Ch10 - A Surprising Breakfast

The doors open to the dining hall. I take a deep breath knowing that this breakfast is going to be a long one, my parents are already seated waiting for our arrival. I quickly greeted them. "Good morning mother and father, did you sleep well?" I say while I took my seat, my friends greeted them as well.

My mom beamed. "Since when did you learn such manners?"

I smile at my mom's reaction. "I did my research and picked up some from you guys. I didn't want to disappoint both of you." My mom looked so shocked, my dad chuckled at what was happening.

"We slept well, thank you for asking." My father replied.

The doors opened with servants holding our meal, they placed our plates in front of us and removed the silver cloche to reveal a delicious breakfast. The smell of eggs, meat, and other assortments of small foods made my mouth water. My friends happily ate their food, and I sent my compliments to the chefs. I took a bite of my breakfast and gleamed that the food was so delicious! It felt so refreshing to feel such emotions again it was truly blissful.

As blissful as it was, I shouldn't waste any time I have to tell my parents about the plans I have for today. For some reason, I felt anxious to tell them even though I know they wouldn't have anything against it.

I took a quick deep breath. "I plan to visit the Emperor today." The room fell silent, not even the smallest crumb could break the silence. My parents were frozen in place with their forks hanging from their mouths, the face expression of confusion and concern. It was kind of funny to see but this isn't the time to laugh.

I quickly cleared my throat. "I will use the Royal card to get into the Palace and just for today I will need a carriage that doesn't have the family crest on it."

The forks fell off their mouths and onto the floor, my dad quickly fixed his face. "I can arrange that for you, but may I ask why?"

"I just want to talk to the Emperor. It's nothing serious but I just have a small question for him. I intend to finish this before we show our identities in high society." I gave a small smile and my friends nodded their heads in agreement.

My mom tilted her head slightly. "You don't have to worry about your identity, the banquet is months away."

"Silly me. I forgot to tell you, I and my friends no longer wish to keep our identities secret." I gave a small chuckle and took another bite of my food.

My mom looked at me then my friends and right back at me. "When was this decided? And how come? Did something happen?" My mom got slightly anxious.

"Just recently, I realized I can't hide in fear forever. You have to overcome your fears and besides I am surrounded by people who love me! I have nothing to be scared of." I smiled sweetly at them. I glanced at my mom who had tears in her eyes. " are you okay?"

My mom leaped and gave me a big hug. "I have the best daughter in the world!! You are the sweetest!!!" My mom squeezed me tightly. I looked to my dad for help but saw he had tears in his eyes as well.

"Dear, we should build something to show the world our lovely daughter!!" He stood up passionately. I shook my head in disagreement. Shouldn't adults have some sense? Please let someone in this place have some kind of reasoning! I glanced at my friends for the last resort. To my surprise, they were listening attentively. I wish they would listen to me like that.

Max saw my struggling face and smirked. "You should build a whole statue, maybe in the town square it would get the message across." He knew the right words to say to my parents who have no more sense in their brains! If I could choke him I would but I'm currently being hugged to death by my mom.

With the limited amount of air, I have left I attempt to speak. "There' need to do that."

My dad put a hand on his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack. "My precious daughter, oh she is so humble! If only we can keep her away from everyone else."

My mom still has tears in her eyes, she looked like she was moved. "You're right! We can't let our beloved daughter be tainted by anyone!!"

Everyone agreed in unison with such proud looks on their faces. "ALL OF YOU ARE INSANE!" I sighed deeply. "I need new parents." I mumble under my breath

After a wild breakfast, everything was prepared for me to see the Emperor in secret, I made sure to put on a cloak. Everyone was at the front door ready to say goodbye to me before I left. Before I hugged everyone, I noticed my parents talking to the coachman. It looked like the coachman was getting scolded as if he was a kid. He has such a scared reaction, I know my parents can be a bit much at times but are they that scary? I wouldn't know they have such cheerful looks and shine like diamonds.

.After I gave my friends a quick hug I noticed my parents standing near me. I guess they're done with their conversation. Maybe a better word to use would be scolding. As I went to my parents, who I hugged last, my dad quickly pulled me aside and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you? The Emperor knows me so it wouldn't be suspicious if I tagged along." He looked so nervous I quickly glanced and saw my mom nodding in agreement to what my dad said.

I removed my dad's hand. "There would be rumors if you tagged along. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble. I quickly smiled at them both. "Don't worry I know what I'm doing! I'll be careful"

My mom looked at me so lovingly. "Oh my, you are growing up!" I smiled at her words. I waved everyone goodbye and got into the carriage. I looked out the window to see everyone standing. They had such worried looks besides my friends they knew what was going on and weren't worried in the slightest.

I smiled to myself. I may not know what will happen next but I have these people that care about me and that's all I need. I am extremely thankful for whoever or whatever allowed me to go back in time. I can't imagine living in suffering all over again.

The chairman made a noise and the carriage started to move. I watched as the manor got smaller and smaller. I put the hoodie part over my head. I sat back in my seat and exhaled after a short while I closed my eyes waiting to arrive at the palace.