Mastermo understands demon Taki better

Zhihao was really unsure if he liked Alvi or hated her. At times he would feel like she was better and at times like this, he'd want to run her over with a truck. 

She knew exactly why Itsuki was carrying a demon detecting talisman, but she still dared to lie and say that she was unaware?! The old system would hide information but would never lie. What was her limit of shamelessness?!

Li Ling smiled. Zhihao didn't know if this man was just trying to keep himself from cursing the bot or was he really delighted with her response. 

"Was it his grandmother who gave him the demon detecting talisman?"


[The talisman belongs to his grandmother, but it wasn't her who gave it to him]

Zhihao, "Did he steal it?"

[He is a good boy. He would never steal]

[He swapped it with the demon repelling one]

Didn't that indirectly mean he stole it?

Who was this bot trying to fool?

Zhihao, "Why did he swap it?"