
At the motel sam, dean and sarah was sound asleep suddenly Dean's phone rings but that doesn't wake him up then Sam says "Dean." That still doesn't wake him up so he answers the phone and says "Hello?" The person on the other line says "Sam, is that you?" Sam sits up and he recognises the voice straight away and says "Dad? Are you hurt?" John said "I'm fine." Sam then says to his dad "We've been looking for you everywhere. We didn't know where you were, if you were okay." John then said "Sammy, I'm all right what about you and dean?" Dean slowly wakes up, sarah laying beside him and she doesn't wake up just stirs in her sleep and Sam said "We're fine dad, where are you?" Dean now wide awake looks over at sam and says "Is that Dad?" John says " Look, I know this is hard for you to understand. You're just gonna have to trust me on this." Sam then asks his dad "You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed Mom." John says to Sam "Yeah, it's a demon sam." Sam looks at dean and continues and he says "A demon? You know for sure?"

Dean looked at Sam and he asked "A demon? What's he saying?" John says "I do. Listen, Sammy, I, uh...I also know what happened to your girlfriend and her sister who's with you, I hope you are both keeping her safe and I'm so sorry. I would've done anything to protect you from that." Sam says "Yeah we both are, You know where it is?" John said "Yeah, I think I'm finally closing in on it." Sam then said "Let us help you." John declined and said "You can't. You can't be any part of it." Sam asked his dad "Why not?" Dean demanded that sam "Give me the phone." John said "Listen, Sammy, that's why I'm calling. You and your brother, you gotta stop looking for me. Alright, now, I need you to write down these names." Sam was confused and said "Names? What names. Dad---talk to me, tell me what's going on?" John says to Sam "Look, we don't have time for this. This is bigger than you think, they're everywhere. Even us talking right now, it's not safe."

Sam said "No all right? No way." Dean said to sam again "Give me the phone." John says to sam "I have given you an order. Now you stop following me and you do your job, You understand me? Now, take down these name." Dean takes the phone from sam and he says to his dad "Dad, it's me. Where are you? (...) Yes, sir. (...) Uh, yeah, I got a pen. What are their names?" Once he was done writing down the names sarah had already woken up and she went into the bathroom to get herself ready and once she was done she packed her stuff and so did Sam and Dean, they didn't say anything until they left the hotel and got into the impala.

Sam said "Alright, so the names Dad gave us they're all couples." Dean said "Three different couples, all went missing." Sarah said "And they're all from different towns? Different states?" Dean said "That's you got washington, New York, Colorado. Each couple took a road trip cross-country, none of them arrived at their destinations and none of them were ever heard from again." Sam said "Well it's a big country, Dean they could've disappeared anyway." Dean then says "Yeah, could've. But each one's route took 'em to the same part of Indiana. Always on the second week of April. One year after another after another." Sarah said "This is the second week of April." Dean simply said "Yep." Sam said "So, Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?"

Dean said "Yahtzee. Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? All the different obits Dad had to go through? The man's a master." Sam got annoyed and pulls over to the side of the road and turns off the car and both sarah and dean are confused and dean then asks "What are you doing?" Sam looks at the both of them and he says "We're not going to Indiana." Dean says "We're not?" Sam says "No, we are going to California, Dad called from a payphone Sacramento area code." Dean looks over at him and says "Sam." Sam says "Dean, if this demon killed mom and Jess and Dad's closing in, we've gotta be there, we've gotta help him." Then there was an argument causing both Sam and Dean to get out of the car, sarah decided to stay inside and not get involved.

Dean said "Dad doesn't want our help." Sam just looks at Dean and says "I don't care." Dean looks back at Dean and says "He's given us an order." Sam says to Dean firmly "I don't care. We don't always have to do what he says." Dean says "Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives it's important." Sam says "All right, I understand believe me i understand but i'm talking one week here man, to get answers and to get revenge." Dean says to Sam "Alright, look I know how you feel." Sam says something that shocks dean and he says "Do you? How old were you when mom died? Four? Jess died 6 months ago how the hell do you think me and sarah feel?" Dean said "Dad said it wasn't safe, for any of us i mean he obviously knows something that we don't, so if he says to stay away we stay away."

Sam says "I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it's like you don't even question him." Dean leans forward and says to Sam "Yeah, it's called being a good son!" Sam then opened the boot of the car and grabbed his bag and dean continues "You're a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want. Don't care what anybody thinks." Sam was shocked by what Dean just said and he says "That's what you really think?" Dean says "Yes, it is." Sam said "Well, then this selfish bastard is going to california." He puts on his backpack and starts walking away sarah notices and decides to get out of the car and says "Wait sam where you going?" Sam doesn't say anything and continues walking and Dean says to sarah "He's going to california, to go find dad."

At Burkittsville, Indiana Dean and Sarah pulls over to the side of the road and pulls out his cell phone he then selects "Sam Moblie" He thinks about calling him but then he decides against it, he closes the cell phone and shuts the car door Sarah has already closed the door and she says "You all right dean, you've been quiet which i'm not gonna lie worries me." Dean takes her hand and looks at her and says "Yeah i'm all right, just i don't know." They both walk to scotty's cafe scotty is sitting in a chair on the porch dean and sarah walks over to him and dean points at the sign and says "Let me guess." He points to scotty and says "Scotty." Scotty looks at the sign and says "Yep." Dean then says "Hi i'm John Bonham and this is my girlfriend Charlotte." Scotty said "Isn't that the drummer for Led Zeppelin?" Both of them taken aback dean says "Wow. Good. Classic rock fan." Scotty asks "What can I do for you John and Charlotte?" Dean takes a missing poster picture of Holly and Vince Parker and asks " I was wondering if, uh, you'd seen these people by chance." He gives the flyers to scotty who looks at both of them and he says "Nope, who are they?"

Sarah says "Friends of our they went missing a year ago, they passed through somewhere around here, and we've already asked Scottsburg and Salem---." Scotty simply says "Sorry." He gives the pictures back to dean and says "We don't get many strangers around here." They both nodded and sarah then says "Scotty, you've got a smile that lights up a room, anybody ever tell you that?" Scotty looks at sarah confused and then she said "Never mind. See you around." They walk away. On the highway sam is standing on the side of the road, he turns around and sees a young girl with short blonde hair sitting with her back to him, She's listening to music and sam says "Hey." She doesn't hear him so he walks over to her and puts his hand on her shoulder, which makes her jump and then she takes off the headphones and the girl says "You scared the hell outta me." Sam said "I'm sorry. I just thought you might need some help." The mystery girl says "No, I'm good, thanks." Sam says "Uh, so where you headed?" The girl said "No offense, but no way I'm telling you." Sam smirk a little and then he said "Why not?" The girl said "You could be some freak, i mean you are hitchhiking after all." Sam then says "Well so are you." Meg laughs and then there was a honk and the van pulls over and the driver asks "Need a ride?" Meg and sam said at the same time "Yeah." The driver looks at Sam and says "Just her. I ain't takin' you." Meg gathers her things and gets into the van and sam looks at her and says "You trust shady van guy and not me?" She looks at sam and simply says "Definitely." They drive away leaving sam on the side of the road on his own.

Sarah and Dean was in the Jorgeson General store and they was talking to the owners and he asked "You sure they didn't stop for gas or something?" He shows them the pictures and Harley says "Nope, don't remember 'em, are they friends of you both?" Sarah says "That's right." Emily comes down carrying boxes and then she asks "Did the guy have a tattoo?" Dean and Sarah turn around and Dean says "Yes, he did." Emily puts the boxes on the counter and looks at the picture of Vince and then she looks at her aunt and uncle she say "You remember? They were just married." Harley then remember and said "You're right. They did stop for gas. Weren't here more than ten minutes." Sarah then asked them " You remember anything else?" Harley then said it exactly what he told them couple "I told 'em how to get back to the Interstate. They left town."Dean then asked "Could you point me in that same direction?" Harley simply said "Sure."

Sarah and Dean are in his car and sarah said "I don't know but i just have a funny feeling about that couple it could just be me but they acted weird." Dean says "I don't know either but they gave us the same directions as the couple." Then they hear a sound coming from the backseat so whilst dean drove sarah went through the duffel bag and got the EMF Meter, it was going crazy she handed it to dean who had stopped the car. They get out of the car and start walking near the Orchard and then they see the scarecrow on the post they both walk over to it and look at it for a few seconds and then dean said "Dude, you're fugly." The scarecrow didn't react and dean notices a sickle in the scarecrow's hand and a design on its arm, he takes a ladder from a nearby tree and climbs to the top so that he is eye level with the scarecrow. He moves its clothing and recognizes the design from Vince and he pulls the flyer and compares it to the arm on the scarecrow and looks at the scarecrow and says "Nice tattoo."

Dean and Sarah and they both get out of the car and emily notices she's by the gas pumps and says "You're both back." Dean said "We never left." Emily looked at the both of them and asked "Still looking for your friends?" They both nod and then sarah noticed emily nameplate necklace and says "You mind fillin' her up there, Emily?" She grabs a pump and starts filing up the tank and she said "So, you grew up here?" Emily said " I came here when I was thirteen. I lost my parents. Car accident. My aunt and uncle took me in."Dean says " They're nice people." Emily says "Everybody's nice here." Sarah said " So, what, it's the, uh, perfect little town?" Emily says "Well, you know, it's the boonies. But I love it. I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here, it's almost like we're blessed." Sarah and Dean nod their heads and dean then says " Hey, you been out to the orchard? You seen that scarecrow?" Emily says "Yeah, it creeps me out." Sarah and dean laugh Dean then says " Whose is it?"

Emily then said "I don't know. It's just always been there." Sarah nodding towards a red van parked by the garage and she asks " That your aunt and uncle's?" Emily looked over at the car and said " Customer. Had some car troubles." Dean then asks "It's not a couple is it a boy and a girl?" Emily nods and she says "Mmhmm" Sarah and Dean looked at each other concerned. At the bus station sam is talking to the clerk and the clerk says to Sam "Sorry, the Sacramento bus doesn't run again till tomorrow." She checks the schedule and says "5:05pm." Sam looks at her and says "Tomorrow? There's gotta be another way?" The clerk said to Sam "Well, there is. Buy a car." Sam got annoyed and walked away from the clerk and leaves the window and gets his phone out of his pocket and select dean's phone number and was about to call him, when he saw the girl from earlier on and walked over to her.

Sam says "Hey." The girl looks up and notices sam and she says "You again." Sam asked her "What happened to your ride?" The girl said " You were right. That guy was shady. He was all hands." He raises his eyebrows and she says "I cut him loose." Sam looks around disappointed and she asks him "What's the matter?" Sam looked at her and he said "Just trying to get to California." The girl said to Sam in surprised "No way." Sam simply says "Yeah." The girl said "Me too, You know, the next bus isn't until tomorrow." Sam says "Yeah. Yeah, that's the problem." The girl said "Why? What's in Cali that's so important?" Sam looks at her and says "Just something I've been looking for. For a long time." The girl said "Well, then I'm sure it can wait one more day, right?" Sam laughs and the girl extends her hand and sam shakes it and she says "I'm Meg." Sam simply said "Sam."

At Scotty's cafe scotty is serving the couple who's car broke down and he puts two plates of apple pie in front of them scotty said to the couple "We're famous for our apples. So, you gotta try this pie." The girl said " Oh, no. It—please." Scotty says "It's on the house." Sarah and Dean walk into the cafe Sarah sits down and Dean says "Oh, hey, Scotty. Can I get two coffees, black?" He walks away and gets the two coffees and then dean notices the apple pie and says "Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you're at it" He sits down beside sarah and he notices the couple and he says "How ya doin'?" The couples wave and smiles and sarah asks "Just passing through?" The girl simply says "Road Trip." Dean said "Hm, yeah us too." They nod and scotty walks over and fills up their cups and looks at dean and says "I'm sure these people want to eat in peace." Sarah said "He's just having a little friendly conversation." Scotty walks away and then dean says "Oh, and that coffee, too, man. Thanks." Scotty walked away agitated and dean went back to talking to the couple.

After a little while of course the couple got a bit agitated and the town's sheriff walked into the cafe scotty walked over to him of course both sarah and dean looked away from them and the sheriff walked over to them and he said " I'd like a word, please." Dean says "Come on. we're having a bad day already." The sheriff says "You know what would make it worse?" They both nod their heads and the sheriff followed them in their car making sure they left town. Back at the bus station Sam and meg was sitting at the table and was drinking beer and eating chips and Sam said "So, what, are you on some kind of vacation or something?" Meg said "Yeah, right. It's all sipping Cristal poolside for me." They both laughed and she continued and she said "No. I had to get away from my family." Sam asked "Why?" Meg looked at Sam and said " I love my parents. And they wanted what's best for me. They just didn't care if I wanted it. I was supposed to be smart. But not smart enough to scare away a husband. (SAM smiles.) It's just...because my family said so, I was supposed to sit there and do what I was told. So I just went on my own way instead." Sam stares and she continues and says "I'm sorry. The things you say to people you hardly know."

Sam then said "No, no, it's okay. I know how you feel. Remember that brother I mentioned before, that I was road-tripping with?" Meg just nods and Sam continues and says "It's, uh, it's kind of the same deal." Meg said " And that's why you're not riding with him anymore?" Sam shakes his head, meg raises her bottle and says "Here's to us. The food might be bad, and the beds might be hard. But at least we're living our own lives. And nobody else's." They tap their beer bottles and then they both drink. On the interstate Dean and Sarah drive back to Burkittsville, at the Orchard the couple from earlier on and they car broke down again and the girl said " I can't believe it. We just got the car fixed." The man said "This way." They start walking towards a clearing, The scarecrow moves quickly behind them and the girl gasps and they both turn around.

The girl says "Steve?" They hear more noises and Steve asks "Who's there?"They look around and the scarecrow comes out from behind the trees. It begins walking towards them, and they start running away. They are almost at the clearing when Sarah and Dean runs in front of them and they stop and Dean says "Get back to your car." The couple looks behind them and sees the scarecrow getting closer. Dean continues and says "Go! Go!" The couple runs away dean and sarah cocks their guns and both of them shoot the scarecrow, it stumbles but keeps walking, dean and sarah begins running, cocks his gun again, and shoots again, the scarecrow keeps going. They try one more time, but the scarecrow keeps moving and they both keep running and he shouts "Go! Go!" Finally Dean, Sarah and the couple reach the clearing, Sarah and Dean cocks their guns and they both look around, but the scarecrow has vanished.

Steven then asks dean and sarah panting "What ---what the hell was that?" Sarah says "Don't ask." At the bus station in the middle of the night Meg is sound asleep and sam is sitting near his bags and on the phone to Dean and sam said "The scarecrow climbed off its cross?" Dean said "Yeah, I'm tellin' ya. Burkittsville, Indiana. Fun Town." Sam then asked "It didn't kill the couple, did it?" Dean said "No, we can't cope without you, you know." Sam said "So, something must be animating it. A spirit." Dean said "No, it's more than a spirit. It's a god. A Pagan god, anyway." Sam asked Dean "What makes you say that?" Dean said "The annual cycle of its killings? And the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman. Like some kind of fertility right. And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple. Fattenin' 'em up like a Christmas turkey. Sam said "The last meal. Given to sacrificial victims." Dean said "Yeah, I'm thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan god." Dean says "So, a god possesses the scarecrow..." Dean finished by saying "And the scarecrow takes its sacrifice. And for another year, the crops won't wilt, and disease won't spread."

Sam asked Dean "Do you know which god you're both dealing with?" Dean said "No, not yet." Sam then said to dean "Well, you two figure out what it is then you both can figure out how to kill it." Dean said " I know. We actually on our way to a local community college, we've got an appointment with a professor. You know, we don't have our trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research." Sam laughs and says "You know, if you're hinting you need my help, just ask." Dean then said " I'm not hinting anything. Actually, uh—I want you to know....I mean, don't think...." Sam said "Yeah. I'm sorry, too." Dean then said which surprised both sarah and sam "Sam. You were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life." Sam asked "Are you serious?" Dean said whilst looking at sarah who was looking back at him smiling "You've always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—anyway....I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy." Sam says "I don't even know what to say." Sarah smiles at dean still and then sam says "Say you'll take care of yourself." Sam says "I will, hey how's sarah doing are you looking after her?" Dean said "Yeah she's doing good and yeah i've been looking after her and keeping her safe." Sam said "Dude, to much information send her my love and that I miss her and you of course."

At the community college both Sarah and Dean was talking to the community college professor and he said " It's not every day I get a research question on Pagan ideology." Sarah said to the professor "Yeah, well, call it a hobby." The professor looked at both of them and he said "But you said you were interested in local lore?" Dean said "Mmhmm." Professor said to the both of them "I'm afraid Indiana isn't really known for its Pagan worship." Sarah said "Well, what if it was imported? You know, like the Pilgrims brought their religion over. Wasn't a lot of this area settled by immigrants?" The professor said "Well, yeah." Dean said "Like that town near here, Burkittsville. Where are their ancestors from?" The Professor said "Uh, northern Europe, I believe, Scandinavia." Sarah then asked "What could you tell me about those Pagan gods?" The professor said "What could you tell me about those Pagan gods?" The Professor said "Well, there are hundreds of Norse gods and goddesses." Dean said "We're actually looking for one. Might live in an orchard."

At the community college sarah and dean is still with the professor, and the professor puts a large book down on the table and opens it. The Professor says " Woods god, hm? Well, let's see." He leafs through some pages then they notice a picture of the scarecrow like the one that they saw earlier on and sarah says "Wait, wait, wait. What's that one?" The Professor says "Oh, that's not a woods god, per se." Dean starts reading it The V-Vanir?" The professor nods his head and dean continues reading "The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping the local settlements safe from harm. Some villages built effigies of the Vanir in their fields. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male, and one female." He points to the picture and says "Kind of looks like a scarecrow, huh?" The professor simply says "I suppose." Sarah started reading "This particular Vanir that's energy sprung from the sacred tree?" The Professor "Well, Pagans believed all sorts of things were infused with magic."

Dean and Sarah both look at the professor and Dean says "So what would happen if the sacred tree was torched? You think it'd kill the god?" The Professor laughed and he said "Son, these are just legends we're discussing." Dean said " Oh, of course. Yeah, you're right. Listen, thank you very much." He shakes the professor hand and so does sarah and the professor says "Glad I could help." They both walk to the classroom door. When he opens it, the sheriff hits him on the head with the end of his rifle and they both fall to the floor unconscious the professor and sheriff look at each other. Outside the streets of Burkittsville Stacy, Harley, Scotty and the sheriff are standing around in the rain, upset and Scotty was the first to talk and he said "You don't understand, Harley. All of us here—It's our responsibility to protect the town." Hayley said "I understand. Better than all of you. I'm the one that gives 'em directions. I'm the one that sends 'em down to the orchard." The Sheriff simply says to Hayley "Harley, please." Harley then continues and says "We all close our doors. Look the other way. Pretend we can't hear the screams. But this is different, this—this is murder."

Stacy then said "It's angry with us. Already the trees are beginning to die. Tonight's the seventh night of the cycle. Our last chance." Harley then says "If the boy and his girlfriend has to die, then they have to die But why does it have to be her?" No one says anything else, but stare at the ground disappointed, In the cellar Sarah and Dean are down there dean checks on sarah and he says "You alright?" Sarah still a little dazed said "Yeah, you all right?" Dean said "Yeah i'm fine." Suddenly they hear emily say "Aunt Stacy. Uncle Harley, please." They took her to the cellar and Harley had a gun and he pointed it at Dean and Sarah of course dean protected sarah and stacy said to emily "For the common good." She then closes the cellar door, locking it back at the bus station Meg is gathering her things, Sam is trying to get ahold of Dean and Sarah but he's having no luck which concerns him meg walks over to Sam and says "Hey. Our bus came in." He hangs up the phone shaking his head, Sam looks at her and says "You better catch it. I gotta go." He puts his backpack on his back meg is confused and she says "Go where?" Sam still looking at her says "Burkittsville." Meg said "Sam, wait." Sam said " I've been trying to call my brother and his girlfriend for 3 hours now and i'm just getting their voicemails." Meg tries to comfort him and says "Well, maybe their phones are off." Sam said " No, that's not like meg, I think they might be in trouble."

Meg asked Sam "What kind of trouble?" Sam looked back at her and says "I can't really explain right now. I'm sorry, look, I don't want you to miss your bus." Meg confused said to Sam "But I don't understand. You're running back to your brother and his girlfriend, The people that you run away from? Why, because they won't pick up their phone? Sam —come with me to California" Sam simply says to meg "I can't." She asked him "Why not?" He still looks at her and says "Because they're family." He leaves and meg just stands there watching him go, close to tears. Back in the cellar Dean is trying to open the door and he's having no luck, whilst he does that Sarah comforts Emily who still in shook and then Dean finally gives up and joins them Emily says "I don't understand. They're gonna kill us?" Sarah said " Sacrifice us. Which is, I don't know, classier, I guess? You really didn't know anything about this, did you?" Emily said "About what? The scarecrow god? I can't believe this." Dean said "Well, you better start believing, cause we're gonna need your help." Emily simply said "Okay."

Dean then said " Now, we can destroy the scarecrow, but we gotta find the tree." Emily was confused and said "What tree?" Sarah said "Maybe you can help me with that. It would be really old. The locals would treat it with a lot of respect, you know, like it was sacred." Emily said "There was this one apple tree. The immigrants brought it over with them. They call it the First Tree." Dean asked " Is it in the orchard?" Emily said "Yeah, but I don't know where it is." Suddenly the cellar door opened and the four elders are standing there and Stacy says to the three of them "It's time." The three of them look at each other nervous, outside at the Orchard the elders are tying Sarah, Dean and Emily to three adjacent trees Dean asks "How many people have you killed, Sheriff? How much blood is on your hands?" The Sheriff says "We don't kill them." Sarah says "No, but you sure cover up after. I mean, how many cars have you hidden, clothes have you buried? " The sheriff doesn't say anything he just walks away then Emily pleads with her uncle and she says "Uncle Harley, please." Harley looks at his Niece and he says " I am so sorry, Em. I wish it wasn't you." Then Stacy says to her Niece "ry to understand. It's our responsibility. And there's just no other choice. There's nobody else but you." Emily who was crying said "I'm your family."

Stacy looks at Emily and she says "Sweetheart, that's what sacrifice means. Giving up something you love for the greater good. The town needs to be safe. The good of the many outweighs the good of the one." The four elders walk away and Dean shouts after them "I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!" Emily looks at dean and asks "What's the plan?" Dean says "I'm workin' on it." A few hours later Sarah says "You don't have a plan, do you?" Dean a little panicked said " I'm workin' on it. Can you see?" Emily says "What?" Dean then asks " Is he moving yet?" She says "I can't see." A shadow is seen moving near the trees. " Oh my God." As it gets closer dean tries to untie his ropes "Oh my god." Sam comes out from behind the trees and he says "Dean? Sarah?" Dean overjoyed said "Oh! Oh, I take everything back I said. I'm so happy to see you. Come on." Sam begins to untie dean's ropes dean asks "How'd you get here?" Sam said "I, uh—I stole a car." Dean laughed and said "Haha! That's my boy! And keep an eye on that scarecrow. He could come alive any minute." Sam said "What scarecrow?" That got the three of them scared, dean went to untie Sarah's ropes whilst sam went to untie Emily's ropes.

At the Orchard Sam, Emily, Dean and Sarah are running, Sam says "Alright, now, this sacred tree you're talking about—" Dean says "It's the source of the power." Sam says "So let's find it and burn it." Sarah said " Nah, in the morning. Let's just shag ass before Leather Face catches up." The four of them each a clearing. Waiting for them are the elders and a few other townspeople. She continued and said "This way." They turn around but they are all blocked in all directions and Emily says "Please. Let us go." Harley says to Emily "It'll be over quickly, I promise." Emily said "Please." Harley then said " Emily, you have to let him take you. You have to—." Before he could finish that sentence All of a sudden, the scarecrow sticks his sickle through Harley's stomach, Emily and Stacy scream, then stacy is captured by the scarecrow sarah shield's emily's face whilst her aunt and uncle are dragged away by the scarecrow. The rest of the townspeople run away in fright.

Dean says "Come on, let's go." Dean, Sarah, Sam and Emily start running, They hear a noise and turn around, but the scarecrow and its victims have disappeared,the three of them stay there and look around. The following morning at the Orchard Sam, Dean, Sarah and Emily walk to the sacred tree with gasoline and a lighter. The tree is marked with Vince's tattoo, sam goes to the tree and pours the gasoline on it. Dean picks up a long branch and lights it and then Emily says "Let me." She takes the branch from dean and he says "You know, the whole town's gonna die." Emily simply said "Good."She throws the burning branch onto the tree, and the four of them watch it go up in flames."

At the bus stop Emily is getting onto a bus to Boston she smiles at Dean and Sarah they both wave, she waves back and takes a seat on the bus. Sarah, Dean and Sam watch her leave and then they head back to the car and Sam asks "Think she's gonna be alright?" Dean says "I hope so." Sarah's says "Yeah me too."Sam then asked "And the rest of the townspeople, they'll just get away with it?" Dean said "Well, what'll happen to the town will have to be punishment enough, So, can I drop you off somewhere?" Sam looks at the both of them and says "No, I think you're stuck with me." They stop at the car and sarah smiles and Dean says "What made you change your mind?" He looks at dean and says "I didn't. I still wanna find Dad. And you're still a pain in the ass." Dean nods his head and sam continues "But, Jess and Mom—they're both gone. Dad is God knows where, it's just the three of us we're all that's left So, if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together." Dean pauses and sarah says "Well it's good to have you back it's been weird without you here with us." They both hug and smile and then Dean said " Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful." He puts his hand on Sam, who hits it away and the three of them laugh sam jokingly says " You should be kissing my ass, you two were dead meat, dude." Dean said "Yeah, right. I had a plan, I'd have gotten out." Sarah and Sam looked at each other and laughed and Sam said "Right." They smile and get into the car and leave the bus station.

On the highway Meg was with another shady guy and the van driver says "So, where to, pretty lady?" Meg looks at him and says "How about you pull over?" The van driver pulls over and meg goes into a bag and pulls out a silver bowl and the driver says "What's that?" Meg said "I've got to make a call." She reaches into the bowl to get something and the van driver said "I've got a cell phone you could use." Meg looks at the van driver and says " It's not that kind of call." She pulls out a knife and slits the van driver's throat. She holds the bowl under his neck and lets his blood pour into it and she then says to the dying man "Thanks for the ride." She begins stirring the blood in the bowl with her finger and she says "Tire quiero patem me a di." The blood swirls around and a silver orb appears in the middle of the liquid she then says " It makes no sense. I could've stopped Sam. Hell, I could've taken them both. Why let them go?" There was a pause and seemingly listening to someone and she says "Yes." There was another pause and then she says "Yes." She then pauses for third time and says "Yes father."