2 | The Clash of Gods

I turned around to see a man in an expensive suit clapping. 'splendide, you really do know how to defend yourself and your loved ones.'

My inner prophet told me something was wrong, but this peculiar man was standing there watching us for who knows how long, so I wanted to know more. Especially if he was watching the men harass the girls and not doing anything about it, a lot of things don't add up. And another thing is, we're literally in the middle of nowhere in a county called Fermanagh, almost nobody wears formal wear unless it's for a funeral or school.

Ethan was apparently having the same thoughts as me, as you can clearly see the tension in his body.

The man noticed our uneasiness and laughed a posh, brittle laugh. 'I'm sorry gentlemen, I suppose I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Leonardo DeMilo of the Tournament of Gods committee, and it is my job to scout out possible fighters to participate in this year's Tournament of Gods, and you, my friends, have caught my eye.'

I was still skeptic, up until I heard Julian squealing behind me.

'The Tournament of Gods? Us? You gotta be joking, there is absolutely no way that we would be partaking in the Tournament of Gods. Not with our current standards anyways, the Tournament of Gods is for World Class fighters!'

Leonardo DeMilo smiled. 'Mr. Pepper, I am very much serious, and for a matter of fact I have the acceptance letter right here. Of course since all three of you are underaged we need parental consent before we register you as a possible member.'

More excited squealing from Julian.

One of the men started stirring, Ethan kicked his forehead. 'Oi, Shuddup you.'

Leonardo's smile got wider. 'Mr. Nakamura, you possess a power we haven't seen in a while, you have the spirit of a fighter, you have the build of a fighter, you even use fighting language. (as a side note I really doubt fighting language is a thing, but then again when you're throwing and dodging punches you don't really have time to construct a full sentence to communicate with your mates.) you are part of a dying breed of die-hard fighters, and you have the most deadly martial arts in the world. Unorthodox fighting.'

'Mr. Pepper, your reflex and movement speed is insane, and I am proud to say you would pose a challenge even to me. Your form is extraordinary for someone your age and your technique is more refined than some adults who have been learning the art of kickboxing for many years more than you. Your combat knowledge is unrivalled by anyone I've ever seen and you also adapt extremely well to the type of martial arts you're going up against. Only someone who have studied the arts for excessive periods of time can possess such knowledge. Kickboxing is known as the centre of all techniques, and you have truly mastered it.'

Julian looked like he was on cloud nine, this Leonardo DeMilo really knows how to flatter someone. Even Ethan had a soft smile on his face and was puffing his chest out.

'And finally Mr. Monroe. May I ask, how long have you been learning taekwondo?'

'I don't do Taekwondo, I do Karate sir.' Which was certainly one hundred and one percent true. I never learned Taekwondo at all, sure I did three lessons with Big Cousin Sinead and Big Cousin Laura when I was like, five. But apart from that time I never even watched a Taekwondo match.

Leonardo was taken aback. 'Not even for a year?'

'Not even for a year sir.' I confirmed.

'Mr. Monroe! Your four-times hook kick was executed so perfectly that it was practically invisible. It looked like you lifted you leg and put it down again and your opponent fell on his own. many people struggle with double hook kicks but you Mr. Monroe, are able to execute the four-times perfectly! This technique has never been seen before! And you are learning karate, yes?'

I nodded, DeMilo was now fanboying over my quadrahook (as I like to call it) as much as Julian was fanboying over him.

'magnifique! Brillante! Totalement Beau! Oh great Overseer! We've finally found someone who is great enough to overtake your position! Come here kind sirs, and receive your letters!'

We received some posh looking letters addressed from South Korea. Julian was eager to open it but me and Ethan talked him out of it, honestly, whatever doctor said he didn't have ADHD should really get his licence taken of him.

'Have fun, Good luck, and I'll see you in the ring.' With a swirl of wind Leonardo DeMilo was gone. But before we were able to come to our senses of what just happened Helena and her friends came running towards us. 'Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!' She launched herself on Ethan, who got unbalanced and fell over.

Alexis also jumped on Julian while Nina shyly pulled his sleeve.

And of course I'm the one left out, every single damn time.

Thanks to them assholes the only female interaction I got in the past two years was "Can you tell your friend that I think he's really cute." or "Is your friend free this Saturday night?". It honestly sucks.

While I was feeling sad for myself Ethan, Julian, Helena, Alexis and Nina made their way to Julian's house, and when I came to my senses again they were long gone.

Am I really that forgettable? You know what. Forget it. If Julian and Ethan wants to hit on girls fine by me. I'll go home and actually find out what the Tournament of Gods is. Or I can just ask Julian, but that's not the point.


In the shadows of bamboo and trees in Tianmen Shan, a meditating Fu QiYi opens his eyes. 'Come, and tell me what you require?'

The woman stepped out from behind a rock. 'You have keen senses.'

Fu QiYi rested his right hand on his sword. 'If you do not require me for anything, please take your leave.'

The woman said nothing.

'How did you find me here?'

'We've been watching you for a long time Fu QiYi. And we have picked you to participate in the Tournament of Gods.'


In a gas station in Seoul, a suited man approached a teenage boy.

'Chungsoon Park. You have been chosen to take part in the Tournament of Gods.'

The boy smiled. 'I was wondering when I'd get my invitation.'


Jean D'Arc checked her pocketwatch, it was time already. A maid knocked on the door. 'Miss Lorelle? Your letter has arrived.'

Jean marveled at her silverware collection. 'Come in.'

The maid came into Jean's personal study quarters. 'I'll leave you letter on the table for you Miss.'

'Thank you.'

Jean looked down at the letter. For twenty years she's been waiting for this moment, she has trained with the best Taekwondo masters in France. And now the time has finally come.


'Herr Alder, you have been chosen...'

'Miss Taylor, we've been watching...'

'Mister Kim, your outstanding performance has secured...'

'Miss Becker, we have chosen you as...'

'Mister Misaki, As a representive of your country, we would appreciate if you...'

Mr. Monroe, we have studied your fighting technique for quite some time, and we decided that you are ready to participate in the Tournament of Gods