Li Ling became a girl?!

"Vampires were murdered like usual. One by one, they were all hunted down." 

Li Ling seemed to be interested to listen to the girl as she continued speaking. 

"The Council became a joke. It was no longer about the vampires anymore, it was about keeping their dignity. " The girl added a voice modulation as she spoke and Li Ling felt like if this girl wasn't a bunch of computer codes, she would have surely been a great storyteller, "Think about it! They gave out an order and nobody was listening to them. Wasn't it like an indirect insult to their authority?" 

Li Ling nodded as a response. 

"They had to do something or they'll end up becoming a joke. Carmen, who was the first person to propose the idea of saving the vampires decided to take it upon his own hands and be the shield that protects the last vampire alive." 

"The last vampire left? Do you know anything about him?"