped back, causing the bystanders to snicker.

Grandma Liu has already risen to her feet. "It's quite a rush; I'll go and pack your bags now, lest you leave something behind in a hurry and forget to bring it."

"Grandma, there's no need to get busy. There's nothing to pack; I'll just bring myself a few changes of clothes." Liu Yusheng quickly stopped her.

Qian Wanjin also added, "Yes Grandma. You still have me to take care of Lucky Nannan. You can rest assured."

"It's because you're going to take care of her that I'm worried!" Grandma Liu gave Qian Wanjin the eye. "You're a child yourself, who seemed to have not grown up, yet you still have the nerve to take care of others?"

Qian Wanjin: "…" He was just more active. Was that also wrong?

In the end, Grandma Liu with Chen Xiulan together packed a change of clothes for Liu Yusheng, her commonly used small medicine kit, as well as a few pieces of jewelry she usually liked to wear. Even her comb wasn't left behind, and finally a stack of silver bills.

The next day before departure, Liu Yusheng was again between tears and laughter, looking at the extra large parcel in the carriage.

"Grandparents, parents, uncle and aunt, I'll be back after attending the conference. Don't worry."

Liu Dalin also attempted a final struggle. "Nannan, must you go, huh?"

"Dad … " Liu Yusheng was helpless.

Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu immediately joined forces to squeeze Liu Dalin out Liu. "How can you still hold her back when you're a father? Go away! Okay, depart now and get going!"

"Yan Hong, when you go out, keep an extra eye on Nannan. She's soft-hearted. Don't let anyone bully her."

Wei Hong was still impassive and cold-eyed, sitting at the front of the carriage in an ordinary woman's wear. She only nodded when she heard the warning.

"Alright, okay-okay. It's getting late. Let them depart quickly." Liu Zhiqiu watched the family give advice endlessly from behind and looked up to the sky and sighed. He went over and dragged them aside. "You're all blocking the front of the carriage. How are you going to let the carriage pass?!"