1: Dead In The Snow

The bullet pierced the skull of the zombie and it fell with a *Whumf!*. I breathed silently and watched as the other zombies looked at the dead one, blood trickling out of it's head and onto the cold snow. I slowly turned around and crawled to the side of the car before peeking over and taking out another zombie. When I pulled the gun towards myself it clanked against the car roof.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath. The 3 other zombies looked at me and immediately gave chase. My heart dropped as I turned and ran. I sharply turned the corner of the gas station and jumped as high as I could to the ladder that was connected to the building, one of the ones that involved something to climb on before being able to reach the damn thing. I pulled myself up and almost lost my grip as a zombie grabbed my foot. I pulled my pistol out and put a bullet between his eyes before tossing it up onto the roof and pulling myself up.

I landed on a vent that froze me to the core, more than the normal cold was doing and hopped up. I looked for my pistol and cursed as I saw it had fallen through a large hole in the roof. I peered over the edge carefully, some pebbles falling inside the building. I picked up a rock and threw it inside, waiting for a zombie to appear. Nothing. I hesitantly dropped in and landed on a shelf, it collapsing under my weight. I landed right on my stomach, the wind being knocked out of me and grabbed my gun, trying to catch a breath. Anything that could be here, would've definitely heard that. It was very dark, the only light being the bit of daylight left shining through the ice covered glass before night came. I flipped on a flashlight and looked around cautiously. After concluding there was nothing to look out for, I began grabbing things that would be useful, like meds and a few things of food and water that would last. I tried opening the door but no luck.

I hesitated before breaking one of the glass windows. Ice and glass fell. I waited until one zombie shoved itself inside, struggling to get up as glass got stuck in it's body. I shot it and waited for the next one. It came in a few seconds later and I shot it but it didn't go down automatically. Instead, it released a piercing shriek and I covered my ears. I quickly shot it two more times in the head and broke another window, quickly leaving.

"Damnit...damnit..." I mumbled as I ran.

That one zombie was a Sceecher. Whenever hurt in someway, it would release this shriek that would attract more zombies. I rushed down the road and went back to the refuge.



I ran with my sister to the police station, doing exactly what my dad told me. My sister was still crying but kept up with me. I hated having to run. I felt weak, but what else could we do? Get attacked?

I shook my head and kept running. It got to the point where I carried my sister. She WAS young and didn't have that much lung capacity. I ran out of energy much faster than I did without her but that wouldn't slow me. My sister was my only family now as far as I knew.

How did everything get so bad...Why did it have to affect almost everyone?

I shook my head and pushed the feeling away. I had to be strong. I had to push forward. Being a kid, it was difficult, I realized. But the world had changed and we were in the middle of it.