Chapter 162 - I’ll Grant You a Marriage!

Inner courtyard study.

Feng Mohan was sitting in a corner with both hands on his cheeks. From time to time, he would glance at the face of the man behind the desk who was focused on his work.

He felt like a cat was scratching his chest.

But, he dared not make a sound to disturb his Imperial Uncle.

He has been looking at him for so long. Why was Uncle still ignoring him?

Ask me, ask me!

"What do you want to say?" His painstaking effort paid off. After he called out deep inside dozens of times, the person behind the desk finally spoke.

"Imperial Uncle!" Feng Mohan immediately stood up and dawdled over, but didn't dare to get too close. He chose a position opposite the man to stand and asked cautiously, "Imperial Uncle, is Aunt Liu going to be my Imperial Aunt in the future?"

Feng Qingbai paused and lifted his eyes, "Do you have an opinion?"

"No-no!" Feng Mohan hurriedly waved his hands. What a joke! Would he have an opinion? He would be a dead man! "I like Aunt Liu a lot, really!"

Satisfied with his reply, only then did the man withdraw his eyes and continued to work.

"But, Uncle, if you really want to be with Aunt Liu, will those old geezers in the court agree? I'm afraid they'll make an issue out of Aunt Liu's status and identity."

His uncle held power. In recent years, those people devised ways to send women to him yet never succeeded.

In the end, those people gave up. Rumors even once abounded in the imperial capital that his uncle disregarded women charms because he has an unmentionable disease. The worst exaggerated rumor was that he was homosexual.

This abrupt trip out of the palace resulted in the addition of an aunt, an insignificant peasant lady from a village. Those old immortals would probably raise hell.

Feng Mohan frowned when he thought of this. He had to help his uncle make plans and prepare. They depended on each other. If he didn't worry about his uncle, no one would worry about him.

"What are your thoughts?" Behind the desk, the man didn't look up nor reprimand him for talking too much, but asked another question.

This was unprecedented!

Feng Mohan was so excited that his eyes glowed.

Uncle never asked his opinion in the palace before! He would never discuss with him either! He could only follow orders and be punished!

"Imperial Uncle!" The overexcited Feng Mohan pounced on the table, "I'll grant you and Aunt Liu a marriage! I'm the emperor, you can't resist if I grant you a marriage, you can only get married! This way you can be with Aunt Liu, and Aunt Liu can be my Imperial Aunt! Those old immortals won't be able to find fault with you. At most, they will put pressure on my side. I'm not afraid! I'm going to die anyway. Let them come as they please. I'll carry it for you!"

"Can you bear it?" The man's tone was faint, the fluctuations in his voice inaudible.

"The worst result if I can't bear it is that they succeed in impeaching me and I can't become the emperor? By then, you and Aunt Liu already got married, and pulling me out of power won't change the outcome. I'll anger them to death!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. The more the young man imagined a group of ministers scratching their heads and helplessly looking at the image of his uncle and aunt getting married and having children in the bridal chamber, his grin widened.

He failed to notice that the man already looked up from the desk and was looking at him in a complicated way.

"You like your Aunt Liu very much?"

"Yes!" The young man nodded without hesitation. "Aunt Liu will talk with me, tell me stories. With Aunt Liu, I'll never have to worry about saying the wrong thing and doing the wrong thing."

Unlike in the palace, he has to be vigilant and defensive against everyone around him.

He was afraid that he would get stabbed when he turned around after uttering a wrong word.

He dared not commit a single mistake, worrying that a little error would lead to subversion of the court and bring endless troubles for Uncle.

The young man cautiously glanced at the man and met his dark eyes.

He froze and his heart drummed a little. "Imperial Uncle?"

Did he say something wrong? Impossible! He was thinking of his uncle!

Then why was he looking at him with such eyes?

A few moments later, a large palm patted his head and moved away.

The young man was completely frozen. His eyes slowly rounded in amazement.

Did his uncle touch his head just now?

It was like what he saw before. Other people's fathers rubbed the top of the little baby's head?

Although it was just a stroke, he was sure, very sure! Imperial Uncle really touched the top of his head!

Feng Mohan felt a little dizzy. His heartbeat went bang-bang-bang. He…was on cloud nine!

"You need not worry about these. Go down and rest."

"Oh." He executed his orders without fail. The young man froze and turned around to go back to his room. Once his back turned, his eyes instantly glowed red quietly.

He walked out of the study and back to his room. He sat on the bed for a long time, and suddenly woke up and ran amok. He ran back and forth in the dark corners around the room, laughing, jumping and screaming under his breath, unable to contain his excitement.

"Uncle Wei! Uncle Wei! You know what? Just now, Imperial Uncle touched the top of my head!"

"Xiao Bai! Let me tell you, my uncle touched the top of my head just now! Really, it's comfortable!"

"Wei Cheng! Did you see it? In the study just now, my uncle touched the top of my head! Ow-ow-ow!"

The man in the study has stopped working. His eyes fell on the candle flame burning and flickering in front of him. His eyes were partly cast down, dark and unfathomable. One would wonder what he was thinking.

He got up and went out of the study towards a certain direction. Then he coldly shouted, "Feng Mohan, go to bed!"

A long distance away from the courtyard, that muffled noise immediately disappeared, silent.

The guest courtyard also fell quiet.

The guest rooms were no longer lit. At this hour, most of them were asleep.

Feng Qingbai slowly headed to the young lady's bedchamber. He initially just wanted to get closer to her, to see her a few more times.

He didn't expect that when he got closer, a scene captured him.

The window was half open, and the girl was leaning on the rails.

The young lady leaning on the window bar was looking up at the moon.

The moon is hazy and dim, and the moonlight falling on her face reflected her delicate and tender face.

Under the moonlight, she had a gentle and quiet aura that subtly surrounded her, making people relaxed when they looked at her.

No matter how much turmoil his heart was in, he seemed to calm down the fastest by her side.

The beauty was silent.

Such a picture made someone reluctant to disturb.

But he still walked forward.

Rather than standing at a distance watching her, he preferred to go to her side, and be with her in the scene in the picture.

He was willing to be her foil.

Soft footsteps rang in Liu Yusheng ears. She turned her head and saw the man coming with the moonlight.

His tall posture, his clear and elegant temperament, his unparalleled beauty.

His whole figure was shrouded in a hazy halo.

As if he was out of this world. The man resembled a banished immortal who was tainted with mundane affairs.

The corners of Liu Yusheng's mouth gently curled up, and she smiled before speaking.

"Why did you come here so late?"

"I missed you, so I came." He was already close to her, gazing at the young girl through the window sill, and his eyes were than the moonlight.

It was a wonder if this was the same for all couples in love.

Sometimes, just a word or even a look in each others' eyes could make your heart sweet as honey.

Then the sweetness would creep up to the corners of your eyes and eyebrows, making you unable to contain yourself.

This was the case with Liu Yusheng. She simply couldn't restrain the smile from the corners of her lips, and sweetness filled her heart to the brim.

"What about you?" He also seemed to sense something, and his voice unconsciously deepened a few points.


"Did you miss me?"