Kagome woke up the next morning and went straight to the bathroom. As she finished, she went to wash her hands she looked into the mirror and noticed that her boobs were a little bigger than last night.
Kagome then went back into her room to get her pregnancy book and looked to see what was going on. * After the first couple of days of pregnancy, your breasts will get a little bigger; filling up with milk for when the child is born.* "Well at least it's normal… I guess." She said to herself as she closed the book and set it back down.
Kagome decided to get a shower. She turned on the faucet to get the water warm and jumped in. 'Ahhh…there's nothing like a nice hot shower'. Kagome thought as she let the water just run down her body.
She reached up to get her loofa when she noticed that her finger nails were a little longer than normal, but shrugged it off. She then went to wash her hair. While massaging the shampoo into her hair, she felt two pointy things and started freaking out a little.
She finished showering and went straight to the mirror again and screamed; waking up Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was sleeping soundly, dreaming of Kagome, when all of a sudden he was woken up by a very loud scream.
His eyes jolted open-wide and his ears crashed down to his head; being they're sensitive. So he threw on some boxers and ran toward the noise which was coming from the bathroom. 'That's Kagome's voice' he thought as he ran into the bathroom.
When he got there he stopped, looking at Kagome in shock. Kagome turned to see Inuyasha staring at her. "What the fuck happened to me?" she yelled. "Apparently I forgot to mention that after a couple of days after we've mated, you'll turn into a hanyou." Inuyasha replied while scratching his right temple. "Ya think!" Kagome said sarcastically with her eyebrows raised.
Kagome started going off about how Inuyasha was forgetful, but Inuyasha wasn't paying attention. He was too busy with his own thoughts. 'Damn she's hotter now than she was as a regular human.' Inuyasha thought.
"Are you even listening to me?" Kagome asked Inuyasha who was drooling. "Huh…Yeah" Inuyasha lied as he snapped back to reality. "You are hopeless when it comes to talking to you when I'm naked." Kagome sighed as she grabbed a towel to dry herself.
Kagome went to get dressed as Inuyasha followed her.
He attempted to get her back into bed, but his plans faltered. She ducked and he went flying into the wall and landed on the bed. Kagome laughed while he pouted. "That hurt. I'll get you for that." Inuyasha said while rubbing his head. Kagome just laughed it off and continued to get dressed.
About five minutes later, Kagome was dressed and ready for work. Kagome was wearing a sexy, red maternity shirt with black dress pants. 'Wow…Only two more weeks of this and I'll b done.' Kagome thought to herself.
Kagome walked out of her room into the living room to find Inuyasha in the kitchen cooking his favorite meal, chicken ramen. Inuyasha turned around to see Kagome in her outfit. "Whoa, you may be pregnant, but you still look sexy" Inuyasha said with a sexy grin starting to form on his face.
"Behave Inuyasha, I still gotta go to work and Sango will be here 10 minutes." Kagome said. So Kagome got a bowl of ramen and sat at the table. "So what are you going to do today Inuyasha?" Kagome asked while eating her ramen. "I think I'm going to go visit my parents. I haven't seen them in a while. Plus, I think it would be nice to tell them the good news." Inuyasha said with a smile on his face.
'God, I can't believe in two weeks I'm going to be a father!' Inuyasha thought. So off he went the biggest mansion in Tokyo, Japan.