Ch6- A Bad Dream?

I felt exhausted from all the greetings, I'm glad I was able to keep my composure from the few people who gave me certain looks and the whispers that followed that. I saw Max, Cara , and Mark talking. As I walked up to them I was stopped by a voice.

"Excuse me, my Lady. May I have this dance?" A handsome guy with purple hair and purple eyes asked while holding his hand out. I've seen him before when I was greeting other nobles.

This is where I met Tyrian where it all began between us...

I'd seen some people looking our way in shock, I looked at my friends and saw them with a cunning smile as well as Mark doing the same. I faced the gentleman. "Are you sure you want to dance with me?" I saw him smile and lightly nodded his head.

I smiled and took his hand, I looked at my friends and my parents, they all gave me a thumbs up and I silently fangirled. We made it to the dance floor, I heard the music starting and we danced. I'm glad my mother was able to teach me how to dance.

As we moved we caught people's attention and I heard people talking. "They dance so elegantly." "Are they secret lovers?" "I'll be surprised if they aren't." "I'm curious what he sees in her?" Many voices talked, some of which made me blush a little.

"Don't worry about what they say. Nobles will find anything to talk about." He smiled at me and I blushed.

"My name is Zola Bourgeois."

"I'm Tyrian. Tyrian Valiquette. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." I couldn't stop smiling. The music stopped and we took a bow. Tyrian pulled me aside.

"I enjoyed dancing with you. We should meet up again."

I nodded my head. " Well the Bourgeois manor is open and we will be glad to have you." I gave a genuine smile.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

After that day me and Tyrian started to write letters to each other here and there, and we even visited each other. Sometimes I couldn't spend time with him because he was off doing some "meeting" with someone. That was when I didn't know he joined the 8 swords. Time passed and we grew closer and fell more in love with one another, one day Tyrian proposed to me at a huge tea party. The noble ladies found it romantic, it threw me off but of course, I said yes. I was gonna get married at 19!

We couldn't stop talking about our wedding. We were always thinking of the possibilities for us. Back then I could see he was truly happy when he was with me and whenever he had to leave for the "meetings" he had, he didn't seem to be as happy, more of a disappointing look if anything. When the word got out many people congratulated us, some were surprised that someone like Tyrian would want to marry someone like me. Someone who is adopted. All That doesn't matter now anymore the man I loved. My fiancé is gone. I guess if anything they were expecting me to end up dead not the other way around.


I felt a light breeze on my face and the very faint smell of flowers, I fluttered my eyes for a bit before opening them. I felt a little headache, I stretched and got up from my bed. I quickly slipped on my bedroom slippers and noticed the room was oddly quiet. One of my windows is open, that would make sense as to why I smelled some flowers. I opened one of my doors and peeked my head out the door to look down the hall, one of the maids saw me. She looked at me with a shocked face.

"Lady Zola has woken up!! Get the Duke and the Duchess!!" The other maids moved fast; they kind of looked like ants. Now that I think about it she made a big deal about me waking up. How long was I asleep? Before I could think more about what happened I saw Stella and Cassia running towards my room.

Stella opened the doors and grabbed my face. "Miss! You're awake! How do you feel?"

"I- um have a little headache but other than that I am just confused. How long was I asleep for?"

Cassia was still catching her breath. "F-for 4 d...days...m-my...lady." She inhaled deeply.


"The doctor said you needed to rest and wake up on your own." Stella stated.

"The doctor? But I'm not hurt-" I was suddenly reminded of the events back in the palace. My chest felt tight. My thoughts started to race throughout my head.

"Where's Mark? Cara? Max? Are they okay?"

Cassia stood up. "Yes, they are all okay. Mark decided to take care of your friends until you woke up." I nodded my head to what she said. I saw my mom and dad standing in my doorway.

My mom had some tears in her eyes. "Zola.. are you okay?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah... I'm just wondering... Is the Emperor.." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. My dad looked at me and said. "They are trying to decide who would be the next Emperor or Empress." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Is... Tyrian…" I played with my hair not wanting to finish the words. It was silent for a bit, my father looked at me with such sad eyes and slowly nodded his head.

"Unfortunately, Tyrian is dead." After my father said those words I felt a pain in my heart. Out of nowhere I quickly dropped to my knees on the floor. There was a loud thud.

"My LADY!!" Stella and Cassia said while holding on to me so I don't fall any further. The words kept repeating in my head over and over again. This time more tears started to fall.

" The Valiquette's want a quick and short funeral, they plan to have the funeral in a week or two." My dad said while getting on his knees to my level. Why would they decide that?

I started to cry. "Nooo!!" I screamed while choking on my tears. I couldn't believe any of this was happening. I felt dizzy and fell forward, I faintly heard the voices around me. "My lady!!"

"The doctor said she should take it easy because of the shock..."

"Lealynn go call for the doctor!"

I felt familiar darkness around me consume me whole. So this is happening? I'm going to watch him get buried then what? I suddenly felt some arms wrap around me...