LHA and the connection

"I found it weird as well," Zhihao added with a sigh, "It was a good game so I was quite disappointed. I tried to download other versions of it but they all simply vanished from the internet. No trace of it was left behind and since it wasn't a popular game, there was nobody else talking about it." 

"So someone created a gaming company with no success which eventually had to shut down. The company left no traces of itself or the games it produced and now, after a few years, it has resurfaced like this just to assist Alvi in setting up the final level?" Liang Feng collected all the information that Zhihao had given, in his mind and compiled them before stating it in a single go. 

Zhihao nodded as he confirmed, "That's right." 

"But why this company?" Liang Feng frowned as he questioned no one in particular.