Chapter 185 - Even if the dynasty toppled

Ordinary girls who weren't married at her age would court people's criticisms!

"Old spinster if she's an old spinster! Our Nannan is one of the best. Are you still worried about no one wanting her? If no one wants her, I'll raise her at home for life!" Liu Dalin's face turned cold. Marrying her daughter at 19 was still too early!

"He's just an official, but you're already scared and in a mess like this!"

Grandpa Liu showed the majesty of the head of the family at the right time. "That Wang's trick is to force our daughter to marry him. If we don't agree, will he really dare to snatch her by force? As for those rumors outside, don't pay attention to them. We can afford it! We can afford it. What we should be doing is make plans for our Nannan!"

Feng Mohan was a bundle of nerves nestling on the sidelines and wanted to jump up. Discussing and discussing, why aren't you considering my Imperial Uncle!

Look over here! Look over here! If Aunt Liu wants to get married, my Imperial Uncle is the best candidate!

No one is sharp-eyed and clear-headed! The whole family must be blind, huh?

He glanced at his uncle again and found him abnormal as well.

He's been all powerful at the gate just now, but he didn't know how to strike while the iron was hot.

Go ahead! I'll bestow you a marriage, if that's what you want!

They're simply worrying him!

"Father, mother, elder brother and sister-in-law, you are all anxious. Where is the need to worry about that?" The one who hadn't spoken at all glanced meaningfully at Feng Qingbai who was sitting in the corner. "Don't you remember what Axiu said just now at the door? If that Wang really dares to cause any mischief again, she's asking for bad luck."

The family fell silent.

The elders' eyes glowed. In their anxiety, they forgot about this point.

Could Axiu stand seeing Nannang getting bullied?

Just like how hard he protected her in their childhood, that was likely impossible.

When Axiu explained everything to them that day, although he didn't specifically mention what his current position in the court was, he also said that he was now an official in the capital.

A capital official ranked higher than the county magistrate, right?

What else was there to worry about?

"Axiu, if someone in the county government really exerts pressure, can you suppress him?" Although there was already certainty in his heart, Grandpa Liu still shot the question.

As for whether it would make things difficult for him, Grandpa Liu didn't consider it.

Axiu was their family. Protecting his younger sister wouldn't make things difficult for him!

When the family was discussing, Feng Qingbai sat aside and never raised his eyes. His eyes were partly drooping, shielding all the emotions in his eyes.

The moment he heard the old man ask, he raised deep and calm eyes. "Grandpa, why don't I pluck that surnamed Wang out right now?"

Pluck what? Take his life?

The old man felt relieved and waved his hand. "That's unnecessary, as long as he no longer finds trouble with our family. He can continue being an official, and we continue to live our lives."

Pluck what? The whole family thought of plucking black yarn.

Feng Mohan twisted his face. Oh, the family isn't only blind, but also very simple.

Only he discerned the intense rise and fall of killing intent in his uncle's tone.

Someone dared to covet his royal aunt, so it was normal to ransack his family and exterminate the clan. Taking only one life would be the top of heaven's grace!

Grandma Liu was more worried than Grandpa Liu. "You said at first that you still have a lot of political enemies and rivals. If you really step forward, won't those people trip you?"

"No." Feng Qingbai smiled.

Whoever dared to reach out toward Shengsheng, he would slaughter without even chickens and dogs spared.

Even if the dynasty toppled.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Liu, Aunt Liu, Shengsheng has now reached the graceful and beautiful age. More and more people will want to come to the door to ask for her hand in marriage. Shengsheng has a wine shop in her hands and outstanding medical skills. It's difficult to guess what kind of thoughts the people who want to marry her have. Instead of being so passive and pushing back, why not think of a way to get rid of it once and for all?"

"What have you thought?" The family looked at him, and Liu Dalin was the most alert.

Feng Qingbai smoothly responded with calm. "The idea that Aunt Liu proposed just now wasn't impossible."

"You mean to let Nannan find someone and betroth her to him?" Liu Dalin jumped up. He thought he had a good idea, but it was a terrible one. "Not to mention how hard it is to find someone, just claiming that Nannan is really engaged is tantamount to tying her to someone! If that man is wicked, if that man harbors evil intentions, it will harm Nannan for the rest of her life? Besides, the future son-in-law for Nannan must be the one she likes!"

"Uncle Liu, I only mean to find a shield to block the trouble for Shengsheng as her fiancé. Later, when Shengsheng meets someone she likes, she can break the engagement."

"If she's engaged to marry and then withdraws, then my daughter's reputation will be ruined!"

"The man who truly loves Shengsheng won't care about this. If he cares, that man isn't worth trusting."

"…" That seemed to make sense. Liu Dalin hesitated.

Grandma Liu was also moved. "That's right, but even if we agree, where can we find such a man?"

Who would be willing to act as a shield? Even if he was willing at that time, could they guarantee that the other party wouldn't change his mind or develop other thoughts after completing the event?

"I am suitable."

The man's light three words shook everyone's thoughts. Their jaws dropped and they all stared at him.

Without asking their opinion, he directly declared he was suitable!

Liu Dalin instantly exploded, "I think you're harboring evil intentions! So, you're waiting here and boast without shame that you're suitable?"

Do you mean you're the one Shengsheng likes?"

If he dared to say yes, he would immediately fork him out!

"Uncle Liu, what I mean is that I'm fit to be her shield."

"Dream on!"

Feng Qingbai slowly stood up with his hands folded. He bore an indifferent graceful demeanor, and his reserve and nobility was on display, his aura unmatched.

"If I were Shengsheng's fiancé, no one would have the nerve to dare to have thoughts on her again. Unless there is someone else in this world, better looking than me, richer than me, higher in the status than me, sincerely loves and cares for Shengsheng more than me."

"…" The corners of Liu Dalin's mouth twitched. If there really was such a person in the world, there was no need for an engagement. He would have married his daughter off immediately!

Why did he feel like this little bastard said something so unpleasant? It was as if he was showing them his strengths!

Based on his last phrase alone, he was really unsure that he could find a man in the world who could match this little bastard!

This feeling was simply fucked up!

"No one is more suitable to be her shield than me. And one day, if Shengsheng has a sweetheart, I will make it happen. Uncle Liu, I'm sure you know my bottom line very well. Is there anyone else you can be more at ease with?"

"…" He made sense, which rendered everyone speechless. However, Liu Dalin couldn't care less. He had a vague hunch that once he agrees today, he would definitely regret it in the future! "In short, no! I disagree with this! I don't believe there is no other way!"

The rest of the Liu family was silent, but to be honest, they were really moved.

They clearly saw with their hearts how Axiu treated Nannan. And with his current status, he was indeed the most suitable.

Nonetheless, letting Axiu be a shield was good for Nannan, but what about him?

This kind of thing should never be done hastily.

No matter what the reason was.