Mastermo can't go OOC

This demon king was far more powerful than Taki and to see him be defeated this easily, it was at this moment that Zhihao finally understood how powerful this Akuma was. There was no way in hell he would be able to beat this Akuma with just Taki's powers or by Shuang.

Zhihao took a step back as his brain started analyzing the situation further. He took in all the small details, hoping that there was something here that could help him. Wasn't it always like that? The one who understands the game best wins it. It was a rule that never changed and Zhihao felt like he was already halfway there in understanding what this level was about.

If he could just collect a bit more of the information, he would really be able to get out of here with ease.

Li Ling looked at Mastermo who was checking Kazan out with his eyes going up and down the demon's body, "A-Zhi, this isn't the time for you to check your ex out."