Li Ling probably has a plan

Zhihao, "What... Is that...?" 

Rei didn't bother turning around as she sighed and questioned them once again, "What the hell are you doing here?" 

Behind her were two capsules filled with some sort of liquid and carefully floating inside these two capsules were naked bodies. One body per capsule to be more exact. In front of the capsule were two giant metal suits that looked to be identical to the ones worn by Zhihao and Li Ling. 

Zhihao gulped as his eyes dare not look away from the capsule. The two naked people kept inside the capsule were easy to recognize. It was Zhihao and Li Ling!

Zhihao had the urge to cover the capsule up with a cloth, but his legs dare not move from the place. 

Li Ling suddenly chuckled as he looked at the same sight, "Aiya~ You couldn't find us so you decided to create us? That's very clever, miss Rei, but I don't think you got the proportions quite right."