Mastermo gets visited by his friend

It took four days for Wang GuiYing to finally accept the fact that he'll need to charge his smartphone battery and stay connected to the world. The phone took a minute or two to have enough charge, which was basically 2%, in order to power on. 

As expected, the first call he got was from Zhou XinYi, who had received a message that Wang GuiYing was now available to take calls. 

Wang GuiYing already had a bone to pick with the man so when he saw the caller id, unlike every time when he would pick up the call with a happy "hello," this time, he picked it up with a string of curses. 

When he was done cursing out all his pent-up anger, Zhou XinYi finally undeafened the call and he soon told Wang GuiYing everything that had transpired. 

Wang GuiYing didn't believe him and so he went onto his social media to check for himself. 

It was true. 

Huang Zhihao had actually stood up for him and saved him. This was unexpected and especially it coming from Mastermo who, in front of millions of his fans just called BBtrash his friend. How come Wang GuiYing didn't know they were friends???

He was happy, somewhere inside his heart, he felt touched. BBtrash would often tell people that he was friends with the infamous Mastermo but the other party had never confirmed this. Mastermo would always make a disgusted and annoyed face when he saw the man. He would push Wang GuiYing away and although he had never said something outrightly hateful towards Wang GuiYing, BBtrash was no fool, he could still feel that the man didn't particularly like him. 

Wang GuiYing had wanted to be Zhihao's friend for ages but now he was suddenly made aware of the fact that he was already considered as a friend to Zhihao? And it was Zhihao who legitimized their relationship?!

Wang GuiYing felt like all his adrenaline had rushed to his head and he was ready to handle everything that could hit him at this moment. His career that had almost burnt up in flames seemed to be insignificant now. 

Zhou XinYi could hear the happiness in the voice of the man and he knew that he was no longer needed in this matter. The two can sort it out among themselves. It was better if they were left alone to discuss their shortcomings and work out their friendship. 

Wang GuiYing instantly got himself together, as if this news was some sort of an energizing drink for him. 

He let his phone fully charge itself as he took a shower and got ready. He was stinking, he hadn't showered for the last four days. Those last few days were as if he was dead. Not showering, lying on the bed for the whole day, eating packeted junk food that was stored in his bedside cabinet. If he were asked to talk about what he thought in those four days, Wang GuiYing would not be able to answer the question because even his mind was blank. 

By the time his phone was fully charged, Wang GuiYing had managed to freshen up his appearance and he no longer stunk like a rotten rat. 

He picked up his phone, keys, and headed straight for Huang Zhihao's house. The huge smile on his face had never been more genuine and it couldn't be wiped away. He wanted to thank his 'friend' who helped him save his career. 

When Zhihao suddenly got an unexpected visitor, his face didn't look too welcoming but Wang GuiYing didn't seem to mind it. He had grown accustomed to seeing that expression and he had come to actually like the honesty Mastermo was willing to show him. 

At this moment, Wang GuiYing felt like befriending this man was really a good choice. At least he wasn't like those empty talkers who'd praise you in your face and trash talk you behind your back. If Mastermo wanted to trash talk about Wang GuiYing, he'd do it in front of him, he'd be as raw as possible and express all his feelings without a filter. 

"Honey, did you miss me?" Wang GuiYing, in-game or outside it would always love to cling onto people. Of course, he was super selective over the people with who he was this comfortable, but if you fulfilled the criteria, you'd be in for a membership of a lifelong hugging and clinging service. 

Zhihao was forced to become a member of this clinging club. 

Zhihao wanted to push the man away but before he could do so, Wang GuiYing was already dragged away from him. Right beside Zhihao stood Li Ling who was also like Zhihao in matters of showing one's feelings on his face.

When Wang GuiYing saw Li Ling come out from Zhihao's house, he was a bit shocked and delighted. He had also wanted to thank this 'thief' who made it possible for Zhihao to accept Wang GuiYing as his friend. 

Wang GuiYing seemed to have stumbled upon a possible hot news headline, "You guys live together?"


They weren't living together yet but it sure seemed like it with Li Ling coming over every day. The two people would play together all day long and when it was finally getting dark, Li Ling would say good day and head back to his home. Zhihao had often asked him to stay over for the night but Li Ling would always refuse the offer. Zhihao didn't know why the man would refuse such an offer. Wasn't the travel hard every day? It would have been much easier if the two would just move in together but Li Ling would always refuse to it, teasing Zhihao, saying that he had secrets he didn't want Zhihao to find out. 

"Yeah. We live together." Li Ling responded and not only was Wang GuiYing shocked but so was Zhihao. 

When had they started to live together and why was Zhihao, the house owner, unaware of it???

Wang GuiYing suspiciously looked at the two, "You guys don't look related and the last time I checked, Mo wasn't renting out his house so..."

Wang GuiYing didn't complete his sentence and naturally, with Zhou XinYi absent, no one else would be able to complete the sentence for him. 

"Do you have a problem with us living together?" Li Ling didn't even bother hiding his hostile glare. 

Wang GuiYing gulped and his eyes grew bigger as he realized what he had walked in to. Maybe the rumors really had a strong base. 

"Why would I? I have no problem with two friends deciding to live together?"

Zhihao cut his words short, "Why are you here, Trash?"

Wang GuiYing had really gone insane. He found Zhihao calling him trash to be endearing. This was the start of his mental illness of taking everything Zhihao does as him showing his concern for BBtrash. 

"I wanted to thank my best friend for standing up for me." Wang GuiYing beamed. 

Zhihao, "Zhou XinYi isn't here."


Somewhere else, sitting in his room, Zhou XinYi sneezed, wondering who was talking about him behind his back.

Wang GuiYing would not be taken down by such a small inconvenience, "I'm here to thank my boyfriend."

Li Ling suddenly wondered what were the charges for murder? Was it just a few years in jail or was it lifelong imprisonment?

Zhihao didn't look to be amused nor did he look shocked, he was completely unfazed. Through years of being teased by Wang GuiYing, Zhihao had developed immune to this man.

Zhihao, "I'm not your boyfriend."

"You are my friend and a boy. We just need to subtract the space between the two" Wang GuiYing spoke as he took a step forward.

"..." Li Ling felt like he needed to buy himself a new brain if he wanted to understand the way this man's brain worked. 

Zhihao, "Friend doesn't mean boyfriend."

"Well I'm already halfway there, how hard can it be?"

Li Ling, "If we were to talk about the difficulty level, I'd have to rate it as impossible."

Zhihao nodded at Li Ling's response, "Impossible sounds about right. If you continue provoking me, I'll even take back the privilege of being my friend."

Wang GuiYing felt like the two men were ganging up on him. He had a weak, soft heart and shameless skin. People would usually think a man so shameless was unaffected by what people said about him, but in reality, BBtrash cared very much about what people said about him. He wasn't actually looking forward to becoming Zhihao's boyfriend but getting rejected in the face like this was still not a fun feeling. 

"But honey loves me, right?" Wang GuiYing tried to pull the puppy eyes that seemed to only work on Zhou XinYi. 

"Nope." Zhihao had a game that he had paused in the middle in order to come here and open the door. He was really not having it today. 

Wang GuiYing felt like a bucket of cold water was thrown on his cute puppy eyes but he had a cold repellent armor so his will remained unbroken. 

When Zhihao was about to slam the door shut on his face, Wang GuiYIng stuck his hand in the middle, hoping to stop the door but he was no superman, and having his fingers slammed between the door was not a feeling he had ever wanted to experience again. 

"Arghhhhhh." Wang GuiYing screamed as the pain shot up his fingers and his hand became lifeless. 

Zhihao was shocked to see the huge reaction and when he saw the cause of it, he felt a little guilty. 

"I'm sorry!" Zhihao opened the door again in order to let the man's fingers go free and once the door was opened wider, Wang GuiYing made it his job to push through the two people and enter the house, dramatically screaming and clutching onto his broken fingers. 

Li Ling saw the man making himself home and couldn't help but frown as he saw this. 

"Does he come often?" Li Ling asked Zhihao in a volume that only the two of them could hear. 

Zhihao shook his head. Wang GuiYing had come over uninvited once or twice before but that was it. 

 "I only wanted to thank you but you're so cruel to me!" Wang GuiYing cried out, overexaggerating his movements, "You said you're my friend but you treat me like this!"


The two people were left stunned at the actions and word choices of the man who lay sprawled out on Zhihao's sofa. 

"You are a bad friend!" 

Zhihao wondered if he should call Zhou XinYi over to come and take this man away. 

Hearing all the ruckus that came from downstairs, Huang Zhen who was upstairs in his room decided to check out who was killing who and came down. When he saw that it was just Wang GuiYing being overdramatic as usual, he turned on his footsteps and went back to his room. Even he didn't enjoy having to deal with this man who was older than him yet acted like a young dramatic ten-year-old. 

Zhihao, "Do you want some ice?"

"Ice?! You want me to put ice on it?!" Wang GuiYing made a face that screamed disbelief and anger, "I might have broken a bone or two and you want me to put ice on it? What are you, a school nurse?!"

Li Ling, "..."

Zhihao, "Then, what do you want to do?"

Wang GuiYing suddenly smiled, "I want my dear friend, Mastermo to treat me better."


 "I see you feel better now" Zhihao cracked his knuckles. 

"I don't! I don't! It hurts so much!" Wang GuiYing stumbled around, clutching onto his finger as he stumbled to the floor and rolled around on it. 

Li Ling had known the man was shameless but he had never known the extent of his shamelessness. When Li Ling got to see something like this for the first time, Li Ling was surprised but the surprise wasn't pleasant at all. 

Zhihao took some ice from the fridge and started throwing it one by one on Wang GuiYing. 

The ice seemed to hurt him as Wang GuiYing immediately raised his hands to defend himself and stood up from the ground. 

Zhihao, "Don't dirty my floor."

But you are the one throwing ice cubes all over it!

Wang GuiYing felt a bit wrong. 

  1. He means it literally as he already has the 'friend' from boyfriend down.