Chapter 154 - Hmm, It Hurts

It seemed that God never really favored Feng Qingbai.

His background gave him the most glamorous identity, but never gave him the same treatment as his identity.

He was forced to leave the palace and live in the countryside. They hunted him down, and he lost his closest relatives. And when he returned, he was forced to bear responsibilities he should not have had to bear.

Even just for a day, did he live in peace?

Her slender arms tightly wrapped around him with such force that he even felt pain.

However, a smile spread on Feng Qingbai's lips instead. He rested his jaw on top of her head, and whispered a bit lower, "Do you feel sorry for me?"

"Hmm, I hurt," she didn't look up, and responded with a hint of nasal sound.

He paused in his smile. "You can comfort me."


"Give me some response. It's enough to ease my mind."

A response? She was hugging him and letting him cuddle her like this. Wasn't this response obvious enough?

She looked up at him in confusion.

Feng Qingbai smiled shallowly and sighed. "Not this response. Let me teach you."

He lowered his head, dominated her lips again, and pried her lips apart, "Now, can you give me some response?"

Liu Yusheng: "…" Her brain pumped, and she stuck out her small tongue, and licked between his lips.

That subtle gesture activated Feng Qingbai's transformation mechanism.

The night breeze blew and slipped through the gaps in the leaves, bringing out rustling sounds.

Blending in with the young lady's struggles.

As if there was nothing.

The night deepened.

The night breeze was refreshingly cool on the face, with a wet, sultry dampness.

Feng Qingbai bowed his head and looked at the lady who was sleeping in his arms, and teeming tenderness coated his heart.

He wanted to hold her and never let go, and just sit here forever.

He didn't want to care about fame and fortune, or even the disturbances of the outside world.

But he couldn't. She needed him to protect her.

In the end, he didn't hold back, and dragged her to his side before he could eliminate all his hidden worries.

He was selfishly dominating her, greedily sucking up the beauty that only she could give him.

He had that impulse when she accompanied the cocoon of the pupa to become a butterfly.

He felt a crisis in his heart when she unintentionally told him about the blind date. She was sixteen and would soon, eventually, be married.

When she came back in the carriage and told him that she couldn't leave him alone, that impulse finally materialized and he made up his mind.

He couldn't wait any longer – couldn't wait.

He was really afraid that she would forget him.

He was even more afraid that by the time he settled everything down and went back to look for her, she would already be beside someone else, smiling like a flower.

He didn't want that. He would never allow that.

He couldn't bear it.

What about just guarding her from afar? As long as she was well, it was fine not to see her.

He couldn't do it. He was just deceiving himself and others!

If he were to lose her completely, the world would be a cold, dark place for him.

Only when he was holding him in his arms like now did he truly feel that his heart was still warm.

He carefully picked up his little girl, leaped down from the treetop, and while trying not to disturb her one bit, carried her back to her sleeping quarters.

He put her on the bed, covered her with a blanket, and looked at her beautiful sleeping face for a long while before he leaned over and imprinted a kiss on her forehead and left

At the entrance of the inner courtyard, a man leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, saw Feng Qingbai approaching, and stood up straight.

Feng Qingbai stood still three paces away from the man and said, "You've been waiting a long time."

Qian Wanjin sneered, "You knew I've been waiting, yet you didn't come out earlier. Should I call you Your Highness, or Axiu?"

"In front of people, you'd better call me Your Highness. Axiu is for people close to me. With Young Master Qian's identity, being close to me isn't necessarily good."

"Huh," Qian Wanjin changed his face, "You also know that it isn't good to be close to you, yet you still want to involve her in this!

Don't you know your situation yourself? Do you want to kill her? Do you want to annihilate Xinghua Village!"

He was also a martial arts practitioner. Even if he was a little farther away, he still got aware of the noise that came from Liu Yusheng's room.

He had been standing here for a long, long time, long enough to see everything that happened in the inner courtyard from beginning to end.

His questioning silenced Feng Qingbai for a moment.

"Since I did it, I will protect her.

There is only possibility that something happens to her or to Xinghua Village, and that is my death."

This was his proclamation and his oath.

Qian Wanjin gazed at the tall, jade-like man in front of him, who exuded unparalleled strength and had mixed feelings.

That aloof and reticent young man he jokingly said as a fallen phoenix that was worse than a chicken, has stood on top of ten thousands of people, holding supreme authority and admired by all.

At the same time, he was always in danger that no ordinary person could endure.

When Feng Mohan took the throne as the emperor's grandson, how could those princes and noblemen who felt more qualified than him willingly hand him the position, which they had been planning for years? How could they let a young child who had nothing to fall back on have it?

Feng Qingbai, who helped him become the Emperor and protected him on his way to the throne, became a thorn in the side of the rich and powerful, and someone they hungered to eliminate.

Feng Qingbai's life was almost like hanging on the edge of a cliff, and one slip would break him to pieces.

However, he stood steadily for nine years under such circumstances, and eliminated one dissident after another within that period.

Qian Wanjin believed in his ability.

If he dared to make such a declaration and such a heavy oath, he would definitely carry it out.

But he was still upset.

He has been displeased with Feng Qingbai since he was a child, and he thought that it was probably because Liu Yusheng treated him better than she treated him.

To this day, he still couldn't understand what kind of thoughts he had towards Liu Yusheng.

But there was no doubt that he was truly protective of Liu Yusheng. When she was abducted out of the blue, his heart was – sore!

"If you dare hurt her or make her sad, I'll never let you go!

In terms of power and wealth, I may not be as good as you, but I'm more than capable of adding to your problems."

Feng Qingbai hooked his lips. "You've been giving me trouble since I was a child, but you've never succeeded. If you want to make the same mistake again, yours truly is always at your disposal."

"…" Qian Wanjin's face turned black. It was his history of blood and tears.

F*ck, this bastard! Feng Qingba has never been a good guy since he was a child! He actually still remembered it until now!

Wasn't he supposed to be busy?!

Thinking of his insidiousness, he was reminded of something else.

"That Elder Jiang who called me over this morning, was it you who did it? Just to get rid of me so you can seduce Lucky Nannan?"

He really thought he was lucky that he was there, but they didn't even say anything to him and left him sitting there, causing him to drink tea all day. And now, whenever he talked, all he could smell was tea!

While asking the question, he stared intently at Feng Qingbai's obnoxious face, not sparing a single nuance of expression on his enemy's face.

He had nothing to boast about other things, but he had excellent vision in determining the essence of expressions.

He has been a fiery-eyed and shrewd person since he was a child.

Sure enough, the guy wasn't surprised at all. He neither frowned nor felt guilty at all!

On the contrary, he looked askance at him, and curled his lips in a smile!