Li Ling and brother Zhihao are close?

Huang Zhen instantly felt the need to rinse his eyes since they didn't seem to be working properly. 

Did he really just see what he thinks he saw? 

There was no way his brother would do something like that...?! 

They weren't even in a game so... What in the hell was happening?! 

When did his brother and brother Ling get so... Close...???

Li Ling took his sweet time to turn the engine on again and drive away with his cheeks completely matching the color of bright red chili pepper. 

Huang Zhen seemed to be even more shocked as he kept standing outside his house, with his mouth open wide and his eyes glued at the place where there used to be a car and two people kissing. The car had left and so had the people, but Huang Zhen still replayed the scene in his mind and questioned his own sanity.

Zhihao went straight to his room and face-planted himself on the pillow that seemed to be like a stress reliever for him.