Li Ling goes first

Li Ling wasted no further time as he activated his shoes and flew towards the head of the giant spider ribix. 

Now that Li Ling had acted first, naturally, Zhihao would also not waste his time standing around. He smiled in satisfaction as he activated his shoes and followed after the man. 

The two flew together as they immediately started to attack the thing with small attacks. They were merely testing what the spider could do. They needed to know its capabilities in order to formulate a plan that could help them beat this monster together. 

"Yo, dumbdumb!" Wang GuiYing called out to Laura, "Don't just stand around watching them. Get to work!" 

Laura pursed her lips as she heard herself being referred to as 'dumbdumb' 

"Who the hell are you?!" Laura didn't sound kind at all as she questioned out.