Li Ling and the Ribot God

He looked forward to it. 

The vague plan the girl had in her mind turned out to really be something unpredictable. 

Her plan was pretty simple and it was also the most reckless thing one could think of doing. 

This girl... She certainly had no value for her own life. 

"There is a treasure in Utopia," Laura suddenly spoke up, "A treasure I thought I had hidden well but it seems that there was nothing I could really hide from her." 

Li Ling snapped his head at the girl but said nothing as he heard this. 

"She's an idiot," Laura shook her head and on her face, one could sense so many conflicting emotions. 

She looked happy and a bit sad at the same time. She looked proud and dissatisfied as if she had never wanted Leyah to use this method. 

Wang GuiYing had a complicated expression on his face as he questioned, "What treasure are you talking about?"