Chapter 179 - When he was sad, she refused to stay away

The morning breeze behind the mountain was quite cool.

It blew and scattered the scent of incense and paper money in the air, exuding a different flavor of despondency.

Feng Qingbai kneeled in front of the tomb for a long time, without saying a word.

No one could perceive what hidden emotions he had in his eyes.

Liu Yusheng squatted beside him, took out the paper money she brought and burned it, silently giving him company.

When going down the mountain, the Liu family walked in front while Liu Yusheng followed behind. Feng Qingbai slowed down and fell behind the girl without any hurry, watching her back.

Then he looked back at the grave mound in the distance, standing quietly there.

He took a step forward and gently held the girl's hand with the cover of his wide sleeves.

The young girl jolted slightly, but she didn't struggle and let him hold her.

The heaviness in Feng Qingbai's eyes slowly melted away and warmth surfaced.

Mother, this is Shengsheng. She's the woman I have loved since childhood. She's the person I love most in this life.

For her, I am willing to give everything.

I'll never let her suffer a single bit of the regrets and pain you have experienced.

And those who have made you suffer, I won't ever let one go.

Holding hands intimately with the man under the nose of the family made Liu Yusheng's heart race.

She looked intently at her family's movements in front and felt her heartbeat almost popping out of her chest several times. Nonetheless, she never struggled nor withdrew her hand.

Because he needed her comfort this time. In his sad moments, she refused to stay away.

She could not let go.

When Grandma Liu once turned back, Feng Qingbai released the girl's hand without a trace, without anyone noticing.

She didn't want him to be sad, but how could he put her in a difficult spot?

Because of this ritual, Grandpa Liu and Liu Dalin didn't tag along with them, but he couldn't let his emotions get out of hand and go to hold her.

He was no longer the same as the Axiu back then. Even if his heart was still dark and paranoid, he still wished he could lock her by his side at all times.

Nowadays, he has learned restraint.

Upon returning to the Lius courtyard, Liu Dalin rushed out in a hurry before he could even enter the yard. His eyes went back and forth between Liu Yusheng and Feng Qingbai a few times. It was only when he saw no difference that he put his mind at ease.

He coughed dryly, "Nannan, someone came to seek medical attention."

He used this excuse to clumsily cover up what he just did.

It really made people between tears and laughter.

Liu Yusheng glanced at the man, stifled her laughter, and followed her father into the door.

Feng Qingbai, on the other hand, lowered his head, and heavily pinched his brow.

He must find a way to dispel Uncle Liu's wariness of him and see the good in him.

Otherwise, as long as he was in the Lius courtyard, he wouldn't be able to get half a step closer to Shengsheng's side.

There was no way he could endure, so change plans.

However, he would never use forceful tactics against the Liu family.

Because they were different.

Besides Shengsheng, they were also the people he wanted to treat well.

Inside Liu Yusheng's small consultation room, a young man was sitting.

When Liu Yusheng saw the man, she froze for a moment.

She initially assumed it was a villager from a nearby town, but the man in front of her was wearing a white brocade robe and white jade hair crown. He resembled a scholar, elegant and eminent.

At first sight, he didn't look like a local.

The man showed no surprise at her appearance and age. He smiled and nodded towards her, "You are doctor Liu, right?"

Liu Yusheng nodded and sat down across the consultation table from the man, gesturing for him to extend his wrist.

Her fair finger felt for his pulse. "Where are you uncomfortable? What symptoms do you have?"

"I've been weak since childhood, but I've never had any major illness. However, I suddenly felt weak and dizzy recently. Yesterday I fainted twice in a row. I heard from someone that there's a young divine doctor in Xinghua Village, so I thought I'd come and take a look. I hope the young divine doctor can help me with a diagnosis or two."

Liu Yusheng frowned.

The pulse beating under her fingers was indeed very weak. The man's face was also pale, so the symptoms of physical frailness were the same as he claimed.

The strange thing was that the man's eyes weren't the usual dullness of a sickly person.

Those eyes were jet black and bright. Just look into those eyes would make people think that he was an energetic person.

There was also the hand that the man stretched out. On the natural curves of his fingers, his nails were healthy and shiny with pinkish touch.

They were entirely different from his face and the pallor of his complexion.

Liu Yusheng looked down, and her eyes flashed pensively.

The man's illness wasn't as simple as he made it out to be. Intuition told her that he was hiding something from her.

Was he really unaware of his health condition or was he lying?

"Doctor Liu, do you have any insight? Is it hard to diagnose my illness?"

"Besides weakness, do you feel anything else? Or during this period, have you touched anything you shouldn't touch, eaten any special food, etc.?"

The man's brow sank in thought, then he shook his head. "No, someone takes care of my food and living. It's just like usual, nothing special."

Liu Yusheng only said, "I still need a deeper investigation. Later, I will use silver needles to check again. Please try to relax as much as possible."

The silver needles Liu Yusheng used for consultations were a set that she specifically designed to be forged. The golden needles in her space were too eye-catching and she rarely took them out to use now.

The man sniffed and nodded, "I'm sorry to bother you, Doctor Liu."

Feng Qingbai leaned against the door of the small clinic. He didn't enter to disturb them, just leaned on the door and watched quietly.

This is the first time I've ever seen a woman with a newborn child.

Nevertheless, his presence was too strong to be ignored.

The moment Liu Yusheng bowed to take the silver needles, the man turned back towards Feng Qingbai and smiled.

Feng Qingbai stared at the man. His eyes darkened, and then the corners of his mouth slowly curled up in answer, revealing a hint of coolness.

The man was dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, Liu Yusheng had already taken out the silver needles.

"Relax a bit. I'm going to use the silver needles to pierce your acupuncture points now, so that I can more accurately detect the hidden problems in your body."

The man turned his head, nodded, and opened his mouth. He was about to speak when he suddenly trembled, and then slowly collapsed.

Bam~ As he fell down, his chair toppled to the ground with him, making a loud noise.

"Shengsheng, you stunned him."

Liu Yusheng, "…"

Obviously aware of Feng Qingbai's strange tone, Liu Yusheng looked at the man at the door, who raised his eyebrows at her and winked.

This action startled Liu Yusheng. When she glanced at the unconscious man on the ground, her eyes changed.

The consultation couldn't continue because the man was unconscious. Liu Yusheng asked Wei Zi and Wei Bai to carry him to the guest room in the first courtyard for the time being. Then would discuss other things once he had sobered up.

After they moved the man away, Liu Yusheng went to Feng Qingbai's side. "Is there something wrong with that person?"

"Do you remember that someone almost bumped into you in Xuzhou, once, and I kicked that person?"

Liu Yusheng was surprised, "The one you said followed us all the way inside the restaurant?"

Feng Qingbai nodded. "Although he changed his attire, I wouldn't mistake him. His aura hasn't changed."

"Is he an assassin?"

"He isn't. His intention isn't yet clear. But for the time being, I perceived no no malice from him."