He's missing...?!

"Aunty Huang...?!" When Wang GuiYing's vision cleared up, he could see the familiar face of the woman whom he recognized as Zhihao's mother. 

"Oh, thank god you're awake," Huang Zhi Juan sighed in relief as she saw the man waking up with no visible problems. 

"What...?!" Wang GuiYing's face looked to be shocked and confused and this was naturally to be expected considering the fact that he had no idea why he was here or why Zhihao's mother was here dressed in a white coat. 

"Don't be alarmed and lie down," Huang Zhi Juan smiled as she spoke, trying to reassure him that he was now safe, "Let us run some tests on you first just in case." 


Wang GuiYing didn't dare say anything to that as he simply lay on the white bed and looked around only to notice that he wasn't the only one lying here. 

There were other beds here as well and on those beds, there were people that he was clearly able to recognize.