Chapter 169 - Uncle Can’t Be Relied On

"Y-You want to go back to Xinghua Village?" Liu Yusheng squeezed her ten fingers tightly, so nervous that her heart was beating fast.

"Is it okay?" He gazed at her and asked softly.

At headboard, the boy silently turned his head to the side.

Not to mention Aunt Liu's pretty face covered in rosy haze, a little boy like himself also felt his ears burning.

His uncle was simply too coquettish! They were only talking, but how come his speech was especially titillating!

Flirty and provocative!

Imperial Uncle's cold and noble image that he had held for several years in his heart suddenly collapsed.

Even his fear of him waned!

He used to be like a mouse meeting a cat.

Now, he felt he was beginning to have the guts to occasionally tug at the fur around the cat's mouth.

This morning, Liu Yusheng's mood soared, and the corners of her mouth curled up all the time high.

He was going home with her! Back to Xinghua Village!

She was on cloud nine that she seemed to have wings, and her steps were as light as if she were flying.

Feng Mohan sighed in awe from the side.


Too unreserved.

Renowned and boudoir young ladies should be squirming and shy.

She was exceptional. She could have just written happy all over her face.

Besides, using the excuse that it would take a long time to cure him, she played a trivial trick to test his Imperial Uncle and seduce him to go to Xinghua Village. Did she think he didn't know?

Aunt Liu, you underestimate me!

He spat deep inside, but looking at the young girl walking around the courtyard fully satisfied akin to a blissful butterfly, the corners of the boy's mouth followed suit and curled up unconsciously.

Xinghua Village – he actually would like to go to visit too.

To see what kind of people Aunt Liu's grandparents, parents, second uncle and second aunt, and her two brothers were.

To go and see how hardworking, kind, simple, and honest the villagers in her mouth were.

To go and see the Qinghe river, tour the Xinghua ridge, and see the endless waves of rice.

This morning, Feng Qingbai was also very busy.

He sat in the study and issued commands, one after the other.

He wanted to make sure that all arrangements were well thought out and foolproof.

He developed this habit over the years.

Prepare for a rainy day; move carefully every step on the way; have a second string to his bow.

He didn't want to arrive at Xinghua Village and still be constantly harassed by assassins.

There was also Feng Mohan's condition.

This time, his enemies chased him to Xuzhou and once again enticed Feng Mohan to trigger the poison himself. It was their way to test his bottom line and bottom card.

Feng Qingbai twisted his head to look out of the window. His eyes drifted down unknown distant, and a cold, ethereal smile slowly floated at the corners of his mouth.

Before each game previously, the two sides tested each other, little by little to weaken each other's aides.

In the imperial court, in the harem, and even various battlefields, they constantly played tug-of-war.

He was tired of it.

"Inform Wei Xuan, step up the efforts to combat the camps belonging to the Liu family in the capital. Take them down from their horses in the next selection."

"Yes!" Wei Zi responded to the order and paused, "Master, since we want to pull down the Liu family in the capital, we need to select a rival for them. May I know if Master is interested in someone?"

Feng Qingbai tapped his index finger on the table, and his long eyes narrowed. "The Qian family."

"Yes!" Master was planning to vault the Qian family to the position of the imperial merchant and use them to suppress the Liu family. It was a question whether it was a disaster or a blessing for Qian Wanjin.

Moreover, the Liu family in the palace would probably be hopping mad.

For his master, the power of the Liu family in the capital was a giant tumor. Their roots were intricately intertwined. Besides, they originated from the same root as Qin Xiao, the general of the current Dynasty, and the current right prime minister. Uprooting them all at once was impossible.

In the past, both sides could only test each other carefully, each gaining and losing.

Master was now determined to change the battlefield.

Wei Zi took his orders and retreated, his heart extremely agitated.

It gave earmarks to a pre-war excitement.

It was time to give their opponents a head-on blow! Something so painful that they wouldn't dare to reach out next time!

Feng Qingbai withdrew his gaze that fell in the distance, got up, and walked out of the study.

The aura emanating from his body grew stronger and stronger, and then slowly gathered up and turned into internal control.

Just as he walked into the courtyard, he saw the young girl peeking out from inside, smiling like a flower. "Feng Qingbai, you're back!"

"Yeah, I'm back." Seizing her smiling face, he replied with a light smile.

His heart felt brimful.

She was waiting for him.

As he approached, he extended his long arms and took her into his arms. He rested his forehead against hers. "Shengsheng, let's go shopping?"

"Shopping?" The young girl blushed and nestled in his arms. Her lashes fluttered and she blinked, her long slender eyelashes causing a slight tickle across his face.

"I've been away from home for so long, so I always have to bring something back to buy hearts. Otherwise, grandparents probably wouldn't let me in," the man sighed softly, pretending to be aggrieved.

Liu Yusheng could't resist him. "It turns out you still have some self-awareness. Let's go. Let's go to the streets. I'll give you a hand and bring some goodies back for the family. It'll alleviate your crime."

"Uncle, Aunt Liu, I want to go too!" Feng Mohan, who was lying on his bed, tremblingly raised his hand, shaking with expectation.

Shopping? He wanted to go too!

He liked to go shopping!

Feng Qingbai glanced at him lightly. "Stay in bed and recuperate."

"Aunt Liu…" Mo Feng immediately turned pitiful eyes to Liu Yusheng. "I've never been shopping…"

Uncle couldn't be relied on. There was no need to beg him!

Seeing his attitude, Feng Qingbai's temples throbbed, and his face darkened.

Sure enough, the next instant.

"Then let's go together." The young girl nodded with a smile, and incidentally also explained to him, "He's fine now. It's okay for him to go shopping."

After saying that, the girl broke away from his embrace, turned around and went to tidy up, ready to go out.

Feng Qingbai raised his hand and massaged his temples. His head hurt a little.

He should have thrown Feng Mohan far away.

Meanwhile, Feng Mohan already flew out of bed, put on his own outer shirt, and buckled the belt. He also combed his hair neatly and put on his tall purple golden crown.

His red lips and white face was like a crowned jade pretty boy!

Feng Mohan posed left and right in front of the bronze mirror to examine himself and nodded. He felt very satisfied with himself.

His eyes slightly deviated in the corner of the bronze mirror and caught a certain man with his hands on his arms, looking directly at him from behind with glacial eyes.

Feng Mohan immediately moved his eyes away.

With Aunt Liu around, what was he afraid of? His Imperial Uncle was a paper tiger!

If worse came to worst, he would stick to Aunt Liu in the future!

"Feng Qingbai, Mo Feng, let's go, let's go!" The young lady also prepped up at some point. Once done, she shouted towards the inside. "Let's eat outside at noon and taste the flavor of Xuzhou cuisine."

Feng Mo Han immediately looked at Feng Qingbai. Unsurprisingly, as soon as Aunt Liu opened her mouth, his imperial uncle's eyes immediately changed! "Good."

Yes! Good, great, hahaha. His future life-saving talisman designated Aunt Liu!

Nesting in an imperceptible corner, constantly changing directions, going far or near and following the three people, Wei Hong felt upset.

Compared to now, she preferred the old days when she could follow Nannan around, eating when she wanted to, openly and honestly.

She kind of wanted to go back to Xinghua Village.

The streets of Xuzhou were busy, perhaps not as busy as the capital, but much better than the average state cities.

A convention had just ended, but the fever in the city hadn't yet dissipated. Merchants from all over the world were still staying in the city to look for more business opportunities.

The streets were almost overcrowded.