Li Ling and A.L.V.I's potential

Huang Zhi Qiang looked to be interested in what the Gamemaster was saying as he sat up straighter and listened attentively. Li Ling was noticing every little change in the man so of course, this didn't go unnoticed by him. Li Ling was satisfied with the reaction of the man. 

"We have a lot of people playing. Millions. No other game had been able to achieve this much success in such a short period of time."

"We are unique. We are great, but are you satisfied with that?" 

"Are you satisfied with being the best in the league?" 

"Are you satisfied knowing that T.I.A.D. would remain in a league with other games, being compared?" 

Huang Zhi Qiang squinted as he heard this. 

"Why don't we aim for something higher? Why stop at this?" 

"You might call me an ambitious man, but I don't want my game to be compared with other games." 

"I don't want to create a game. I want to create history." 

"I want us to create history."