Chapter 189 - In fact, he really wanted to

All the ancient trees and weeds were gone.

Replaced by a vast grove of fruit trees.

The fruit trees were lush and leafy, with bunches of oranges and yellows peeking between the green leaves.

You could smell the fragrance of fruits, standing under the trees.

They were loquats.

Under the loquat trees, different shade-loving herbs were also planted.

One by one, they were growing robustly.

"You bought Xinghua Ridge?"

"I bought it. This is my land. Not only this loquat grove, but also the grape forest in the back of the mountain were also allocated to me." Liu Yusheng smiled. "Unfortunately, the grape ripening season hasn't arrived yet, but you're just in time for the loquat picking period. I'll bring you to pick loquats in two days!"

"Aunt Liu, I'll give you a hand!" Feng Mohan's eyes were staring at the bunches of ripe loquats, and he couldn't even move his eyes a bit. Yum, he was craving for a taste so much!

Not that he hasn't eaten them before. He just hasn't tasted something fresh from the tree!

"Want to eat some?"

"Yes!" The chicken pecked rice.

Liu Yusheng patted the little boy's head. "If you want to eat it, pick it yourself. Can you climb trees?"

"Aunt Liu, look at me!" Climbing a tree? Did he need to? He flew up!

The little boy's foot stomped on the ground, leaped straight upward, and then landed steadily on a branch leaning out. He looked down and raised his eyebrows at the people below, smiling proudly, "Aunt Liu, wait. I'll pick some for you later!"

"You eat here while I take your Aunt Liu for a stroll around." Feng Qingbai took the young girl by the hand and walked away.

"..." Feng Mohan forcefully picked a loquat, peeled it, and stuffed it into his mouth, yet his eyes still fixed on the direction the two disappeared.

What stroll around? Did he think he couldn't understand?

He was obviously taking Aunt Liu somewhere where nobody was present to bully her!


Nom! Auntie Liu's loquat is delicious!

Subdued by a loquat, the youngster instantly threw behind him the depression of being disliked.

"Uncle, Aunt, and Brother should be further inside. Let's go in and say hello." Liu Yusheng vaguely felt that she was going to suffer, so she tried to find a way to save herself.

Feng Qingbai neither objected and let the girl lead him inside.

All the same kinds of herbs were planted around the fruit forest, not far in front of the open field.

There were three figures busy amid the medicinal fields, and it was clearly the three members of Liu Erlin's family.

"Look, I knew they were here. This is a piece of dendrobium that I planted specially." When the young girl saw the people, her tense nerves relaxed. She just raised her hand to greet them, when the man beside her pulled her violently and pinned her against the back of a nearby tree trunk in a twinkling of an eye.

His action told her clearly that she celebrated too early.

"Shengsheng, it's time to settle the score."

Liu Yusheng wanted to cry without tears.

Even if we want to settle accounts, can we change the location?

The people in the medicinal field would discover them in this location with a mere closer look!

"Father, mother, did you hear any noise?" Liu Zhiqiu's voice came faintly.

"What noise can there be? The village people won't come here at will. You heard wrong." Liu Erlin didn't even raise his head.

"I didn't hear anything either. I think you misheard it," Du Juan seconded.

Liu Zhiqiu stood up and patted the mud on his hands, "I'll take a look. It shouldn't be the village children coming and running amok. It would be a pity if they trample on the herbs."

Behind the tree trunk, Liu Yusheng's legs trembled, listening to the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer!

She wanted to resist but afraid of making any noise and attracting attention.

Feng Qingbai, let go of me. I know I was wrong!

The man paid no heed to the footsteps that were getting closer. He rested his forehead against the girl's with a wicked smile in his eyes!

Liu Yusheng's heart was about to pop out when she discerned that wicked twinkle in his eyes. She pinched his waist without mercy.

The man's expression changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to cry out in pain.

Bad! Her second brother was right behind him!

Acting faster than her brain, Liu Yusheng stood on tiptoes and gagged the man!

She really wanted to cry!

One really reaps what one sow. He hadn't done anything to her, but she sent herself up!

Feng Qingbai's eyes were brimming with laughter. The moment the woman reacted and wanted to retreat, he confined her.

At the same time, the tip of his rose slightly vertical and leaped with the lady in his arms on the branches of the tree. The fruit tree's dense foliage completely concealed the two figures.

Meanwhile, Liu Zhiqiu turned around from the front of the trunk and examined the place where the two just stayed a few moments ago in bafflement. "Strange. I obviously heard sounds coming from here. Why is there nothing? Were my ears really playing tricks on me?"

In the middle of the tree branch half a man high above his head, two figures clinging to each other were quiet and silent.

He only had to look up to find the people above him.

The kiss still continued.

Liu Yusheng felt dizzy with the thumping of her heart the only thing she could hear.

She could not even tell if her rapid heartbeat was due to the person below or to the man's kiss.

When the person below left, Feng Qingbai backed away a little.

"Next time, it'll be in front of everyone." He murmured almost inaudibly with his forehead against hers.

Liu Yusheng was speechless. Letting her heartbeat race so bad, she was scared to death all right. He still wanted a next time? Dream on!

Feng Qingbai regretted it a bit.

In fact, he really wanted to.

He wanted to declare in front of everyone that she was his.

Especially after the excitement of the morning.

Unfortunately, he still cherished her more.

Liu Yusheng was furious!

This guy, he didn't even register the occasion!

She was so scared, yet he took it in stride. He would overturn the heavens!

After coming down from the tree, Liu Yusheng didn't go to greet Liu Zhiqiu and his parents. She did not dare to show her face!

There was no need for her to know how ravaged her lips looked. Once she showed up, could they still hide it?

After running away from the herbal field, Liu Yusheng turned back to find Feng Mohan without sparing Feng Qingbai a glance all the way.

How could he fool around?! How could he use his martial arts to scare her?!

In the distance, Feng Mohan saw the girl approaching angrily with his groveling uncle trailing behind and calling her Shengsheng.

Aunt Liu ignored him the whole time.

Yah! How did he make Aunt Liu angry!

Squatting on a tree branch and tossing another loquat into his mouth, Feng Mohan watched with gusto.

Although he was in the same court as his uncle, this didn't prevent him from watching his uncles antics.

Especially when watching Aunt Liu beat him.

He was usually so strict with him and so mean to him. He couldn't avenge these grudges. He didn't have the guts.

He could only pin his hopes on Aunt Liu.

"Xiao Feng! Throw a bunch of loquats down to quench my thirst!" The young lady walked to the tree and inhaled a mouthful of air.

Feng Mohan almost fell down the tree!

What did Aunt Liu call him?

Xiao-Xiao Feng!

I'm His Majesty!

How could she call him as if he were a eunuch!