Chapter 158 - Fu Yuzheng

"Zhengzheng was originally a character that I made up out of thin air, and I thought that even if they did go to Xuzhou to investigate, they wouldn't be able to find out anything.

All they could discover was what I wanted them to find out.

What I didn't expect was that if I fabricated a character, they could just as easily fabricate a character and send her to me.

That little girl came to me then, and the first thing I did was prepare to kill her.

My hand was already around her neck, but in the end I left her alive.

Not because I was soft-hearted and sympathetic to her. In fact, it was her who saved herself."

Speaking of which, Feng Qingbai's memories flashed back to that moment.

At that moment, that girl grabbed his hand. Because of suffocation, her face has begun to turn purple, but her eyes were unafraid and instead shone with another kind of light.

It was a strong desire to live.

She wanted to live, and for this belief, she could do everything she could.

Much like he once was.

At that moment, she squeezed out her voice with difficulty.

"I know there is only one outcome when I come, which is death, and you won't let me go.

I want to make a deal with you.

If you agree, maybe I can be a help to you."

She was smart. From the moment they sent her, she knew she couldn't hide everything.

A fake was a fake. How could King Nanling not recognize his life-saver?

How could he not know the purpose of her presence at his side?

Those people sent her here so that she could spy on him and get what they wanted from King Nanling.

"She's a spy those people sent to you?" Liu Yusheng asked curiously, "So she defected with you?"

"She told me that as long as I kept her alive, she could tell me everything those people told her to do and every order they gave her.

She can also help me spy from there, making it easier for me to counter my opponents in the game.

In this way, when I want to deal with my political opponents, I can do it with half the effort. And she can also save her life.

In addition, she also asked me to agree to a request.

Her name is Fu Yuzheng, and she's a concubine daughter of a small family in the capital.

Because of the downfall of her mother's family, her mother and she were expelled from the family when she was a child and abandoned by her father.

Someone brought her back this time only to use her against me.

She asked me to help bring her family to great heights and then, when they were at their most prosperous, to knock them down hard into the abyss and leave them in pieces.

I agreed and gave her the status of a lady-in-waiting to keep her in the house.

The situation was such that if I hadn't kept her, those people would have continued to send a second and third Zhengzheng to me.

As opposed to that, it would be better to just keep her with me, so I can block a lot of unnecessary troubles, then I'd be sure of the score.

In fact, others sent her to my side as a spy, but she turned into my spy.

On the surface, we are a master-servant with a saving grace bond, but behind the scenes, it is just a relationship of mutual use, and nothing else.

That woman is very smart but also ruthless.

In the future, when you come to the capital, there's no need to contact her. Just know that she is my assistant like Wei Zi and Wei Lan."

Liu Yusheng quietly listened, never expecting the root to be like that.

She felt heartbroken for the woman and also impressed.

A young girl went from being a victim of a power struggle to saving her own life with her own acumen.

She even managed to find the opportunity to avenge herself, fighting her way out of the most desperate of situations with her own strength.

Fu Yuzheng was an extremely capable person.

What exactly has she experienced to have that kind of heart and drive.

"I guess when she was a child, she should have had a hard time as well," Liu Yusheng sighed.

"You sympathize with her?" Feng Qingbai was a little amused. He lifted the young lady's jaw up and asked, "What about me?"

For some reason, every time she clashed with his eyes now, Liu Yusheng felt shy and uncomfortable, and her heart would always beat out of order.

Liu Yusheng feigned to calmly turn her face away from the confines of his fingers, and coughed lightly, "What about you?"

"You sympathize with her. What about me? Sympathy, heartache, or something else?" he asked again, asking in more detail. In his narrow eyes were wisps of laughter.

This man would really turn seductive at the drop of a hat!

The word he really wanted to hear was that word, right? Liu Yusheng hummed. Humph! Fat chance! Was he trying to coax her into confessing? He hadn't even said that word to her yet.

"I feel sympathy and distressed for you. I would feel the same as others. Who made you my Brother Axiu?"

Feng Qingbai smothered a laugh and once again turned the young lady's face around. He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered.

"I don't want your sympathy, and I don't want your heartache. I want you to like me, will you?"

His dark and deep eyes bored into Liu Yusheng, and the tenderness overflowing within enveloped her whole being.

She couldn't struggle, couldn't escape, and could only indulge in it.

Liu Yusheng's face slowly turned red with visible speed, and the scorching heat almost burned her whole being.

But Liu Yusheng just refused to admit defeat in front of him.

Why should she turn tail against him every time? She, Liu Yusheng, could also retaliate!

She met the man eye-to-eye, and locked her eyes with him. "Where do you want me to like you? Here, here, or here?"

She stretched out her fingers, and her white fingertips descended all the way down from his forehead, poking and prodding at him.

Then he took hold of it before it could cause any more mess.

His strength was so strong that it caused pain in her wrist.

Liu Yusheng raised the corners of her lips, her eyes glowed with pride.

She'd never seen a pig run, but she'd also eaten pork. Did he really think she didn't know anything?

Who asked him to make her blush at every turn?! Hmph! Did he now know what it was like to be hit back?

I, Liu Yusheng, am not a vegetarian either!

The young lady was triumphant, and her partly-opened eyes were bright, inadvertently revealing a natural naivete.

Feng Qingbai's deep eyes darkened in an instant. "Shengsheng, do you know what it means to set yourself on fire?"

In the midst of her surprise, he took hold of her hand!

Liu Yusheng's eyes rounded, watching the hand uncontrollably approach her. Oh no! She forcefully withdrew her hand, and almost rolled and crawled to escape from the cabin.

"Feng Qingbai! You beast!"

She left an angry roar. Behind her, the man laughed heartily.

Liu Yusheng fell on the deck of the boat, panting and gasping. Her heart was thumping so much that it was about to pop out.

This man has turned into a demon!

How was an innocent girl like her going to fight him?