Chapter 197 - Wouldn’t resist

She gently pushed the door open and saw the man sleeping in the bed at a glance.

When asleep, this man's posture was utterly restrained.

He was lying quietly and motionless with hands folded on his belly.

He probably slept all night without moving a bit.

She approached noiselessly, walked over to the bed, and squatted down in front of it.

His brows were stretched; his eyes were closed, and he was breathing softly. His sleeping appearance was less cold and more approachable than when he was awake.

Liu Yusheng's eyes finally glanced down and fell on his pale blue-gray eye bags, and felt distressed.

She unconsciously stretched out her fingers, wanting to caress that piece of gray, but in the end did not dare to in fear of disturbing the man's good sleep.

When she tried to withdraw her hand, a large warm hand captured it and brought her hand towards his face.

"You can touch me. I won't resist."

"…" When did this man wake up, waiting for her here?

The man slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were clear without the slightest drowsiness of someone who just woke up.

"…" Liu Yusheng's face reddened. She forcefully drew her hand back and pinched the man. "Get up if you're awake!"

She wasted no time and fled.

She failed to see the man stiffen behind her and lay motionless for a long time.

If she had run a step slower, he might have…

He patted his forehead and heaved a long sigh.

That girl just knew how to kindle the fire.

Liu Yusheng sprinted out of the second courtyard, squatted down in a corner, and tightly covered her face with both hands.

It was summer, and the man wore a thin nightshirt. She distinctively felt what she pinched!

She wailed deep inside. She was downright disgraceful!

She had no face to see Feng Qingbai!

Listening to the laughter from time to time in the front yard, Liu Yusheng squatted for a long time, patted her face vigorously, and dispelled the heat before she got up and walked out.

Before she could pass through the door of the front yard, the laughter suddenly stopped and a short moment of strange silence fell.

Liu Yusheng's brow furrowed, and she quickened her steps.

However, she heard a voice from outside once more.

It was an unfamiliar, low and thick voice of a man.

"Is this the Liu Yusheng of the Liu family's residence?"

"Who are you? You should identify yourself before asking for someone. Don't you know this rule?" Feng Mohan blocked Grandma Liu in front and coldly regarded the man in brocade who suddenly appeared at the entrance of the courtyard. "Also, calling a lady by her name outside is uncultured. Go out and ask again!"

"…" The Liu family looked speechlessly at the boy who suddenly exploded in anger and felt between tears and laughter.

The silent atmosphere was swept away.

The man in brocade froze and retreated as instructed. "May I ask if this is the home of little divine doctor Liu? This humble servant, the County Deputy Magistrate of Xiangshan County, Wang Chengbin, has come to pay a visit."

The boy in front of him was dressed luxuriously, and his temperament was not vulgar, especially the aura he deliberately exuded. He was no ordinary citizen.

Wang Chengbin had a plan in mind and dared not to be reckless until he confirmed the boy's identity.

"Are you looking for Nannan? Surnamed Wang?" Liu Dalin, who was helping his wife to pour water and wash vegetables in front of the kitchen, immediately thought of who the man was. He threw the dipper in his hand and straightened up. "For two days in a row, a man surnamed Wang has come to seek our Nannan. It's really strange, especially this time that the County Deputy Magistrate himself came. Are you looking for medical treatment or medicine?"

County Deputy Magistrate? Liu Dalin laughed coldly. He opened his mouth and used his name to scare the common folks?

If anyone dared to hit on his daughter, he would spare him no respect even if it was His Majesty who came!

Not to mention the one in front of him, who was putting on airs but appeared older than him!

How dare he covet his daughter?

Why didn't he take a piss and look at himself?

"I wonder who this is?" Wang Chengbin turned to Liu Dalin.

"I'm Little Doctor Liu's father. I've heard about the great name of County Deputy Magistrate Wang of Xiangshan County. I thought you were an old bachelor, but now that I've seen you today, I didn't expect you to be so young. You're around the same age as me." Hmph, to be frank, you're as old as me. So, do you still have the face to propose marriage?

If you dare to mention it, I dare to kick you out!

The family slowly stood in unison. Nobody stopped Liu Dalin's seemingly presumptuous remarks at this time.

Liu Dalin stated what they wanted to say.

Wang Chengbin came with his bodyguards, and they took Liu Dalin as lawless at this juncture. Someone wanted to step forward and rebuke him, but Wang Chengbin deterred him with a wave.

"So you're the little divine doctor's father. Apologies for my rudeness. Can I come in and discuss with you in detail?"

Looking at this situation, Wang Chengbin knew that wanting to talk about marriage was hopeless. However, the purpose of his visit wasn't to propose, so he still smiled in good temper.

How shameless, is he pretending ignorance? Liu Erlin was enraged. He rolled his sleeves and charged forward. Du Juan wanted to stop him but was too late.

Her heart dangled in fright.

They should act wisely at this time! People around officials were skilled in martial arts. He'd only be beaten up pouncing at them!

"A distinguished guest like Lord Wang has come to visit. There is no reason not to invite you in." After entering the gate of the courtyard, Liu Yusheng slowly moved forward, interrupting Liu Erlin's recklessness in time. "Uncle, please invite Lord Wang in."

Common people couldn't win a fight against officials.

Besides, once he made a move, justified would turn into unjustified.

If unnecessary, she didn't want Feng Qingbai to step forward.

The water in the officialdom was deep. Regardless of how powerful or insignificant officials were, they have their own power camps. What if the person who came was coincidentally with Feng Qingbai's rival camp?

Once the two sides were at loggerheads, they would be bound to involve Xinghua Village.

Wang Chengbin stood at the door, looking at the young girl who came in style.

She was wearing a lake green fine cotton dress. She was barefaced with blackened-like brows, shear pupils and pearly eyes, exquisite nose and diamond lips. She was no incomparable beauty, but akin to a lotus in clear water, serenely graceful and moving.

She also embodied an empty valley orchid, unstained by mundane dust.

This girl was so clean that he wanted to ruin.

"Who allowed you to stare at my Aunt Liu like this? Believe it or not, I will pluck your eyes out!" Feng Mohan stepped forward and blocked Wang Chengbin's line of sight. In the deep black pupils of his eyes, the slightest hint of hostility emerged.

At first glance, you could see some shadows of Feng Qingbai's childhood in him!

Liu Yusheng hurriedly stepped forward and pressed his shoulder. "Mo Feng, go back to the kitchen with Grandma."

"I won't!" Looking coldly at Wang Chengbin, Feng Mohan's eyes grew colder and colder.

A small county deputy magistrate, an eighth-ranked mung bean official, actually dared to hit on his Aunt Liu. He even came to the door to show off his authority to scare his great grandma and grandpa!

One word from him and he could exterminate his nine clans!

Exposure? What if he got exposed? His Imperial Uncle let it be known that he traveled to Xinghua Village to inspect the wine shop, so there wasn't even a need for him to find a reason to deal with an unscrupulous minion here!

"Aunt Liu, Grandma, don't be afraid. This kind of little eight-grade toad is as small as a sesame. He can die in peace after showing his face in front of me in this life!"