Chapter 139 - Finding an appeal

Back in the small courtyard, Liu Yusheng whispered goodbye at the fork in the road between the guest rooms and the inner courtyard.

The man stood there, seeing her off.

Qian Wanjin and the others haven't returned yet, so the guest rooms were quiet.

Sitting by the bed, Liu Yusheng couldn't help thinking of that man.

Feng Qingbai, as his name suggested, was as cool as the breeze and bright as the moon, and like a tall pine.

He was very restrained in his dealings with others, restrained at a polite distance, but not too detached.

Whenever he spoke, his eyes were clear and soft, which deterred any dislike of him.

Regent, King of Nanling.

Standing so high, he should be a man who has gone through a thousand sails, but she couldn't find a trace of cold-heartedness in him.

As if he was born to be a man of majesty.

Moreover, she couldn't even feel indifference from such a powerful man.

The way he looked at her made her feel that they were on equal footing.

In the inner courtyard, Feng Qingbai sat on an armchair, somewhat lost in thought, looking at his right hand.

Just now, her eyelashes gently brushed across his hand, and the delicate touch of her skin remained on it.

After nine years, he touched her for real again – under these circumstances!

By promising to take her to the inn, he had anticipated the scene she would see, and he did it on purpose.

He wanted her to see for herself the environment he was living in.

Someone was always plotting against him at every moment, and someone wanted him dead at all times.

He was always fighting for his life at every second.

She should be afraid, and would avoid him when she saw him again.

But at the last moment, he couldn't help but cover her eyes, unwilling to let those clean, clear eyes to see the filth and blood.

Rather than scaring her and making her afraid, he'd prefer to force himself to stay away from her.

"Imperial Uncle, can you still find that man?" the boy sitting in a corner asked softly.

Since his return in the house, his uncle had been sitting there in a daze, and his expression and eyes were very different from usual.

This strange change made him feel uneasy.

"I'll try my best," the man replied, "If I can't find him, I'll look for other ways. If all else fails, then you should be prepared for life or death."

The man's words were heartless, but the boy felt a strange sense of calmness upon hearing them.

At least he didn't lull him with nice words like everyone else.

"Imperial Uncle, if I really die, can you not bury me in a separate tomb and just bury me with my parents together?" The boy's voice was calm, and expectation tinged his eyes as he looked at the man.

Even if he had never met them, he wanted to be buried with them.

He thought that if they were still alive, they would definitely love him.

He would be able to experience the love of his father and mother after death.

Feng Qingbai quietly stared at the boy for a long while and said, "Okay."

"Thank you, Imperial Uncle!" A happy smile spread across the boy's face.

If he had made such an excessive demand in the past, his uncle would have ignored him.

He was overjoyed that he easily agreed today.

His uncle stood by his word, so he wasn't afraid that he was lying to him.

When that time came, however, his imperial uncle would probably have to play a good game with those old ministers in the court to fulfill his promise.

An emperor buried with his parents after his death – there was no precedent in the previous dynasty.

After noon, Uncle Fu came over to report that the girl living in the guest house had lunch and rested.

The boy saw some gentleness on his uncle's face.

Then, Wei Zi came to report on the progress of the missing disciples of the Baicao Valley.

While no one was looking, the boy slipped out of the room.

He witnessed the scene in the morning.

At that time, he was standing by the window of the flower hall, and he had a perfect view of what happened.

He saw that his uncle actually took the initiative to talk to the woman.

With an expression he had never seen before.

He vaguely felt that the woman had some semblance to the young girl he caught a glimpse of on the street yesterday. At that time, his uncle's reaction was particularly violent.

He didn't expect the woman to live in the guest house, and his uncle was now even taking care of her accommodation and food. He absolutely didn't believe that there was nothing strange about it.

He wanted to see what kind of person the woman was.

"Master, His Majesty snuck out to the guest house." Unbeknownst to the boy, someone reported the moment he left.

The man who was listening to the report paused, and after a moment, he said, "No need to stop him."

The boy also didn't know that he wouldn't have gotten out of the house if someone wasn't willing to let him go.

He tiptoed all the way to the guest house, feeling the thrill of being a thief. He wiped his face and set his mind straight, while straightening his bent back.

He walked along the porch, looking in through the open windows of the various guest rooms, and soon found the person he was looking for.

The young woman was asleep, her sleeping face peaceful and quiet, and she looked very beautiful.

The white face was tinged with a faint flush, and her skin looked like the wind would scratch it.

Her nose was straight, and her mouth was small.

The combination was at most a delicate and beautiful woman. She was barely worth looking at!

The boy was a little disappointed and muttered, "She's not that beautiful."

She was far worse than the charming beauties in the palace.

How could his uncle treat her differently?

Resting his elbows on the window sill and bracing his jaw, the boy continued to examine the face, trying to find something unique and attractive about her. There must be something appealing about her that he didn't find. Otherwise, with this face alone, he bet his uncle wouldn't even give her a second glance.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" It wasn't until those gently closed eyes opened and looked at him frankly that it dawned on the boy.

The highlight was those eyes.

They were as clean and clear as the rain-washed sky, without a trace of impurities.

It wasn't the kind of innocence that bordered on simplicity, but the purity that hid no dirt.

"Still staring?" Liu Yusheng got up, raised her eyebrows, and looked at the half-grown boy at the window with amusement. "Don't you know it's impolite to stare at a girl like that?"

In ancient times, he could be considered profligate at this age.

"Then why aren't you angry?" Why didn't she get angry if she thought he was rude? Shouldn't she be the same as those weeping beauties who would generally act pale and scream lecher?

The boy didn't feel guilty about being caught, instead curiosity rose more in his eyes.

Liu Yusheng smiled, her shrewd eyes curved into beautiful crescent moons, "Because your eyes are very upright."

She could still distinguish a lecher's eyes from purely sizing eyes.

Hmm, the boy nodded. Her smile was a highlight as well.

She barely passed.

It didn't really matter what he thought of her. The key was that his uncle likes her, and it was none of his business. He just didn't want to admit it.

His uncle promised to bury him with his parents. He must trust him a little more.

Both of them were orphans, and they were also considered to be dependent on each other for eight years.

If he was interested in this woman, it was reasonable for him to inspect her for him. He did what he was supposed to do.