Chapter 200 - Qian Wanjin's Return

"What do you mean dead but shows no signs of rigor mortis (Shi Er Bu Jiang-I'll use the pinyin since it's a poison name)?" Feng Mohan asked curiously.

Such a strange name. Poison?

When it comes to his latest research, Xue Qinglian was quite proud, taking out a medicine bottle from his sleeves and shaking it twice. "The latest poison developed with the Gu worm from your body. Just like Gu worms, you'll suffer a relapse as long as it's triggered after a period. Each relapse will be more painful than the previous one, so Shi Er Bu Jiang."

"What is the trigger?" Feng Mohan asked again.

"The trigger is…" Speaking of this, Xue Qinglian was even more smug, looking askance at Feng Qingbai with a wicked gaze. "It's the fragrance of rouge and powder. The moment you smell it, Shi Er Bu Jiang will recur. This kind of medicine is the most painful, used to deal with half-hearted men. If he dares to have an affair, let him never touch a woman in his life!"

Liu Yusheng, "…" Who was he trying to deal with?!

Feng Qingbai merely glanced at the man without any response.

"Is there an antidote?"

"Naturally, there is, but you need my unique antidote to completely cure the poison. Other than that, no one can cure it."

Liu Yusheng raised a brow. "You can't solve it with the Hundred Poison Pill from your Baicao Valley? Wouldn't it mean that you smashed the reputation of the Hundred Poison Pill?"

"…" Xue Qinglian turned his head and ran outside.

"Where are you going?"

"To improve the Hundred Poison Pill!" The man gritted his teeth.

He could wreck anything, but not Baicao Valley's signboard!

When the man left, Feng Mohan plopped down on the stone table and held his stomach. "Aunt Liu, you're too powerful. You rectified the man in one sentence. He probably already forgot his purpose of coming to you, hahaha!"

Feng Qingbai gazed at the young girl, the corners of his mouth also smiling.

A short distance away, the girl smiled back. The morning breeze puffed and blew up the hair on the girl's cheeks. The pale golden light of the morning sun sprinkled on her, caging a shallow halo around the dazzling beauty.

This time, Xue Qinglian successfully came out of his retreat in just one day.

Looking at the person who jumped in front of her again to pester her, Liu Yusheng felt utterly helpless. "It's not that I'm treasuring my own broomstick, but I really have nothing to tell you. Even I can't explain it myself why with all those ingredients, the effect of the medicine I refine is different."

"You're a doctor, the Little Divine Doctor! How could you possibly not explain the medicine you refined?" Xue Qinglian was overcome with disbelief. She just refused to tell him!

"Some things are just inexplicable. For example, why is my family's food better than other people's food? Why is my family's water better than other people's water? It could be that my family's Feng Shui is better."

"…" These were indeed inexplicable.

Xue Qinglian retreated, but not too far. After that, he began a new round of research every day in the Liu family vegetable field, wandering around the water tank.

This completely convinced Feng Mohan. In the future, he should never easily provoke Aunt Liu.

She wasn't fierce, but she would hang you. You'd die but, she wouldn't pay it with her life.

Outside Xinghua Village, a carriage with four eaves with golden sculpted shafts slowly drove into the village.

"We'll be at the Liu residence soon. Remember not to put on your Eldest Miss's airs in someone else's house. Also, don't be too fussy…"

"You've already harped on it all the way." A woman's slightly hoarse voice tinged with a faint note of helplessness.

"Isn't it because I'm afraid you'll forget it!" Qian Wanjin muttered. Indeed, he was nervous.

He didn't come back for so long and brought a young lady home without warning. He wondered what the elderlies would think. What would Nannan think?

And that guy, Feng Qingbai, would definitely laugh at him behind his back!

If the person he brought wasn't sensible, then he would really lose his face.

Thinking of this, Qian Wanjin still fidgeted. "Remember, you must bear it in mind. Otherwise, even if you help me in the future, I won't bring you here!"

"Got it." Although the woman was helpless, she wasn't impatient.

Qian Wanjin was able to go out this time and also got an amnesty to return to Xinghua Village because she had a private talk with Master Qian.

Master Qian released him, but the only requirement was for Second Miss Shi to follow along.

Qian Wanjin was reluctant, but in order to return, he could only compromise.

Finally, the two hit the road and spent almost a month traveling in a hurry.

As soon as the carriage approached the Lius compound, he heard peals of laughter from the courtyard walls.

Qian Wanjin listened intently, then laughed.

It was Grandpa doing housework, and Grandma, scolding him for being clumsy.

There was also the boisterous voice of Liu Erlin, who was estimated to have just returned from the orchard at this time.

As for the most childish juvenile voice, there was no one else except the one with Feng Qingbai.

Hmph! After returning to the capital and hearing the rumors coming from Xuzhou, he realized that the foppish guy was actually the current young emperor.

What an unreliable little emperor. How did he get chosen in the first place?

Qian Wanjin automatically filtered out the despicable people in his head, and a smile resurfaced on his face.

When he returned to the Liu family, he unconsciously smiled happily. All the depression and gloominess could be easily swept away here.

He picked up the gifts he had prepared, jumped off the carriage, and started yelling before he entered the door. "Grandpa, Grandma, Second Uncle, I'm back!"

The woman who got off the carriage one step behind him was stunned and got even more curious about the Liu family.

This was the first time she has seen such a relaxed and cheerful side of the man, even his voice seemed to overflow with joy.

"Aiyo! Xiao Jinzi, you're finally back! What took you out so long this time?"

In the courtyard, the grandma's voice roared. Shi Xianrou, who was about to cross the threshold, stumbled, and a crack appeared on her bland expression.

Xiao Jinzi (Little Gold)?

"And you brought a lady back?" The grandma's voice rose again. The people in the courtyard simultaneously looked at the fiery red figure behind Qian Wanjin.

Qian Wanjin put down the huge parcels in his hand and reluctantly introduced, "Her name is Shi Xianrou. She came with me to play this time."


The people in the courtyard uttered in unison, expressing their understanding and making Qian Wanjin's handsome face blush instantly. "It's not what you think!"

No one paid any attention to him. Grandma Liu greeted Shi Xianrou, "Come in, take a seat, and have a drink. Are you a friend of Xiao Jinzi?"

Liu Zhiqiu interrupted, "I'm thinking she's Xiao Jinzi's future wife!"

Feng Mohan echoed, "I think so too."

Grandpa Liu and Liu Erlin were male elders, so they couldn't recklessly butt in. They didn't speak and just watched them.

Shi Xianrou swept a glance over these honest and simple people and walked in. She greeted generously, "Grandpa, Grandma, Second Uncle, I came to trouble you the first time we met. My name is Shi Xianrou, and I am Xian Jinzi's fiancée."

Qian Wanjin's complexion changed from red to purple, but he couldn't refute it!

They were indeed betrothed, and Shi Xianrou was indeed his fiancée now.

But they clearly agreed that it was only for mutual benefits. The way she was acting now was like they would definitely get married!

If he didn't marry her, wouldn't he become the douchebag that Nannan once said?