Li Ling is still angry?

The area around them changed once again and this time, it was pitch black and in front of them was a ten-second timer along with the betting options. 

This time, Zhihao didn't place a bet on himself since he found that the betting system was nothing but a huge waste since he had already placed a bet on himself twice and if he placed one more, he won't be able to place any more bets. He didn't think he needed to use that three-times-bet-on-oneself system right now so he waited the ten seconds out. 

After the betting time was over, they were transported to the level that was assigned to them and since BBtrash and Hulk0_0 had joined them as members of a temporary team, they were all transported to the same level, however, Zhihao could only see Li Ling and Wang GuiYing, it seemed that Zhou XinYi was nowhere to be found. 

"Where did he go?" Wang GuiYing asked as he looked around but still couldn't spot him. 

[Welcome to D-ranked level 607: Metropolis war!]