Chapter 187 - How Dare He Laugh at Imperial Aunt

Liu Yusheng knew nothing about what happened in the front yard and to the man.

At this time, she was in her room, working on refining a prescription that just came to mind.

The poison on Mo Feng's body couldn't be dragged.

No matter whether the man from Baicao Valley could cure Mo Feng, she wouldn't dally either.

The reason she didn't start the treatment immediately after coming home these two days was that she has been observing.

When she fed Mo Feng the spiritual spring water in Xuzhou, she noticed the abnormality of the toxin in his body.

These two days were for further confirmation.

After consuming spiritual spring water, those toxins substantially dissipated for a short time. But after the initial period, the toxins slowly diffused out again, and gradually became thicker and more active.

It was as if the spiritual water didn't detoxify the toxins, but rather nourished them.

Even after eating home meals and drinking water with spiritual spring water, the portion diluted and the effectiveness was much smaller. Simultaneously, from the food and drinks Mo Feng consumed, the dissipation and reactivation of toxins in his body also became slow.

Thus, a bold conjecture sprouted in her mind. Something was lurking in Mo Feng's body to create toxins. It liked to absorb the spiritual spring water, and the spiritual spring has the same nourishing effect on it!

The fragrance of medicine gradually filled the air, and it was getting thicker.

Liu Yusheng stopped when the medicine in the furnace had condensed into a paste-like form. She would like to refine these into pills. Unfortunately, she wasn't skilled enough.

Refined pills were inferior, and they were crushed with a slight pinch. The effectiveness of the medicine wasn't as good as an ointment.

Moreover, the implementation of the idea in her mind was better with ointment instead.

After making preparations, Liu Yusheng went to the second courtyard and prepared to talk to Feng Qingbai about her thoughts.

Just as she walked into the small courtyard, she heard Mo Feng's extremely impatient voice coming from one of the rooms.

"Is it ready yet? I've been sitting for half a day. How much longer do you need to diagnose me?"

"Just with this medical skill of yours, are you still the young master of Baicao Valley? You're not even half as good as my Aunt Liu!"

"Aunt Liu only felt my pulse and diagnosed the specific problem in just one breath. How long has it taken you?"

When he blurted these out, a man said urgently, "Your Aunt Liu diagnosed you? Did she say what kind of poison you have? Is there a specific response?"

"What?" Mo Feng was on full alert. "From asking this, do you want to steal from an expert or do you want to take my Aunt Liu's diagnosis for yourself?"

"Am I that kind of person? Since you say your Aunt Liu is so powerful, what's wrong with me communicating with her? This is also to heal you. Do you think I can obtain a benefit?"

Mo Feng coldly snorted, "Only you know what benefit you can have. There are many people in this world who are moralistic and fetching fame."

"…" He has never seen a child with such a poisonous mouth! He'd be dead if he couldn't cure him. Did he still need to plot against a little girl?

Liu Yusheng's feet turned a corner and entered the room. "Mo Feng."

"Aunt Liu!" As soon as the boy saw her, he immediately beamed.

Xue Qinglian's eyes sparkled. "Little Divine Doctor, you've come just in time. I have something to ask for advice!"

"Call me Miss Liu." Liu Yusheng smiled at the man. The young master of Baicao Valley? She surmised that Feng Qingbai has already convinced this man to cure Mo Feng. "I wonder if Young Master can teach me."

She never dared to underestimate him.

The artistic attainment of a person who dared to pester someone to study a poison would definitely not be low.

What was more, there was a family of hidden doctors behind him.

"I wouldn't dare to teach you, Miss Liu also shouldn't address me, Young Master. Just call me by my name, Xue Qinglian."

The moment he uttered his name, Feng Mohan choked with a puff of saliva.

Xue Qinglian's face blackened.

Noble and unsullied like a green lotus – he hated his name!

Liu Yusheng restrained the twitching corners of her mouth and stifled a laugh. "Please say it, Mr. Xue."

"I heard this kid say that you had fed him medicine before and saved his head from the ghost gate. I wonder if I can see this medicine."

It must be a world-class medicine that he had never seen before, not even in Baicao Valley!

This kid's pulse now was too mysterious to him!

Obviously, he should be in a state of exhaustion, but his vitality has remained stable and strong!

There were even two forces in his body that were constantly fighting for vitality!

Gazing at the man for a moment, Liu Yusheng smiled and said, "Sorry, that is an exclusive secret prescription, not for research."

"…" This little girl saw what he had in his mind.

He just wanted to study it.

Liu Yusheng held back the twitching corners of her mouth and stifled a laugh. "Please say it, Mr. Xue."

There was something good in front of him, yet she was deliberately trying to whet his appetite!

He clenched his teeth and scavenged everything he could think of out on the table. "This is a Thousand Medium Pill. This is a Rejuvenation Pill. This is a Heart Failure Pill. This is a Forgetfulness Pill… They are all my exclusive prescriptions. As long as you fancy it, there's no need for you to study it. I'll directly tell you the prescription! Can you just give me a little bit of your medicine?"

"…" Looking at the various pills that seem to be thrown into a mess like garbage, the corners of Liu Yusheng's mouth twitched wildly.

Rumors had it that Baicao Valley pills were rare.

This guy was truly careless!

Furthermore, these pills really didn't tempt her. She could refine them herself, and even the efficacy of the medicine wouldn't be worse than his.

Their only difference was that his were pills while hers were ointments, syrups, or powders.

With this in mind, Liu Yusheng thought. "I'm not interested in these pills. But if you really want an exchange, it's not impossible…"

"What do you want?"

"Teach me how to refine pills."

"…You don't know how to refine pills?" Xue Qinglian stared at Liu Yusheng with an odd expression.

"Is it strange for me not to know how to refine pills?" In modern times, how many other Chinese doctors could refine good pills? It has been extinct long ago, okay!

"Pfft – hahaha!" Xue Qinglian flung himself on the table and pounded it with laughter.

A divine doctor who couldn't refine pills.

There was probably only one in the whole world!

Feng Mohan coldly stared at someone who was convulsing with laughter completely without care of his image, and with one stroke of his hands, he scooped all the pills on the table and stuffed them over to Liu Yusheng. "Aunt Liu, take them, let's go!"

Let him have a good laugh here!

How dare he laugh at Imperial Aunt?

With a pitch, a fair and slender hand stretched out to pick a pill from Liu Yusheng's arms, swiftly stuffed it into Xue Qinglian's mouth, and smoothly patted him.

"Hahahaha! You, what did you just feed me just now?"

Feng Qingbai: "You made it by yourself, the exclusive Soft Tendon Pill."

"…Haha-Hahahaha!" Screw you, screw your second and third grandpas!

Asshole, you're fucking inhumane!

You fed me a pill and tapped my laughter acupoint! You don't leave me a way out!

The Hundred Poison Pill he had taken in the past just expired not long ago, and he hasn't had time to make up for it. He wasn't invincible now, that bastard!

Feng Mohan looked at his Imperial Uncle, and his eyes sparkled with little stars once again.

How come he didn't learn his Imperial Uncle's tactics? Draw blood from the enemy with a single prick!

The three sauntered out, while peals of laughter continued in the room for a full half hour.

By the time it stopped, Xue Qinglian's life was hanging by the thread, weakly lying on the table and feeling like he had nothing left to live for.

He swore that he and that man would never share the same sky!