Chapter- 1


Unknown's P.O.V.

I moaned in pain, as I felt my body ache in pain, specially my hands, as if I had been walking on my hands yesterday, I sat up, my eyes still closed, as the harsh sun rays kept stabbing me in my eyes, I tried to protect my eyes by covering them with my hand, for a moment, I got scared when I couldnt open my eyes, but eventually after rubbing my eyes, I could and it felt as If I have opened my eyes after a long time.

With a blurry sight I let my eyes roam over the room I was in, and I was confused to find myself in a clinical white room, as I tried gathering my thoughts, but seconds later, I moaned in pain at my jumbled memories, It was as if I was watching two different girls memories, I watched in shock as I saw myself handling a sniper, and shoot, in the next memory, I could see a small child with long midnight black hair in a braid, behind her back, her muddy brown eyes staring right at me through the mirror as I watched her. Friends? Stand in a an arch, next to her, with notepads in their hands, as I saw a man setting up camera to record her, as I saw a man, 6ft or something, stand confidently with his legs apart, his bulky arms crossed across his chest, as his blue eyes swirled with pride, but it wasnt loving or warm, it was cold andjust cold, a type of pride you feel when you watch your science project, I watched the child, take a step back, and then bend forward, her one hand outstretched in front of her, and other one behind her back, as she suddenly jumped and swirled in mid air and threw the blades, and I watched in shock as she landed all her blades on the wall above, all the bladed embedded perfectly in the cushioned ceiling, as suddenly the man came in view who was still grinning ear to ear.

In the next she watched the birds fly in the sky, but they were somewhat unclear, but suddenly like a camera her eyes zoomed in, almost like a robot as she watched them in aww, but suddenly with shock she watched herself take up the sniper, and she aimed for the birds above, and shoot almost like a robot, as she watched the birds naked to human eyes fall on the ground, and then she grinned at the man, who was her father? But she didnt get any fatherly vibes from him.

In the next I watched olive skinned slender hands that were painted nude pink run across the ebony and ivory keys almost effortlessly, as a gentle yet euphoric song was created, and she felt relaxed, in the next she could hear hoots and howls of people cheering me making me feel pride, as I was suddenly in a dimly lit room, my eyes were gliding effortlessly across the metallic keys, as the only light was from the computer in front of me as I felt accomplishment bubbling inside me, as I watched myself code a Ddos attack?

The scene changed again and I heard a breathy scream, and realised I was screaming, as I opened my eyes, I watched a blonde emerald green eyed boy hovering me stick his glistening fingers in his mouth while watching me intensely, making me feel intense sexual pleasure and satisfaction, then suddenly it was blank, I blinked open my eyes not understanding what was happening.

I looked around the empty room, and saw that there was a metal bed next to mine, though It was empty, and didnt show any signs of being occupied, I Sat up with a groan as I felt my joints cracking audibly, as I stretched my hands and legs, questioning myself how long I have been bed ridden, but I just couldnt remember anything, I was shocked for a moment to see my reflection on a small mirror, hanging on a wall behind me, making me stand up, and eye myself in the mirror, as a reflection of my Mediterranean blue eyes, speckled with white gazed at me and I gasped, my eyes were really beautiful, was all I could think about, for a moment, I run my hand hands through my long waist length midnight black hair, I looked down and saw a small line in the wall, as I quickly bent next to the wall, and saw a nail on the wall, in the between of the line, making me pull it, and it came out like a drawer, I frowned in confusion at the site of a black bag, I pulled the zipper and gasped when I saw gloves, with straps, a sniper, bullets, some blades and an oddly familiar dagger and a cloak.

I almost mechanically opened the straps, and felt weird satisfaction bubble inside me at the sight of ten beautifully carved blades, lined on the straps of both the gloves, removing the cloak, revealed a pair of black combat shoes, that contained straps, with hidden blades, then suddenly I felt myself straining my ears, making me gasp but I hushed when I heard loud and clear footsteps.

I found that there were one girl and two boys outside, by the sound of their footsteps, on the floor, since I heard their hushed whispers, and I could hear two different masculine whispers, and one definitely masculine whisper, but what shocked me was the sound of some really light and frequent footsteps, as shock filled my senses.

Why do they have a child with them?!

But suddenly my body jerked in action almost mechanically, as I took out some of the blades, and expertly angled each of them between my fingers, thats when I noticed I was wearing a paper like hospital gown, the sound of door opening made me look up and snarl at the intruders, and I was shocked to find a blonde bulky guy with an axe poised to strike, above his head, his blonde hair were oily and dirty, like they havent been washed in a very long time, his grey eyes were brimming with shock, he was wearing a black t-shirt, which was torn and shabby looking, next to him stood a green eyed brunette, who had a baseball bat with nails on the top part, making it lethal, raised in the air as he to looked at me with heavy shock gracing his features, his clothes, were torn and shabby too, next to him stood a red haired girl with grey eyes, just like the bulky guys wearing much cleaner clothes, who had a gun pointed at me, they kept looking at me like I was a zoo animal, before lowering their weapons, as I felt my mind assess them, they didnt look like terrorists, they actually looked like normal civilians, but normal civilians didnt carry weapons, but I lowered my blades, and relaxed my stance, still eyeing them warily.

"Who are you?"

I heard a sweet childish voice making my eyes snap my eyes downward as I saw a small kid of eight or so looking at me with her eyes wide in confusion and suspicion, but my mind was already in a whirlwind, as I again haphazardly tried to make a point out of the thoughts, scattered everywhere.

"I-I dont know."

I said in a confused voice, I saw their confused expression and continued.

"I just woke up, I dont remember anything I c-cant even remember my name, t-this doesnt makes sense."

I said in a small vulnerable voice, as a feeling of extreme loss filled my chest, making me put my hand on my chest as I blinked away my tears, but the faint sound of footsteps jolted me making me look up, as I watched them still looking at me with confusion and pity.

"Is there someone else with you?"

I asked them confusing them, but I saw the red head shake her head in a no.

"There is someone outside."

I said while I quickly jumped in action, and almost mechanically wore my gloves, as I heard all of them come in action, and talk to each other in whispers, I stepped out and watched still hidden, five men in army suits come out.

"Well Well Well, isnt it awesome day Earl, we got two girls this time."

I heard one of him say and the other two laugh.

Come on girls, because if you dont come willingly, I would be forced to kill these two, so drop your gun, and come here.

I heard him say threateningly, and I knew I had to kill these three, I watched the red head drop her gun, teary eyed, as the three smirked, I then stealthily looked over the position of the three men, then I strained my ears and held my breath, focusing on the three calmest heartbeats, as I closed my eyes and determined there location, then I quickly took position, almost mechanically and jumped outside, as I watched in satisfaction as the three mens eyes widened in shock, and then swirled mid air as I aimed all three throats in one blow, and before they could utter a single sound, they were gurgling with a blade in their throat each, as a memory of doing this to my friends flashed in front of my eyes, but It went as soon as soon as it came, as I landed gracefully on the floor in a kneeling position, I felt dizzy, but only for a moment, before I straightened up and looked back as I watched all three of them watching me shock and aww.

"How did you that."

I heard the child with a brunette ponytail ask me, her shining blue eyes swirling with adoration caught me off guard as I suddenly felt really embarrassed and felt heat rise in my cheeks, as I heard the blondie clear up his throat, and everyone looked away, awkward.

I saw the child still looking at me in aww, so I looked at her in the eye and told her,

"I...I honestly dont know"

I told her making everybody eyes go wide in confusion as they eyed me warily, looking back and forth between me and the army men who were currently choking on their own death.

"I dont know."

I sighed in defeat and looked down, feeling embarrassed.